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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 030 – FREDERICK AND CATHERINE – 007
‘Where are the butter and cheese?’ said he.‘Oh!’ answered she, ‘I used the butter to grease those poor trees that the wheels chafed so: and one of the cheeses ran away so I sent the other after it to find it, and I suppose they are both on the road together somewhere.’ ‘What a goose you are to do such silly things!’ said the husband.‘How can you say so?’ said she; ‘I am sure you never told me not.’They ate the dry bread together; and Frederick said, ‘Kate, I hope you locked the door safe when you came away.’ ‘No,’ answered she, ‘you did not tell me.’ ‘Then go home, and do it now before we go any farther,’ said Frederick, ‘and bring with you something to eat.’Catherine did as he told her, and thought to herself by the way, ‘Frederick wants something to eat; but I don’t think he is very fond of butter and cheese: I’ll bring him a bag of fine nuts, and the vinegar, for I have often seen him take some.’When she reached home, she bolted the back door, but the front door she took off the hinges, and said, ‘Frederick told me to lock the door, but surely it can nowhere be so safe if I take it with me.’ So she took her time by the way; and when she overtook her husband she cried out, ‘There, Frederick, there is the door itself, you may watch it as carefully as you please.’ ‘Alas! alas!’ said he, ‘what a clever wife I have! I sent you to make the house fast, and you take the door away, so that everybody may go in and out as they please—however, as you have brought the door, you shall carry it about with you for your pains.’ ‘Very well,’ answered she, ‘I’ll carry the door; but I’ll not carry the nuts and vinegar bottle also—that would be too much of a load; so if you please, I’ll fasten them to the door.’Frederick of course made no objection to that plan, and they set off into the wood to look for the thieves; but they could not find them: and when it grew dark, they climbed up into a tree to spend the night there.Scarcely were they up, than who should come by but the very rogues they were looking for
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘Where are the butter and cheese?’ said he. ‘Oh!’ answered she, ‘I used the butter to grease those poor trees that the wheels chafed so: and one of the cheeses ran away so I sent the other after it to find it, and I suppose they are both on the road together somewhere.’ ‘What a goose you are to do such silly things!’ said the husband. ‘How can you say so?’ said she; ‘I am sure you never told me not.’
‘버터와 치즈는 어디에 있나요?’ 그가 말했다. ‘아!’ 그녀는 대답했다, ‘나는 버터를 차 바퀴 때문에 연한 불쌍한 나무들을 윤활제로 사용했고, 치즈 하나가 도망갔기 때문에 다른 하나를 찾으러 보냈어요. 아마도 둘 다 어딘가 길을 가고 있을 거에요.’ ‘네가 그렇게 어리석은 일을 하다니, 너 참 바보구나!’ 남편이 말했다. ‘어떻게 그렇게 말할 수 있어요?’ 그녀가 말했다; ‘당신이 하지 말라고 하신 적 없잖아요.’
They ate the dry bread together; and Frederick said, ‘Kate, I hope you locked the door safe when you came away.’ ‘No,’ answered she, ‘you did not tell me.’ ‘Then go home, and do it now before we go any farther,’ said Frederick, ‘and bring with you something to eat.’
그들은 함께 마른 빵을 먹었다; 그리고 Frederick이 말했다, ‘Kate, 네가 나올 때 문을 안전하게 잠갔기를 바란다.’ ‘아니요,’ 그녀가 대답했다, ‘당신은 저에게 말하지 않았어요.’ ‘그럼 집에 가서 지금 당장 그것을 하고 우리가 더 멀리 가기 전에, 뭔가 먹을 것을 가져와.’ Frederick이 말했다.
Catherine did as he told her, and thought to herself by the way, ‘Frederick wants something to eat; but I don’t think he is very fond of butter and cheese: I’ll bring him a bag of fine nuts, and the vinegar, for I have often seen him take some.’
Catherine은 그가 그녀에게 말한 대로 했고, 가는 길에 스스로 생각했다, ‘Frederick은 먹을 것을 원해; 하지만 나는 그가 버터와 치즈를 아주 좋아하지 않는다고 생각해: 좋은 견과류 한 봉지와 식초를 가져갈께, 왜냐하면 그가 그것을 종종 먹는 것을 보았기 때문이야.’
When she reached home, she bolted the back door, but the front door she took off the hinges, and said, ‘Frederick told me to lock the door, but surely it can nowhere be so safe if I take it with me.’
집에 도착했을 때, 그녀는 뒷문을 잠갔지만, 앞문을 경첩에서 떼어냈다, 그리고 말했다, ‘Frederick이 나에게 문을 잠그라고 했지만, 문이 나와 함께 있으면 분명히 어디서도 더 안전할 수 없을 것이다.’
So she took her time by the way; and when she overtook her husband she cried out, ‘There, Frederick, there is the door itself, you may watch it as carefully as you please.’
그래서 그녀는 길을 따라서 천천히 걸었다; 그리고 그녀가 그녀의 남편을 따라잡았을 때 그녀는 외쳤다, ‘여기요, Frederick, 여기에 바로 문이 있어요, 당신이 원하는 만큼 주의 깊게 지킬 수 있어요.’
‘Alas! alas!’ said he, ‘what a clever wife I have! I sent you to make the house fast, and you take the door away, so that everybody may go in and out as they please—however, as you have brought the door, you shall carry it about with you for your pains.’
‘아! 아!’ 그가 말했다, ‘나는 얼마나 똑똑한 아내를 두고 있는가! 나는 너를 집을 잠그라고 보냈는데, 너는 문을 가져가 버렸구나, 그래서 모든 사람이 자유롭게 드나들 수 있도록 했구나—그래도 네가 문을 가져왔으니, 당신의 고통에 대한 대가로 문을 네가 들고 다녀야겠다.’
‘Very well,’ answered she, ‘I’ll carry the door; but I’ll not carry the nuts and vinegar bottle also—that would be too much of a load; so if you please, I’ll fasten them to the door.’
‘좋아요,’ 그녀가 대답했다, ‘내가 문을 들고 갈게요; 하지만 견과류와 식초 병도 같이 들고 가지는 않을 거에요—그건 너무 무거워요; 그래서 괜찮으시다면, 문에 그것들을 묶을게요.’
Frederick of course made no objection to that plan, and they set off into the wood to look for the thieves; but they could not find them: and when it grew dark, they climbed up into a tree to spend the night there.
Frederick은 물론 그 계획에 반대하지 않았고, 그들은 도둑을 찾기 위해 숲으로 출발했다; 하지만 그들은 도둑을 찾지 못했다: 그리고 어두워지자, 그들은 나무로 올라가 그곳에서 밤을 보내기로 했다.
Scarcely were they up, than who should come by but the very rogues they were looking for.
그들이 겨우 올라갔을 때, 그들이 찾고 있던 바로 그 도둑들이 나타났다.
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