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Grimms Fairy Tales 035 THE MISER IN THE BUSH 003

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 035 – THE MISER IN THE BUSH – 003

He had not gone far before he met an old miser: close by them stood a tree, and on the topmost twig sat a thrush singing away most joyfully.
‘Oh, what a pretty bird!’ said the miser; ‘I would give a great deal of money to have such a one.’ ‘If that’s all,’ said the countryman, ‘I will soon bring it down.’ Then he took up his bow, and down fell the thrush into the bushes at the foot of the tree.
The miser crept into the bush to find it; but directly he had got into the middle, his companion took up his fiddle and played away, and the miser began to dance and spring about, capering higher and higher in the air.
The thorns soon began to tear his clothes till they all hung in rags about him, and he himself was all scratched and wounded, so that the blood ran down

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. He had not gone far / before he met / an old miser:

    그가 그렇게 멀리 가지 않았을 때 / 한 노인을 만났다.

  2. ⦁ far: 멀리
    – He traveled far and wide. (그는 멀리 그리고 널리 여행했다.)

    ⦁ miser: 구두쇠
    – The miser refused to spend any money. (그 구두쇠는 돈을 전혀 쓰지 않았다.)

  3. close by them / stood a tree, / and on the topmost twig / sat a thrush / singing away / most joyfully.

    그들 가까이에 나무가 서 있었고, / 가장 높은 가지에 / 한 지빠귀가 / 아주 즐겁게 노래하고 있었다.

  4. ⦁ close: 가까운
    – She sat close to him. (그녀는 그에게 가까이 앉았다.)

    ⦁ joyfully: 즐겁게
    – They danced joyfully. (그들은 즐겁게 춤을 추었다.)

  5. ‘Oh, what a pretty bird!’ / said the miser; / ‘I would give a great deal of money / to have such a one.’

    “오, 정말 예쁜 새야!” / 노인이 말했다; / “나는 저 새를 가지기 위해서 / 많은 돈을 줄 수 있어.”

  6. ⦁ pretty: 예쁜
    – She wore a pretty dress. (그녀는 예쁜 드레스를 입었다.)

    ⦁ deal: 거래, 양
    – They made a deal. (그들은 거래를 했다.)

  7. ‘If that’s all,’ / said the countryman, / ‘I will soon bring it down.’

    “그게 전부라면,” / 시골 사람이 말했다, / “저 새를 곧 잡아줄게.”

  8. ⦁ countryman: 시골 사람
    – The countryman knew the land well. (그 시골 사람은 땅을 잘 알았다.)

    ⦁ bring: 가져오다
    – Please bring me a glass of water. (제게 물 한 잔을 가져다 주세요.)

  9. Then he took up / his bow, / and down fell / the thrush / into the bushes / at the foot of the tree.

    그러고 그는 / 그의 활을 들었고, / 지빠귀가 / 나무 아래 / 덤불로 떨어졌다.

  10. ⦁ bow: 활
    – He pulled back the bowstring. (그는 활줄을 당겼다.)

    ⦁ foot: 발, 아래
    – She sat at the foot of the bed. (그녀는 침대 아래에 앉았다.)

  11. The miser / crept into the bush / to find it; / but directly he had got into the middle, / his companion / took up his fiddle / and played away, / and the miser / began to dance / and spring about, / capering higher and higher / in the air.

    그 구두쇠는 / 덤불 속으로 기어들어갔고, / 그것을 찾기 위해; / 그러나 그가 중간에 들어가자마자, / 그의 친구가 / 그의 바이올린을 들고 / 연주하기 시작했고, / 구두쇠는 / 춤을 추기 시작했고 / 이리저리 펄쩍펄쩍 뛰면서 / 공중으로 점점 더 높이 뛰기 시작했다.

  12. ⦁ crept: 기어들어갔다 (creep의 과거형)
    – The cat crept silently. (고양이는 조용히 기어들어갔다.)

    ⦁ capering: 뛰어다니는
    – The children were capering around the garden. (아이들이 정원 주변에서 뛰어다니고 있었다.)

  13. The thorns / soon began / to tear his clothes / till they all / hung in rags about him, / and he himself / was all scratched / and wounded, / so that the blood / ran down.

    가시들이 / / 그의 옷을 찢기 시작했고 / 모든 옷이 / 그의 주위에 다 찢어진 채로 매달렸으며, / 그 자신도 / 온통 긁히고 / 상처 입었고, / 그래서 피가 / 흘러내렸다.

  14. ⦁ thorns: 가시
    – The rose has thorns. (장미에는 가시가 있다.)

    ⦁ scratched: 긁힌
    – The surface was scratched badly. (표면이 심하게 긁혔다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)