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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 033 – THE PINK – 002
Then came the old cook, who knew that the child had the power of wishing, and stole it away, and he took a hen, and cut it in pieces, and dropped some of its blood on the queen’s apron and on her dress.Then he carried the child away to a secret place, where a nurse was obliged to suckle it, and he ran to the king and accused the queen of having allowed her child to be taken from her by the wild beasts.When the king saw the blood on her apron, he believed this, fell into such a passion that he ordered a high tower to be built, in which neither sun nor moon could be seen and had his wife put into it, and walled up.Here she was to stay for seven years without meat or drink, and die of hunger.But God sent two angels from heaven in the shape of white doves, which flew to her twice a day, and carried her food until the seven years were over
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Then came / the old cook, / who knew / that the child / had the power / of wishing, / and stole it / away, / and he took / a hen, / and cut it / in pieces, / and dropped / some of its blood / on the queen’s apron / and on her dress.
그 후 늙은 요리사가 왔다. 그 사람은 아이가 소원을 이루는 힘이 있다는 것을 알고, 아이를 훔쳐갔으며, 암탉을 잡아 조각내어 피를 왕비의 앞치마와 옷에 떨어뜨렸다.
Then he carried / the child away / to a secret place, / where a nurse / was obliged / to suckle it, / and he ran / to the king / and accused / the queen / of having allowed / her child / to be taken / from her / by the wild beasts.
그 후 그는 아이를 비밀 장소로 데리고 갔다. 그곳에서 한 간호사가 어쩔 수 없이 아이를 젖 먹였다. 그는 왕에게 달려가서 왕비가 아이를 야수에게 빼앗겼다고 고발했다.
When the king / saw / the blood / on her apron, / he believed / this, / fell into / such a passion / that he ordered / a high tower / to be built, / in which / neither sun / nor moon / could be seen / and had his wife / put into it, / and walled up.
왕이 그녀의 앞치마에 묻은 피를 보았을 때, 그는 이를 믿고 크게 분노하여, 해와 달도 볼 수 없는 높은 탑을 짓고, 그 안에 아내를 가두고 벽을 쌓게 했다.
Here she was / to stay / for seven years / without meat or drink, / and die / of hunger.
여기에서 그녀는 7년 동안 고기나 음료 없이 지내며, 굶어 죽어야 했다.
But God / sent / two angels / from heaven / in the shape / of white doves, / which flew / to her / twice a day, / and carried / her food / until the seven years / were over.
하지만 하나님은 하늘에서 백색 비둘기 형태의 두 천사를 보내, 그들이 하루에 두 번 그녀에게 날아와 음식을 전달했다. 그렇게 7년이 지났다.
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