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Grimms Fairy Tales 036 ASHPUTTEL 006

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 036 – ASHPUTTEL – 006

But her mother said, ‘It is all of no use, you cannot go; you have no clothes, and cannot dance, and you would only put us to shame’: and off she went with her two daughters to the ball.

Now when all were gone, and nobody left at home, Ashputtel went sorrowfully and sat down under the hazel-tree, and cried out:

Then her friend the bird flew out of the tree, and brought a gold and silver dress for her, and slippers of spangled silk; and she put them on, and followed her sisters to the feast.
But they did not know her, and thought it must be some strange princess, she looked so fine and beautiful in her rich clothes; and they never once thought of Ashputtel, taking it for granted that she was safe at home in the dirt.

The king’s son soon came up to her, and took her by the hand and danced with her, and no one else: and he never left her hand; but when anyone else came to ask her to dance, he said, ‘This lady is dancing with me.’

Thus they danced till a late hour of the night; and then she wanted to go home: and the king’s son said, ‘I shall go and take care of you to your home’; for he wanted to see where the beautiful maiden lived.
But she slipped away from him, unawares, and ran off towards home; and as the prince followed her, she jumped up into the pigeon-house and shut the door

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. But her mother said, / ‘It is all of no use, / you cannot go; / you have no clothes, / and cannot dance, / and you would only put us to shame’: / and off she went / with her two daughters / to the ball.

    그러나 그녀의 어머니는 말했다, ‘이건 소용이 없다, 너는 갈 수 없다; 너는 옷이 없고, 춤도 출 수 없고, 우리가 창피해질 뿐이다’: 그리고 그녀는 두 딸과 함께 무도회에 갔다.

  2. ⦁ cannot: ~할 수 없다
    – She cannot swim. (그녀는 수영을 할 수 없다.)

    ⦁ shame: 창피, 수치
    – It would be a shame to miss the show. (그 쇼를 놓친다면 창피할 것이다.)

  3. Now when all were gone, / and nobody left at home, / Ashputtel went sorrowfully / and sat down under the hazel-tree, / and cried out:

    모두가 떠나고 집에 아무도 없을 때, Ashputtel은 슬프게 집을 떠나 헤이즐나무 아래에 앉아 울기 시작했다.

  4. ⦁ sorrowfully: 슬프게
    – He stared at the ground sorrowfully. (그는 슬프게 땅을 바라봤다.)

    ⦁ hazel-tree: 헤이즐나무
    – A squirrel climbed the hazel-tree. (다람쥐가 헤이즐나무를 올랐다.)

  5. Then her friend / the bird / flew out of the tree, / and brought a gold and silver dress for her, / and slippers of spangled silk;/ and she put them on, / and followed her sisters / to the feast.

    그때 그녀의 친구 새가 나무에서 날아 나와 금은 드레스를 그리고 은빛 실크 슬리퍼를 가져왔다; 그녀는 그것들을 입고 자매들을 따라 잔치에 갔다.

  6. ⦁ spangled: 장식된, 반짝이는
    – She wore a spangled dress. (그녀는 반짝이는 드레스를 입었다.)

    ⦁ feast: 잔치, 연회
    – Everyone enjoyed the feast. (모든 이가 잔치를 즐겼다.)

  7. But they did not know her, / and thought / it must be some strange princess, / she looked so fine and beautiful / in her rich clothes; / and they never once thought of Ashputtel, / taking it for granted / that she was safe / at home / in the dirt.

    그러나 그들은 그녀를 몰라봤고, 낯선 공주라고 생각했다, 그녀가 너무 멋지고 아름다워 보여서 그녀의 화려한 옷을 입고 있었다; 그들은 한 번도 Ashputtel을 생각하지 않았다, 그녀가 집에서 안전하게 흙 속에 있을 것이라고 당연하게 여겼다.

  8. ⦁ strange: 낯선, 이상한
    – It feels strange to be here. (여기에 있는 것이 낯설다.)

    ⦁ granted: 인정된, 당연한 것으로 여겨진
    – Take nothing for granted. (아무것도 당연하게 여기지 마라.)

  9. The king’s son / soon came up to her, / and took her by the hand / and danced with her, / and no one else: / and he never left her hand; / but when anyone else came / to ask her to dance, / he said, / ‘This lady / is dancing with me.’

    왕자의 아들은 곧 그녀에게 다가와 그녀의 손을 잡고 춤을 췄다, 그리고 그 외의 다른 누구와도 춤을 추지 않았다: 그는 그녀의 손을 절대 놓지 않았다; 그러나 누군가가 와서 그녀에게 춤을 요청할 때마다 그는 말했다, ‘이 아가씨는 나와 춤을 추고 있습니다.’

  10. ⦁ danced: 춤을 추다
    – They danced all night. (그들은 밤새 춤을 췄다.)

    ⦁ lady: 아가씨, 숙녀
    – The lady in red is my friend. (붉은 옷을 입은 그 아가씨는 내 친구이다.)

  11. Thus they danced / till a late hour / of the night; / and then she wanted to go home: / and the king’s son said, / ‘I shall go / and take care of you / to your home’; / for he wanted to see / where the beautiful maiden lived.

    그렇게 그들은 밤 늦게까지 춤을 췄다; 그리고 그녀는 집에 가고 싶어했다: 왕자의 아들은 말했다, ‘제가 가서 당신을 집까지 돌봐 드리겠다’; 왜냐하면 그는 아름다운 소녀가 사는 곳을 보고 싶어 했기 때문이다.

  12. ⦁ care: 돌보다
    – She always takes care of her plants. (그녀는 항상 그녀의 식물들을 돌본다.)

    ⦁ maiden: 소녀, 무녀
    – The knight rescued the maiden. (그 기사는 무녀를 구출했다.)

  13. But she slipped away / from him, / unawares, / and ran off / towards home; / and as the prince followed her, / she jumped up / into the pigeon-house / and shut the door.

    그러나 그녀는 몰래 그의 곁을 빠져나가 집으로 달려갔다; 왕자가 그녀를 따라오자, 그녀는 비둘기 집으로 뛰어올라 문을 닫았다.

  14. ⦁ slipped: 미끄러지다, 빠져나가다
    – She slipped on the ice. (그녀는 얼음 위에서 미끄러졌다.)

    ⦁ followed: 따라가다, 좇다
    – The dog followed its owner. (그 개는 주인을 따라갔다.)

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