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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 035 – THE MISER IN THE BUSH – 006
‘No, you gave it me for playing a tune to you.’ said the countryman; but the judge told him that was not likely, and cut the matter short by ordering him off to the gallows.So away he was taken; but as he stood on the steps he said, ‘My Lord Judge, grant me one last request.’ ‘Anything but thy life,’ replied the other.‘No,’ said he, ‘I do not ask my life; only to let me play upon my fiddle for the last time.’ The miser cried out, ‘Oh, no! no! for heaven’s sake don’t listen to him! don’t listen to him!’ But the judge said, ‘It is only this once, he will soon have done.’ The fact was, he could not refuse the request, on account of the dwarf’s third gift.Then the miser said, ‘Bind me fast, bind me fast, for pity’s sake.’ But the countryman seized his fiddle, and struck up a tune, and at the first note judge, clerks, and jailer were in motion; all began capering, and no one could hold the miser
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘No, you gave it / to me / for playing a tune / to you,’ / said the countryman; / but the judge told him / that was not likely, / and cut the matter short / by ordering him / off to the gallows.
‘아니요, 저에게 곡을 연주한 대가로 주셨습니다,’ 라고 시골 사람이 말했다; 그러나 판사는 그것이 가능성이 없다며, 그를 교수형에 처하라고 명령하며 사건을 단번에 끝냈다.
So away / he was taken; / but as he stood / on the steps / he said, / ‘My Lord Judge, / grant me / one last request.’
그래서 그는 끌려갔다; 그러나 계단에 서 있던 그는 말했다, ‘나리 판사님, 마지막 요청 하나만 들어주세요.’
‘Anything but / thy life,’ / replied the other.
‘No,’ / said he, / ‘I do not ask / my life; / only to let me play / upon my fiddle / for the last time.’
The miser cried out, / ‘Oh, no! / no! / for heaven’s sake / don’t listen to him! / don’t listen to him!’
But the judge said, / ‘It is only / this once, / he will soon have done.’
‘생명만은 안 됩니다,’ 다른 이가 대답했다. ‘아니,’ 그가 말했다, ‘내 생명을 구해달라는 게 아닙니다; 단지 마지막으로 바이올린을 연주하게 해주세요.’ 구두쇠는 외쳤다, ‘오, 안 돼! 안 돼! 제발 그의 말을 듣지 마세요! 듣지 마세요!’ 그러나 판사는 말했다, ‘이번 한 번 뿐이니, 곧 끝날 것이다.’
The fact was, / he could not refuse / the request, / on account of / the dwarf’s third gift.
사실은, 그는 그 요청을 거절할 수 없었다, 난쟁이의 세 번째 선물 때문이었다.
Then the miser said, / ‘Bind me fast, / bind me fast, / for pity’s sake.’
But the countryman / seized his fiddle, / and struck up a tune, / and at the first note / judge, clerks, / and jailer / were in motion; / all began capering, / and no one / could hold the miser.
그러자 구두쇠가 말했다, ‘제발 나를 단단히 묶어주세요, 단단히 묶어주세요.’ 그러나 시골 사람은 그의 바이올린을 잡고, 곡을 연주하기 시작했고, 첫 소절이 떨어지자 판사, 서기관들, 그리고 간수가 움직이기 시작했고; 모두가 껑충거리기 시작했으며, 아무도 구두쇠를 붙잡을 수 없었다.
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