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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 032 – SNOWDROP – 008
But by good luck the dwarfs came in very early that evening; and when they saw Snowdrop lying on the ground, they thought what had happened, and soon found the poisoned comb.And when they took it away she got well, and told them all that had passed; and they warned her once more not to open the door to anyone.Meantime the queen went home to her glass, and shook with rage when she read the very same answer as before; and she said, ‘Snowdrop shall die, if it cost me my life.’ So she went by herself into her chamber, and got ready a poisoned apple: the outside looked very rosy and tempting, but whoever tasted it was sure to die.Then she dressed herself up as a peasant’s wife, and travelled over the hills to the dwarfs’ cottage, and knocked at the door; but Snowdrop put her head out of the window and said, ‘I dare not let anyone in, for the dwarfs have told me not.’ ‘Do as you please,’ said the old woman, ‘but at any rate take this pretty apple; I will give it you.’ ‘No,’ said Snowdrop, ‘I dare not take it.’ ‘You silly girl!’ answered the other, ‘what are you afraid of? Do you think it is poisoned? Come! do you eat one part, and I will eat the other.’ Now the apple was so made up that one side was good, though the other side was poisoned
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
But by good luck / the dwarfs / came in very early / that evening;
그러나 다행히도 / 그 저녁에 / 일찍 들어왔다.
and when they saw / Snowdrop lying on the ground, / they thought / what had happened, / and soon found / the poisoned comb.
그리고 그들이 / 땅에 누워 있는 스노우드롭을 보았을 때, / 무슨 일이 일어났는지 알고, / 곧 / 독이 든 빗을 찾았다.
And when they took it away / she got well, / and told them / all that had passed;
그들이 그것을 / 치워버리고 / 그녀는 건강을 되찾았다, / 그리고 그들에게 / 무슨 일이 있었는지 말해주었다.
and they warned her / once more / not to open the door / to anyone.
그리고 그들은 / 다시 한 번 / 누구에게도 문을 열지 말라고 / 경고했다.
Meantime / the queen / went home / to her glass, / and shook with rage / when she read / the very same answer / as before;
그 사이에 / 왕비는 / 유리(거울) 앞에 서기 위해 / 집으로 돌아왔다. / 그리고 분노로 떨었다 / 그녀가 / 이전과 같은 답을 읽었을 때;
and she said, / ‘Snowdrop shall die, / if it cost me my life.’
그리고 그녀는 / 말했다, / ‘스노우드롭은 죽어야 한다, / 내가 목숨을 걸더라도.’
So she went / by herself / into her chamber, / and got ready / a poisoned apple:
그래서 그녀는 / 혼자서 / 방으로 들어가, / 독이 든 사과를 / 준비했다:
the outside / looked very rosy / and tempting, / but whoever tasted it / was sure to die.
바깥쪽은 / 매우 장밋빛으로 보였고 / 유혹적이었다, / 그러나 누구든지 그것을 먹으면 / 반드시 죽게 되어 있었다.
Then she dressed herself up / as a peasant’s wife, / and travelled over the hills / to the dwarfs’ cottage, / and knocked at the door;
그리고 그녀는 / 농부의 아내로 / 변장하고, / 언덕을 넘어서 / 난쟁이들의 집으로 / 갔다, / 그리고 문을 두드렸다.
but Snowdrop / put her head out of the window / and said, / ‘I dare not let anyone in, / for the dwarfs have told me not.’
그러나 스노우드롭은 / 창문 밖으로 머리를 내밀고 / 말하였다, / ‘난 누구도 안 들여보겟다고 난쟁이들이 말했다.’
‘Do as you please,’ / said the old woman, / ‘but at any rate / take this pretty apple; / I will give it you.’
‘당신 마음대로 하세요,’ /라고 노파는 말했다, / ‘하지만 어쨌든 / 이 예쁜 사과를 받아요; / 내가 줄게요.’
‘No,’ / said Snowdrop, / ‘I dare not / take it.’
‘아니요,’ / 스노우드롭이 말했다, / ‘나는 감히 / 그걸 받지 않을 거에요.’
‘You silly girl!’ / answered the other, / ‘what are you afraid of? / Do you think / it is poisoned?
‘이 바보 같은 소녀야!’ /라고 다른 사람이 대답했다, / ‘무엇이 두려운 거야? / 너는 생각하니 / 그것이 독이 들었다고?
Come! / do you eat one part, / and I will eat the other.’
자! / 너는 한 부분을 먹고, / 나는 다른 부분을 먹을게.
Now the apple / was so made up / that one side / was good, / though the other side / was poisoned.
이제 사과는 / 그렇게 만들어졌다 / 한쪽이 / 괜찮지만, / 다른 쪽은 / 독이 들었다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)