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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 034 – CLEVER ELSIE – 004
Upstairs they waited for the boy, but as he still did not return, the man said to the woman: ‘Just go down into the cellar and see where Elsie is!’ The woman went down, and found all three in the midst of their lamentations, and inquired what was the cause; then Elsie told her also that her future child was to be killed by the pick-axe, when it grew big and had to draw beer, and the pick-axe fell down.Then said the mother likewise: ‘What a clever Elsie we have!’ and sat down and wept with them.The man upstairs waited a short time, but as his wife did not come back and his thirst grew ever greater, he said: ‘I must go into the cellar myself and see where Elsie is.’ But when he got into the cellar, and they were all sitting together crying, and he heard the reason, and that Elsie’s child was the cause, and the Elsie might perhaps bring one into the world some day, and that he might be killed by the pick-axe, if he should happen to be sitting beneath it, drawing beer just at the very time when it fell down, he cried: ‘Oh, what a clever Elsie!’ and sat down, and likewise wept with them.The bridegroom stayed upstairs alone for a long time; then as no one would come back he thought: ‘They must be waiting for me below: I too must go there and see what they are about.’ When he got down, the five of them were sitting screaming and lamenting quite piteously, each out-doing the other
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Upstairs / they waited for the boy, / but as he still did not return, / the man said to the woman:/ ‘Just go down / into the cellar / and see where Elsie is!’
위층에서 그들은 소년을 기다렸지만, / 그가 여전히 돌아오지 않자, / 남자는 여자에게 말했다: / ‘지하실에 내려가서 / 엘시가 어디 있는지 / 확인해줘!’
The woman went down, / and found all three / in the midst of their lamentations, / and inquired what was the cause;
여자는 아래로 내려가서, / 세 사람이 / 한가운데에 있는 것을 발견했고, / 이유가 무엇인지 물었다.
then Elsie told her also / that her future child was to be killed / by the pick-axe, / when it grew big / and had to draw beer, / and the pick-axe fell down.
그때 엘시는 또한 그녀에게 말했다 / 그녀의 미래의 아이가 / 곡괭이에 의해 죽을 거라고, / 그것이 커져서 / 맥주를 뽑을 때, / 곡괭이가 떨어질 거라고.
Then said the mother likewise: / ‘What a clever Elsie we have!’ / and sat down / and wept with them.
그녀의 어머니 또한 말했다: / ‘우리는 참 똑똑한 엘시를 가졌어!’ / 그리고 앉아서 / 그들과 함께 울었다.
The man upstairs waited a short time, / but as his wife did not come back / and his thirst grew ever greater, / he said: / ‘I must go into the cellar myself / and see where Elsie is.’
위층의 남자는 잠시 기다렸지만, / 그의 아내가 돌아오지 않았고 / 그의 목마름이 더욱 커져서, / 그는 말했다: / ‘내가 직접 지하실로 가서 / 엘시가 어디 있는지 봐야겠어.’
But when he got into the cellar, / and they were all sitting together crying, / and he heard the reason, / and that Elsie’s child was the cause, / and the Elsie might perhaps bring one into the world some day, / and that he might be killed by the pick-axe, / if he should happen to be sitting beneath it, / drawing beer just at the very time when it fell down, / he cried: / ‘Oh, what a clever Elsie!’ / and sat down, / and likewise wept with them.
하지만 그가 지하실에 들어갔을 때, / 그들은 모두 함께 울고 있었고, / 그는 이유를 들었다, / 그리고 엘시의 아이가 원인이라는 것, / 그리고 엘시가 언젠가 아이를 낳을지도 모른다는 것, / 그 아이가 곡괭이에 의해 죽을지도 모른다는 것, / 그가 맥주를 뽑고 있을 때, / 그 곡괭이가 떨어질 때, / 그는 외쳤다: / ‘오, 정말 똑똑한 엘시야!’ / 그리고 앉아서, / 또한 그들과 함께 울었다.
The bridegroom stayed upstairs alone for a long time; / then as no one would come back / he thought: / ‘They must be waiting for me below: / I too must go there and see what they are about.’
신랑은 오래도록 위층에 혼자 남아 있었다; / 아무도 돌아오지 않자 / 그는 생각했다: / ‘그들이 아마 밑에서 나를 기다리고 있을 거야: / 나도 가서 그들이 무엇을 하고 있는지 봐야겠어.’
When he got down, / the five of them were sitting screaming / and lamenting quite piteously, / each out-doing the other.
그가 내려갔을 때, / 그들 다섯 명은 비참하게 비명을 지르고 / 울부짖고 있었고, / 각각이 다른 사람보다 더 쓸쓸하게 울고 있었다.
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