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Grimms Fairy Tales 033 THE PINK 006

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 033 – THE PINK – 006

And he went with them and made them form a great circle, open at one end where he stationed himself, and began to wish.
Two hundred deer and more came running inside the circle at once, and the huntsmen shot them.
Then they were all placed on sixty country carts, and driven home to the king, and for once he was able to deck his table with game, after having had none at all for years.

Now the king felt great joy at this, and commanded that his entire household should eat with him next day, and made a great feast.
When they were all assembled together, he said to the huntsman: ‘As you are so clever, you shall sit by me.’ He replied: ‘Lord King, your majesty must excuse me, I am a poor huntsman.’ But the king insisted on it, and said: ‘You shall sit by me,’ until he did it

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. And he went / with them / and made / them form / a great circle, / open at one end / where he stationed / himself, / and began to wish.

    그는 그들과 함께 가서 / 큰 원을 만들게 시켰고, / 한쪽 끝이 열린 곳에 / 자리를 잡고 / 소원을 빌기 시작했다.

  2. ⦁ circle: 원
    – The circle / was perfectly round. (그 원은 완벽하게 둥글었다.)

    ⦁ stationed: 자리를 잡다
    – The guards / were stationed / at the entrance. (경비원들은 / 출입구에 / 배치되었다.)

  3. Two hundred deer / and more / came running / inside the circle / at once, / and the huntsmen / shot them.

    순식간에 / 이백 마리가 넘는 사슴들이 / 원 안으로 들어왔고, / 사냥꾼들은 / 그들을 쏘았다.

  4. ⦁ deer: 사슴
    – The deer / sprinted away. (그 사슴은 / 멀리 도망쳤다.)

    ⦁ huntsmen: 사냥꾼
    – The huntsmen / were ready / with their bows. (사냥꾼들은 / 활을 가지고 / 준비되어 있었다.)

  5. Then they / were all placed / on sixty country carts, / and driven home / to the king, / and for once / he was able / to deck his table / with game, / after having had none / at all for years.

    그들은 모두 / 60대의 마차에 실려서 / 왕에게 / 집으로 돌아가서 / 오랜 시간 동안 / 한 번도 있지 않았던 / 게임으로 / 그의 식탁을 / 장식하게 되었다.

  6. ⦁ driven: 운전된
    – They were driven / home quickly. (그들은 집으로 / 신속히 운전되었다.)

    ⦁ deck: 장식하다
    – She decked / the hallway / for the party. (그녀는 / 복도를 / 파티를 위해 / 장식했다.)

  7. Now the king / felt great joy / at this, / and commanded / that his entire household / should eat / with him / next day, / and made / a great feast.

    이제 왕은 / 큰 기쁨을 느꼈고, / 그의 모든 가신들이 / 다음 날 그와 함께 / 먹도록 명령했으며, / 큰 잔치를 벌였다.

  8. ⦁ commanded: 명령했다
    – The officer / commanded / the troops / to advance. (장교는 / 부대에게 / 전진할 것을 / 명령했다.)

    ⦁ feast: 잔치
    – They prepared / a grand feast. (그들은 / 성대한 잔치를 / 준비했다.)

  9. When they were / all assembled / together, / he said / to the huntsman: / ‘As you are / so clever, / you shall sit / by me.’

    모두가 / 함께 모였을 때, / 그는 사냥꾼에게 말했다: / ‘너는 아주 / 똑똑하니, / 내 옆에 앉아야 한다.’

  10. ⦁ assembled: 모였을 때
    – The team / assembled / early / for the meeting. (팀은 / 모였다 / 일찍 / 회의를 위해.)

    ⦁ clever: 똑똑한
    – She is / very clever / with puzzles. (그녀는 / 퍼즐에 / 아주 / 똑똑하다.)

  11. He replied: / ‘Lord King, / your majesty / must excuse me, / I am / a poor huntsman.’ / But the king / insisted on it, / and said: / ‘You shall sit / by me,’ / until he did it.

    그는 대답했다: / ‘왕 폐하, / 폐하께서는 / 저를 용서해야 합니다, / 저는 가난한 사냥꾼입니다.’ / 그러나 왕은 / 그것을 고집하며 말했다: / ‘너는 내 옆에 / 앉아야 한다,’ / 그가 그것을 할 때까지.

  12. ⦁ excuse: 용서하다
    – Please excuse me / for being late. (제가 늦은 것을 / 용서해 주세요.)

    ⦁ insisted: 고집했다
    – He insisted / on his opinion. (그는 자신의 의견을 / 고집했다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)