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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 032 – SNOWDROP – 003
Everything was spruce and neat in the cottage: on the table was spread a white cloth, and there were seven little plates, seven little loaves, and seven little glasses with wine in them; and seven knives and forks laid in order; and by the wall stood seven little beds.As she was very hungry, she picked a little piece of each loaf and drank a very little wine out of each glass; and after that she thought she would lie down and rest.So she tried all the little beds; but one was too long, and another was too short, till at last the seventh suited her: and there she laid herself down and went to sleep.By and by in came the masters of the cottage
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Everything was spruce and neat in the cottage:
오두막 안의 모든 것이 말끔하고 깔끔했다:
on the table / was spread / a white cloth, / and there / were seven little plates, / seven little loaves, / and seven little glasses / with wine in them;/ and seven knives and forks / laid in order;
탁자 위에는 흰색 천이 깔려 있었고, 일곱 개의 작은 접시, 일곱 개의 작은 빵, 그리고 일곱 개의 작은 와인잔이 있었으며, 와인잔 안에는 와인이 들어 있었다; 그리고 일곱 개의 칼과 포크가 정렬되어 있었다;
and / by the wall / stood seven little beds.
그리고 벽 옆에는 일곱 개의 작은 침대가 서 있었다.
As she was very hungry, / she picked a little piece / of each loaf / and drank / a very little wine / out of each glass; / and after that / she thought / she would lie down / and rest.
그녀는 매우 배가 고팠기 때문에, 각 빵에서 약간씩 떼어 먹고, 각 잔에서 소량의 와인을 마셨다; 그리고 나서 그녀는 누워서 쉬어야겠다고 생각했다.
So she tried / all the little beds; / but one / was too long, / and another / was too short, / till at last / the seventh / suited her: / and there / she laid herself down / and went to sleep.
그래서 그녀는 모든 작은 침대를 시도해봤다; 하지만 하나는 너무 길었고, 다른 하나는 너무 짧았으며, 마침내 일곱 번째 침대가 그녀에게 맞았다: 그리고 거기에 그녀는 몸을 눕히고 잠에 들었다.
By and by / in came / the masters / of the cottage.
이윽고 오두막의 주인들이 들어왔다.
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