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Grimms Fairy Tales 035 THE MISER IN THE BUSH 007

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 035 – THE MISER IN THE BUSH – 007

At the second note the hangman let his prisoner go, and danced also, and by the time he had played the first bar of the tune, all were dancing together—judge, court, and miser, and all the people who had followed to look on.
At first the thing was merry and pleasant enough; but when it had gone on a while, and there seemed to be no end of playing or dancing, they began to cry out, and beg him to leave off; but he stopped not a whit the more for their entreaties, till the judge not only gave him his life, but promised to return him the hundred florins.

Then he called to the miser, and said, ‘Tell us now, you vagabond, where you got that gold, or I shall play on for your amusement only,’ ‘I stole it,’ said the miser in the presence of all the people; ‘I acknowledge that I stole it, and that you earned it fairly.’ Then the countryman stopped his fiddle, and left the miser to take his place at the gallows.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. At the second note / the hangman let his prisoner go, / and danced also, / and by the time he had played the first bar of the tune, / all were dancing together—judge, court, and miser, / and all the people / who had followed / to look on.

    두 번째 음표에서 / 처형자는 죄수를 풀어주었고, / 또한 춤을 추었으며, / 그가 첫 번째 마디를 연주할 즈음에는, / 모두가 함께 춤을 추고 있었습니다—판사, 법정, 구두쇠, / 그리고 뒤따라온 모든 사람들 / 구경하기 위해.

  2. ⦁ prisoner: 죄수
    – The prisoner escaped from jail. (그 죄수는 감옥에서 탈출했다.)

    ⦁ danced: 춤을 추다
    – She danced all night. (그녀는 밤새 춤을 추었다.)

  3. At first / the thing was merry / and pleasant enough; / but when it had gone on a while, / and there seemed to be no end of playing or dancing, / they began to cry out, / and beg him to leave off; / but he stopped not a whit the more for their entreaties, / till the judge not only gave him his life, / but promised to return him the hundred florins.

    처음에는 / 그 일이 즐겁고 / 충분히 쾌적했습니다; / 그러나 그것이 어느 정도 계속되었을 때, / 연주와 춤추는 것이 끝이 없어 보였다. / 그들은 소리치기 시작했고, / 그에게 멈추라고 애원했습니다; / 그러나 그는 그들의 간청에도 불구하고 전혀 멈추지 않았습니다, / 판사가 그에게 목숨을 준 뿐만 아니라 / 백 플로린을 돌려주기로 약속할 때까지.

  4. ⦁ merry: 즐거운
    – They had a merry time at the party. (그들은 파티에서 즐거운 시간을 보냈다.)

    ⦁ entreaties: 간청
    – His entreaties fell on deaf ears. (그의 간청은 들리지 않았다.)

  5. Then he called to the miser, / and said, / ‘Tell us now, / you vagabond, / where you got that gold, / or I shall play on / for your amusement only,’

    그러고 나서 그는 구두쇠에게 말했습니다, / ‘지금 말해라, / 이 방랑자야, / 그 금을 어디서 얻었는지, / 그렇지 않으면 내가 계속 연주하겠다 / 너의 오락을 위해서만,’

  6. ⦁ vagabond: 방랑자
    – The vagabond wandered the streets aimlessly. (그 방랑자는 목적 없이 거리를 방황했다.)

    ⦁ amusement: 오락
    – The children watched the clown with great amusement. (아이들은 큰 즐거움으로 광대를 지켜봤다.)

  7. ‘I stole it,’ / said the miser in the presence of all the people; / ‘I acknowledge that I stole it, / and that you earned it fairly.’

    ‘내가 훔쳤어,’ / 구두쇠가 모든 사람들 앞에서 말했습니다; / ‘내가 훔쳤다는 것을 인정한다, / 그리고 당신이 정당하게 그것을 벌었다는 것을.’

  8. ⦁ steal: 훔치다
    – He planned to steal the jewels. (그는 보석을 훔칠 계획이었다.)

    ⦁ acknowledge: 인정하다
    – She refused to acknowledge her mistake. (그녀는 자신의 실수를 인정하지 않았다.)

  9. Then the countryman stopped his fiddle, / and left the miser / to take his place / at the gallows.

    그러고 나서 농부는 그의 바이올린을 멈추고, / 구두쇠를 남겨두었습니다 / 그의 자리를 차지하게 / 교수대에서.

  10. ⦁ fiddle: 바이올린
    – He played a sad tune on his fiddle. (그는 바이올린으로 슬픈 곡을 연주했다.)

    ⦁ gallows: 교수대
    – The criminal was sentenced to die on the gallows. (범죄자는 교수형을 선고받았다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)