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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 034 – CLEVER ELSIE – 005
‘What misfortune has happened then?’ asked he.‘Ah, dear Hans,’ said Elsie, ‘if we marry each other and have a child, and he is big, and we perhaps send him here to draw something to drink, then the pick-axe which has been left up there might dash his brains out if it were to fall down, so have we not reason to weep?’ ‘Come,’ said Hans, ‘more understanding than that is not needed for my household, as you are such a clever Elsie, I will have you,’ and seized her hand, took her upstairs with him, and married her.After Hans had had her some time, he said: ‘Wife, I am going out to work and earn some money for us; go into the field and cut the corn that we may have some bread.’ ‘Yes, dear Hans, I will do that.’ After Hans had gone away, she cooked herself some good broth and took it into the field with her.When she came to the field she said to herself: ‘What shall I do; shall I cut first, or shall I eat first? Oh, I will eat first.’ Then she drank her cup of broth and when she was fully satisfied, she once more said: ‘What shall I do? Shall I cut first, or shall I sleep first? I will sleep first.’ Then she lay down among the corn and fell asleep
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘What misfortune has happened then?’ / asked he.
“어떤 불행한 일이 생겼나요?” / 그가 물었다.
‘Ah, dear Hans,’ / said Elsie, / ‘if we marry / and have a child, / and he is big, / and we perhaps send him / here to draw something to drink, / then the pick-axe / which has been left up there / might dash his brains out / if it were to fall down, / so have we not reason to weep?’
“아, 사랑하는 한스,” / 엘시가 말했다. “만약 우리가 결혼해서 / 아이를 낳고, / 그 아이가 커서, / 우리가 어떤 음료수를 가지러 / 여기에 보낼 때, / 저 위에 남겨진 곡괭이가 / 떨어진다면 / 그의 머리뼈가 부서질지도 몰라요. / 그래서 우리가 울 이유가 있지 않나요?”
‘Come,’ / said Hans, / ‘more understanding than that / is not needed for my household, / as you are such a clever Elsie, / I will have you,’ / and seized her hand, / took her upstairs with him, / and married her.
“이리 와,” / 한스가 말했다. / “그보다 더 많은 이해는 / 내 가정에 필요 없어요. / 당신이 정말 영리한 엘시니까, / 나는 당신을 데려갈 거예요,” / 그리고 그녀의 손을 잡고, / 함께 위층으로 올라가서, / 결혼했다.
After Hans / had had her some time, / he said: / ‘Wife, / I am going out to work / and earn some money for us; / go into the field / and cut the corn / that we may have some bread.’ / ‘Yes, dear Hans, / I will do that.’
한스가 / 그녀를 데려온 지 얼마 후, / 그가 말했다: / “여보, / 나는 일을 나가서 / 우리를 위해 돈을 벌 거예요. / 들판에 가서 / 곡식을 베어 / 우리가 빵을 먹을 수 있도록 해줘요.” / “네, 사랑하는 한스, / 제가 할게요.”
After Hans / had gone away, / she cooked herself / some good broth / and took it / into the field with her.
한스가 / 떠난 후, / 그녀는 스스로 / 맛있는 국을 끓였고 / 그것을 / 들판으로 가지고 갔다.
When she came to the field / she said to herself: / ‘What shall I do; / shall I cut first, / or shall I eat first? / Oh, I will eat first.’
그녀가 들판에 도착했을 때 / 그녀는 혼잣말로 말했다: / “무엇을 해야 할까; / 먼저 베어야 할까, / 아니면 먼저 먹어야 할까? / 아, 먼저 먹을래.”
Then she drank / her cup of broth / and when she was fully satisfied, / she once more said: / ‘What shall I do? / Shall I cut first, / or shall I sleep first? / I will sleep first.’ / Then she lay down / among the corn / and fell asleep.
그러고 나서 그녀는 / 국을 마셨고, / 완전히 만족했을 때, / 다시 혼잣말로 말했다: / “무엇을 해야 할까? / 먼저 베어야 할까, / 아니면 먼저 잘까? / 먼저 잘래.” / 그러고 나서 그녀는 / 곡식 사이에 누워 / 잠들었다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)