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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 033 – THE PINK – 007
Whilst he was sitting there, he thought of his dearest mother, and wished that one of the king’s principal servants would begin to speak of her, and would ask how it was faring with the queen in the tower, and if she were alive still, or had perished.Hardly had he formed the wish than the marshal began, and said: ‘Your majesty, we live joyously here, but how is the queen living in the tower? Is she still alive, or has she died?’ But the king replied: ‘She let my dear son be torn to pieces by wild beasts; I will not have her named.’ Then the huntsman arose and said: ‘Gracious lord father she is alive still, and I am her son, and I was not carried away by wild beasts, but by that wretch the old cook, who tore me from her arms when she was asleep, and sprinkled her apron with the blood of a chicken.’ Thereupon he took the dog with the golden collar, and said: ‘That is the wretch!’ and caused live coals to be brought, and these the dog was compelled to devour before the sight of all, until flames burst forth from its throat.On this the huntsman asked the king if he would like to see the dog in his true shape, and wished him back into the form of the cook, in which he stood immediately, with his white apron, and his knife by his side.When the king saw him he fell into a passion, and ordered him to be cast into the deepest dungeon.Then the huntsman spoke further and said: ‘Father, will you see the maiden who brought me up so tenderly and who was afterwards to murder me, but did not do it, though her own life depended on it?’ The king replied: ‘Yes, I would like to see her.’ The son said: ‘Most gracious father, I will show her to you in the form of a beautiful flower,’ and he thrust his hand into his pocket and brought forth the pink, and placed it on the royal table, and it was so beautiful that the king had never seen one to equal it
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Whilst he was sitting there, / he thought / of his dearest mother, / and wished / that one of the king’s principal servants / would begin to speak of her, / and would ask / how it was faring / with the queen in the tower, / and if she were alive still, / or had perished.
그가 거기에 앉아 있는 동안, 그는 자신의 가장 사랑하는 어머니를 생각하며, 왕의 주요 하인 중 한 명이 어머니에 대해 이야기하기를 시작하고, 탑에 갇힌 여왕이 어떻게 지내고 있는지, 그녀가 아직 살아 있는지 아니면 죽었는지 물어보기를 바랐다.
Hardly had he formed the wish / than the marshal began, / and said: / ‘Your majesty, / we live joyously here, / but how is the queen living in the tower? / Is she still alive, / or has she died?’
그가 그 소원을 빌자마자 원수가 말하기를 시작했다. ‘폐하, 우리는 여기서 즐겁게 살고 있지만, 탑 속의 왕비는 어떻게 지내고 계십니까? 아직 살아계십니까 아니면 돌아가셨습니까?’라고 말했다.
But the king replied: / ‘She let my dear son / be torn to pieces / by wild beasts; / I will not have her named.’
그러나 왕은 대답했다. ‘그녀는 내 사랑하는 아들이 야수들에게 찢겨 죽도록 내버려 두었소. 나는 그녀의 이름이 불리도록 하지 않을 것이오.’라고 말했다.
Then the huntsman arose / and said: / ‘Gracious lord father, / she is alive still, / and I am her son, / and I was not carried away / by wild beasts, / but by that wretch / the old cook, / who tore me / from her arms / when she was asleep, / and sprinkled her apron / with the blood of a chicken.’
그러자 사냥꾼이 일어나 말했다. ‘자비로운 왕 아버지, 그녀는 아직 살아있고, 저는 그녀의 아들입니다. 그리고 저는 야수들에게 끌려간 것이 아니라, 잠든 그녀의 팔에서 저를 잡아채고 닭의 피를 그녀의 앞치마에 뿌린 그 악당, 늙은 요리사에 의해 끌려갔습니다.’
Thereupon he took the dog / with the golden collar, / and said: / ‘That is the wretch!’ / and caused live coals / to be brought, / and these the dog / was compelled to devour / before the sight of all, / until flames burst forth / from its throat.
그러자 그는 금색 목걸이를 한 개를 잡고 말했다. ‘저것이 그 악당입니다!’ 그리고 그는 뜨거운 숯불을 가져오도록 명령했고, 그 개는 모두가 보는 앞에서 그 숯불을 먹을 수밖에 없었으며, 마침내 불길이 목구멍에서 터져 나왔다.
On this / the huntsman asked the king / if he would like to see the dog / in his true shape, / and wished him back / into the form of the cook, / in which he stood immediately, / with his white apron, / and his knife / by his side.
When the king saw him / he fell into a passion, / and ordered him / to be cast into the deepest dungeon.
이에 대해 사냥꾼은 왕에게 그 개를 본래의 모습으로 보고 싶은지 물었고, 그를 요리사의 모습으로 되돌려 놓았다. 그러자 그는 즉시 하얀 앞치마를 두르고 칼을 옆에 찬 상태로 섰다. 왕은 그를 보고 격노하였고, 그를 가장 깊은 지하 감옥에 가두라고 명령했다.
Then the huntsman spoke further / and said: / ‘Father, / will you see the maiden / who brought me up so tenderly / and who was afterwards / to murder me, / but did not do it, / though her own life depended on it?’ / The king replied: / ‘Yes, / I would like to see her.’
그러자 사냥꾼은 다시 말했다. ‘아버지, 저를 그렇게도 자애롭게 키워 주신 후에 저를 죽이려 했지만, 자신의 목숨이 달려 있었음에도 그러지 않은 그 소녀를 보고 싶으신가요?’ 왕은 대답했다. ‘네, 나는 그녀를 보고 싶소.’
The son said: / ‘Most gracious father, / I will show her to you / in the form of a beautiful flower,’ / and he thrust his hand / into his pocket / and brought forth the pink, / and placed it on the royal table, / and it was so beautiful / that the king / had never seen one / to equal it.
아들이 말했다. ‘가장 자애로운 아버지, 저는 그녀를 아름다운 꽃의 형태로 보여드리겠습니다.’ 그리고 그는 주머니에 손을 넣어 핑크빛 꽃을 꺼내 왕의 테이블 위에 놓았다. 그 꽃은 너무나 아름다워 왕은 그와 같은 것을 본 적이 없었다.
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