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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 035 – THE MISER IN THE BUSH – 002
‘Why, what should make me down-hearted?’ said he; ‘I am sound in health and rich in purse, what should I care for? I have saved up my three years’ earnings and have it all safe in my pocket.’ ‘How much may it come to?’ said the little man.‘Full threepence,’ replied the countryman.‘I wish you would give them to me,’ said the other; ‘I am very poor.’ Then the man pitied him, and gave him all he had; and the little dwarf said in return, ‘As you have such a kind honest heart, I will grant you three wishes—one for every penny; so choose whatever you like.’ Then the countryman rejoiced at his good luck, and said, ‘I like many things better than money: first, I will have a bow that will bring down everything I shoot at; secondly, a fiddle that will set everyone dancing that hears me play upon it; and thirdly, I should like that everyone should grant what I ask.’ The dwarf said he should have his three wishes; so he gave him the bow and fiddle, and went his way.Our honest friend journeyed on his way too; and if he was merry before, he was now ten times more so
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘Why, what should make me down-hearted?’ / said he; / ‘I am sound in health / and rich in purse, / what should I care for?
‘왜, 대체 무엇이 날 실망시키겠어?’ 남자가 말했다; ‘나는 건강하고 / 돈도 많은데, / 내가 무엇을 신경 써야 하겠어?
I have saved up / my three years’ earnings / and have it all safe / in my pocket.’ / ‘How much / may it come to?’ / said the little man.
나는 3년 동안 번 돈을 모두 모아 / 주머니에 안전하게 가지고 있어.’ / ‘그것이 얼마나 되지?’ / 작은 남자가 말했다.
‘Full threepence,’ / replied the countryman. / ‘I wish you would give them to me,’ / said the other; / ‘I am very poor.’
‘3펜스 전부,’ / 시골 사람이 대답했다. / ‘나에게 그것을 주면 좋겠어,’ / 다른 남자가 말했다; / ‘나는 매우 가난해.
Then / the man pitied him, / and gave him / all he had; / and the little dwarf said / in return, / ‘As you have such a kind honest heart, / I will grant you three wishes—one / for every penny; / so choose / whatever you like.’
그러자 / 남자는 그를 동정하여, / 그에게 가지고 있는 것을 / 모두 주었다; / 그러자 작은 난쟁이는 / 보답으로, / ‘네가 친절하고 정직한 마음을 가졌으니, / 나는 네게 세 가지 소원을 들어줄 것이다 / – 한 펜니당 하나씩; / 원하는 것을 선택해라.’
Then / the countryman rejoiced / at his good luck, / and said, / ‘I like many things / better than money: / first, / I will have a bow / that will bring down / everything / I shoot at; / secondly, / a fiddle / that will set everyone dancing / that hears me play upon it; / and thirdly, / I should like / that everyone / should grant what I ask.’
그러자 / 시골 사람은 그의 행운에 / 기뻐하며, / 말했다, / ‘나는 돈보다 / 더 좋아하는 것이 많아: / 첫째, / 내가 쏠 때마다 / 모든 것을 / 맞히는 활을 원하고; / 둘째, / 내가 연주할 때 / 모든 사람을 춤추게 하는 / 바이올린을 원해; / 셋째, / 모든 사람이 / 내가 요청하는 것을 / 들어주길 원해.
The dwarf said / he should have his three wishes; / so he gave him the bow / and fiddle, / and went his way.
난쟁이는 / 그의 세 가지 소원을 들어줄 것이라고 말했다; / 그래서 그에게 활과 / 바이올린을 주고, / 자기 길을 갔다.
Our honest friend / journeyed on his way too; / and if he was merry before, / he was now / ten times more so.
우리의 정직한 친구는 / 그의 길을 계속 갔고; / 만약 그가 이전에 즐거웠다면, / 그는 이제 / 열 배 더 즐거웠다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)