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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 035 – THE MISER IN THE BUSH – 005
Meanwhile the miser crept out of the bush half-naked and in a piteous plight, and began to ponder how he should take his revenge, and serve his late companion some trick.At last he went to the judge, and complained that a rascal had robbed him of his money, and beaten him into the bargain; and that the fellow who did it carried a bow at his back and a fiddle hung round his neck.Then the judge sent out his officers to bring up the accused wherever they should find him; and he was soon caught and brought up to be tried.The miser began to tell his tale, and said he had been robbed of his money
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Meanwhile the miser / crept out of the bush / half-naked / and in a piteous plight, / and began to ponder / how he should take / his revenge, / and serve / his late companion / some trick.
한편 구두쇠는 반나체로 비참한 상태에서 덤불 밖으로 기어 나와 어떻게 복수하고 전 동료에게 어떤 속임수를 쓸지 궁리하기 시작했다.
At last / he went to the judge, / and complained / that a rascal had robbed him of his money, / and beaten him into the bargain; / and that the fellow who did it / carried a bow at his back / and a fiddle hung / round his neck.
마침내 그는 판사에게 가서 / 어떤 악당이 자신의 돈을 훔치고 / 때렸다고 불평하며 / 그 짓을 한 녀석은 / 등에 활을 메고 / 목에 바이올린을 걸고 있었다고 말했다.
Then the judge / sent out his officers / to bring up the accused / wherever they should find him; / and he was soon caught / and brought up to be tried.
그러자 판사는 / 자신의 관리들을 보내 / 그를 발견하는 곳마다 / 피고를 데려오도록 명령했다; / 그리고 그는 곧 붙잡혀 / 재판을 받기 위해 끌려갔다.
The miser / began to tell his tale, / and said / he had been robbed of his money.
구두쇠는 자신의 이야기를 하기 시작하며 / 돈을 도둑맞았다고 말했다.
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