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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 032 – SNOWDROP – 009
Then Snowdrop was much tempted to taste, for the apple looked so very nice; and when she saw the old woman eat, she could wait no longer.But she had scarcely put the piece into her mouth, when she fell down dead upon the ground.‘This time nothing will save thee,’ said the queen; and she went home to her glass, and at last it said:And then her wicked heart was glad, and as happy as such a heart could be.When evening came, and the dwarfs had gone home, they found Snowdrop lying on the ground: no breath came from her lips, and they were afraid that she was quite dead
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Then Snowdrop was / much tempted / to taste, / for the apple looked / so very nice; and when she saw / the old woman eat, / she could wait / no longer.
그러자 백설공주가 사과를 먹고 싶어 / 큰 유혹을 느꼈고, / 사과가 너무나 먹음직스러워 보였기 때문에; 그리고 그녀가 / 늙은 여인이 먹는 것을 보자, / 더 이상 기다릴 수 없었다.
But she had scarcely / put the piece / into her mouth, / when she fell down / dead upon the ground.
하지만 그녀는 거의 넣자마자 / 그 조각을 / 입에, / 땅에 쓰러져 / 죽었다.
‘This time / nothing will save thee,’ / said the queen; / and she went home / to her glass, / and at last it said:
‘이번에는 / 아무 것도 널 구할 수 없을 거야,’ / 왕비가 말했다; / 그리고 그녀는 집으로 돌아갔고, / 그녀의 거울에게 갔다, / 그리고 마침내 그것이 말했다:
And then her wicked heart / was glad, / and as happy / as such a heart could be.
그리고 그녀의 사악한 마음은 / 기뻤고, / 최대한 행복했다 / 그런 마음이 될 수 있는 만큼.
When evening came, / and the dwarfs had gone home, / they found Snowdrop lying / on the ground: / no breath came / from her lips, / and they were afraid / that she was quite dead.
저녁이 되자, / 그리고 난쟁이들이 집에 돌아왔을 때, / 그들은 백설공주가 쓰러져 있는 것을 발견했고, / 땅에: / 숨이 나오지 않았다 / 그녀의 입술에서, / 그들은 두려워했다 / 그녀가 완전히 죽었다고.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)