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Grimms Fairy Tales 036 ASHPUTTEL 003

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 036 – ASHPUTTEL – 003

Then he bought for the first two the fine clothes and pearls and diamonds they had asked for: and on his way home, as he rode through a green copse, a hazel twig brushed against him, and almost pushed off his hat: so he broke it off and brought it away; and when he got home he gave it to his daughter.
Then she took it, and went to her mother’s grave and planted it there; and cried so much that it was watered with her tears; and there it grew and became a fine tree.
Three times every day she went to it and cried; and soon a little bird came and built its nest upon the tree, and talked with her, and watched over her, and brought her whatever she wished for.

Now it happened that the king of that land held a feast, which was to last three days; and out of those who came to it his son was to choose a bride for himself.
Ashputtel’s two sisters were asked to come; so they called her up, and said, ‘Now, comb our hair, brush our shoes, and tie our sashes for us, for we are going to dance at the king’s feast.’ Then she did as she was told; but when all was done she could not help crying, for she thought to herself, she should so have liked to have gone with them to the ball; and at last she begged her mother very hard to let her go

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Then he bought for the first two / the fine clothes and pearls / and diamonds / they had asked for;

    그는 첫 번째와 두 번째 딸을 위해서 / 그들이 원했던 / 화려한 옷과 진주, 다이아몬드를 샀다;

  2. ⦁ bought: 샀다
    – She bought a new dress. (그녀는 새 옷을 샀다.)

    ⦁ diamonds: 다이아몬드
    – The ring has a beautiful diamond. (그 반지는 아름다운 다이아몬드를 가지고 있다.)

  3. and on his way home, / as he rode through a green copse, / a hazel twig brushed against him, / and almost pushed off his hat:

    집으로 가는 길에, / 그가 푸른 숲속을 지나가는 동안, / 개암나무 가지가 그에게 스쳤고, / 거의 그의 모자를 날려버릴 뻔했다:

  4. ⦁ twig: 가지
    – A bird perched on a twig. (새가 가지에 앉았다.)

    ⦁ brushed: 스쳤다
    – Her dress brushed the ground. (그녀의 드레스가 땅을 스쳤다.)

  5. so he broke it off / and brought it away; / and when he got home / he gave it to his daughter.

    그래서 그는 그것을 꺾어서 / 가져갔고; / 집에 돌아와서는 / 그것을 딸에게 주었다.

  6. ⦁ broke: 꺾었다
    – She accidentally broke the vase. (그녀는 실수로 꽃병을 깨뜨렸다.)

    ⦁ daughter: 딸
    – His daughter is very talented. (그의 딸은 매우 재능이 있다.)

  7. Then she took it, / and went to her mother’s grave / and planted it there; / and cried so much that it was watered with her tears; / and there it grew / and became a fine tree.

    그런 다음 그녀는 그것을 가져가서, / 어머니의 무덤으로 가서 / 그곳에 심었다; / 너무 울어서 눈물로 물을 줬고, / 거기서 자라서 / 멋진 나무가 되었다.

  8. ⦁ planted: 심었다
    – She planted flowers in the garden. (그녀는 정원에 꽃을 심었다.)

    ⦁ tears: 눈물
    – She wiped her tears away. (그녀는 눈물을 닦았다.)

  9. Three times every day / she went to it and cried; / and soon a little bird came / and built its nest upon the tree, / and talked with her, / and watched over her, / and brought her whatever she wished for.

    매일 세 번 / 그녀는 그것에 가서 울었다; / 곧 작은 새가 와서 / 나무 위에 둥지를 틀었고, / 그녀와 이야기하고, / 그녀를 지키며, / 그녀가 원하는 것을 가져다 주었다.

  10. ⦁ nest: 둥지
    – The bird built a nest in the tree. (새가 나무에 둥지를 지었다.)

    ⦁ wished: 원했다
    – She wished for better days. (그녀는 더 나은 날들을 바랐습니다.)

  11. Now it happened / that the king of that land / held a feast, / which was to last three days; / and out of those who came to it / his son was to choose a bride for himself.

    그때 그 나라의 왕이 / 연회를 열었고, / 그것은 삼일 동안 계속될 예정이었다; / 그리고 참석한 사람들 중에서 / 그의 아들이 신부를 선택할 예정이었다.

  12. ⦁ feast: 연회
    – They prepared a grand feast. (그들은 성대한 연회를 준비했다.)

    ⦁ bride: 신부
    – The bride looked beautiful. (신부는 아름다워 보였다.)

  13. Ashputtel’s two sisters were asked to come; / so they called her up, / and said, / ‘Now, comb our hair, / brush our shoes, / and tie our sashes for us, / for we are going to dance at the king’s feast.’

    Ashputtel의 두 자매는 초대를 받았고; / 그래서 그녀를 불러서, / 말하길, / ‘머리를 빗고, / 신발을 닦고, / 허리띠를 묶어줘, / 우리는 왕의 연회에서 춤을 출 거야.’

  14. ⦁ comb: 빗다
    – She combed her hair. (그녀는 머리를 빗었다.)

    ⦁ dance: 춤추다
    – They love to dance. (그들은 춤추는 것을 사랑한다.)

  15. Then she did as she was told; / but when all was done / she could not help crying, / for she thought to herself, / she should so have liked to have gone with them to the ball; / and at last she begged her mother very hard to let her go

    그녀는 지시받은 대로 했고; / 하지만 모든 일이 끝난 후 / 울지 않을 수 없었다, / 왜냐하면 그녀는 생각하기를, / 그들과 함께 연회에 가고 싶어 했기 때문이다; / 그리고 마침내 어머니께 간곡히 연회에 보내달라고 빌었다.

  16. ⦁ crying: 울다
    – The baby was crying. (아기가 울고 있었다.)

    ⦁ begged: 간곡히 부탁하다
    – He begged for forgiveness. (그는 용서를 구했다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)