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Grimms Fairy Tales 036 ASHPUTTEL 007

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 036 – ASHPUTTEL – 007

Then he waited till her father came home, and told him that the unknown maiden, who had been at the feast, had hid herself in the pigeon-house.
But when they had broken open the door they found no one within; and as they came back into the house, Ashputtel was lying, as she always did, in her dirty frock by the ashes, and her dim little lamp was burning in the chimney.
For she had run as quickly as she could through the pigeon-house and on to the hazel-tree, and had there taken off her beautiful clothes, and put them beneath the tree, that the bird might carry them away, and had lain down again amid the ashes in her little grey frock.

The next day when the feast was again held, and her father, mother, and sisters were gone, Ashputtel went to the hazel-tree, and said:

And the bird came and brought a still finer dress than the one she had worn the day before.
And when she came in it to the ball, everyone wondered at her beauty: but the king’s son, who was waiting for her, took her by the hand, and danced with her; and when anyone asked her to dance, he said as before, ‘This lady is dancing with me.’

When night came she wanted to go home; and the king’s son followed here as before, that he might see into what house she went: but she sprang away from him all at once into the garden behind her father’s house

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Then he waited / till her father came home, / and told him / that the unknown maiden, / who had been at the feast, / had hid herself / in the pigeon-house.

    그러고 나서 그는 그녀의 아버지가 집에 돌아오기를 기다렸다가, 연회에 참석했던 그 정체불명의 소녀가 비둘기집에 숨어 있었다고 말했다.

  2. ⦁ waited: 기다리다
    – She waited for the bus. (그녀는 버스를 기다렸다.)

    ⦁ hid: 숨다
    – The cat hid under the table. (고양이는 테이블 아래에 숨었다.)
  3. But when they had broken open the door / they found no one within; / and as they came back into the house, / Ashputtel was lying, / as she always did, / in her dirty frock by the ashes, / and her dim little lamp was burning in the chimney.

    그러나 그들이 문을 부수고 열었을 때는 아무도 없었고, 그들이 집안으로 돌아왔을 때 애쉬푸텔은 언제나 그랬듯이 재 속의 더러운 드레스를 입은 채로 누워 있었고, 그녀의 희미한 작은 등이 굴뚝 속에서 타고 있었다.

  4. ⦁ broken: 부수다
    – The vase was broken. (꽃병이 깨졌다.)

    ⦁ lying: 눕다
    – He was lying on the couch. (그는 소파에 누워 있었다.)
  5. For she had run / as quickly as she could / through the pigeon-house / and on to the hazel-tree, / and had there taken off her beautiful clothes, / and put them beneath the tree, / that the bird might carry them away, / and had lain down again / amid the ashes / in her little grey frock.

    왜냐하면 그녀는 최대한 빨리 비둘기집을 지나 개암나무로 달려가서 거기서 자신의 아름다운 옷을 벗어 나무 아래에 두어 새가 가져가게 하고, 다시 재 속에 그레이 드레스를 입은 채로 누워 있었기 때문이다.

  6. ⦁ quickly: 빠르게
    – She moved quickly. (그녀는 빠르게 움직였다.)

    ⦁ beneath: 아래에
    – The keys were beneath the mat. (열쇠는 매트 아래에 있었다.)
  7. The next day / when the feast was again held, / and her father, mother, and sisters were gone, / Ashputtel went to the hazel-tree, / and said:

    다음날 연회가 다시 열렸을 때, 그녀의 아버지, 어머니, 그리고 자매들이 떠난 후 애쉬푸텔은 개암나무로 가서 말했다:

  8. ⦁ feast: 연회
    – The feast lasted all night. (연회는 밤새도록 계속되었다.)

    ⦁ held: 개최되다
    – The event was held downtown. (행사는 도심에서 열렸다.)
  9. And the bird came / and brought a still finer dress / than the one she had worn the day before.

    그리고 새가 와서 그녀가 전날 입었던 것보다 더 아름다운 드레스를 가져왔다.

  10. ⦁ finer: 더 좋은
    – We had finer weather yesterday. (어제는 더 좋은 날씨였다.)

    ⦁ worn: 입은
    – He has worn that jacket before. (그는 그 재킷을 입은 적이 있다.)
  11. And when / she came in it to the ball, / everyone wondered at her beauty: / but the king’s son, / who was waiting for her, / took her by the hand, / and danced with her; / and when anyone asked her to dance, / he said as before, / ‘This lady is dancing with me.’

    그리고 그녀가 그 드레스를 입고 무도회에 들어왔을 때, 모든 사람들이 그녀의 아름다움에 놀랐다. 그러나 그녀를 기다리고 있던 왕자의 아들은 그녀의 손을 잡고 춤을 추었고, 누군가 그녀에게 춤을 청할 때마다 그는 전과 같이 ‘이 여인은 나와 춤을 추고 있습니다.’라고 말했다.

  12. ⦁ wondered: 궁금해하다
    – She wondered about the outcome. (그녀는 결과를 궁금해했다.)

    ⦁ danced: 춤추다
    – They danced all night. (그들은 밤새도록 춤을 추었다.)
  13. When night came / she wanted to go home; / and the king’s son followed her / as before, / that he might see / into what house she went: / but she sprang away from him / all at once / into the garden / behind her father’s house.

    밤이 되자 그녀는 집에 가고 싶었고, 왕자의 아들은 전에 그랬듯이 그녀를 따라갔다, 그가 그녀가 어떤 집으로 갔는지 확인하기 위해서이다. 그러나 그녀는 갑자기 그에게서 벗어나 아버지 집 뒤의 정원으로 뛰어갔다.

  14. ⦁ followed: 따라가다
    – The dog followed its owner. (개는 주인을 따라갔다.)

    ⦁ sprang: 뛰어오르다
    – The cat sprang onto the table. (고양이는 테이블 위로 뛰어올랐다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)