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Grimms Fairy Tales 033 THE PINK 008

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 033 – THE PINK – 008

Then the son said: ‘Now will I show her to you in her own form,’ and wished that she might become a maiden, and she stood there looking so beautiful that no painter could have made her look more so.

And the king sent two waiting-maids and two attendants into the tower, to fetch the queen and bring her to the royal table.
But when she was led in she ate nothing, and said: ‘The gracious and merciful God who has supported me in the tower, will soon set me free.’ She lived three days more, and then died happily, and when she was buried, the two white doves which had brought her food to the tower, and were angels of heaven, followed her body and seated themselves on her grave.
The aged king ordered the cook to be torn in four pieces, but grief consumed the king’s own heart, and he soon died.
His son married the beautiful maiden whom he had brought with him as a flower in his pocket, and whether they are still alive or not, is known to God

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.


  1. Then the son said: / ‘Now will I show her to you in her own form,’ / and wished that she might become a maiden, / and she stood there / looking so beautiful / that no painter could have made her look more so.

    그러자 아들이 말했습니다: ‘이제 그녀를 그녀 본래 모습으로 보여드리겠습니다’, 그리고 그녀가 아가씨가 되기를 바랐습니다, 그래서 그녀는 거기 섰습니다, 너무나 아름다워 어떤 화가도 더 아름답게 그릴 수 없을 정도로.

  2. ⦁ show: 보여주다
    – Can you show me the way? (길을 가르쳐 주시겠어요?)

    ⦁ form: 형태
    – The form of the sculpture is delicate. (그 조각상의 형태는 섬세하다.)

  3. And the king sent two waiting-maids / and two attendants into the tower, / to fetch the queen / and bring her to the royal table.

    그리고 왕은 두 명의 시녀와 두 명의 수행원을 탑으로 보내 여왕을 데려와 왕실 테이블에 앉도록 했습니다.

  4. ⦁ fetch: 데려오다
    – Can you fetch me a glass of water? (물 한 잔 가져다줄래?)

    ⦁ attendant: 수행원
    – The attendant opened the door for the guests. (수행원이 손님들을 위해 문을 열어주었다.)

  5. But when she was led in / she ate nothing, / and said: / ‘The gracious and merciful God / who has supported me in the tower, / will soon set me free.’

    하지만 그녀가 들어왔을 때 그녀는 아무것도 먹지 않았고, 말했습니다: ‘탑에서 나를 지탱해 주신 자비롭고 은혜로운 하나님께서 곧 나를 자유롭게 해 주실 것입니다.’

  6. ⦁ merciful: 자비로운
    – The merciful king forgave the thief. (자비로운 왕은 도둑을 용서했다.)

    ⦁ gracious: 은혜로운
    – She gave them a gracious smile. (그녀는 그들에게 은혜로운 미소를 지어 보였다.)

  7. She lived three days more, / and then died happily, / and when she was buried, / the two white doves / which had brought her food to the tower, / and were angels of heaven, / followed her body / and seated themselves on her grave.

    그녀는 더 살았고, 그리고 행복하게 죽었습니다, 그리고 그녀가 묻혔을 때, 탑에서 그녀에게 음식을 가져다 준 두 마리의 하얀 비둘기, 천사의 모습, 그녀의 몸을 따라 무덤에 자리를 잡았습니다.

  8. ⦁ buried: 묻힌
    – The treasure is buried under the old tree. (보물은 오래된 나무 밑에 묻혀 있다.)

    ⦁ dove: 비둘기
    – A dove flew across the sky. (비둘기 한 마리가 하늘을 날아갔다.)

  9. The aged king / ordered the cook to be torn in four pieces, / but grief consumed the king’s own heart, / and he soon died.

    늙은 왕은 요리사를 네 조각으로 찢으라고 명령했으나, 슬픔이 왕의 마음을 삼켰고, 그는 곧 죽었습니다.

  10. ⦁ aged: 나이든
    – The aged man walked with a cane. (나이 든 남자는 지팡이를 짚고 걸었다.)

    ⦁ grief: 슬픔
    – Her grief was apparent at the funeral. (그녀의 슬픔은 장례식에서 분명했다.)

  11. His son married the beautiful maiden / whom he had brought with him as a flower in his pocket, / and whether they are still alive or not, / is known to God.

    그의 아들은 그가 꽃으로 주머니에 담아 데려온 아름다운 아가씨와 결혼했고, 그들이 아직 살아 있는지 여부는 하나님만이 알고 있습니다.

  12. ⦁ maiden: 아가씨
    – The maiden appeared calm and serene. (아가씨는 평온하고 고요해 보였다.)

    ⦁ alive: 살아있는
    – The plant is still alive despite the drought. (가뭄에도 불구하고 그 식물은 여전히 살아있다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)