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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 036 – ASHPUTTEL – 009
The eldest went first into the room where the slipper was, and wanted to try it on, and the mother stood by.But her great toe could not go into it, and the shoe was altogether much too small for her.Then the mother gave her a knife, and said, ‘Never mind, cut it off; when you are queen you will not care about toes; you will not want to walk.’ So the silly girl cut off her great toe, and thus squeezed on the shoe, and went to the king’s son.Then he took her for his bride, and set her beside him on his horse, and rode away with her homewards.But on their way home they had to pass by the hazel-tree that Ashputtel had planted; and on the branch sat a little dove singing:Then the prince got down and looked at her foot; and he saw, by the blood that streamed from it, what a trick she had played him
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The eldest / went first / into the room / where the slipper was, / and wanted / to try it on, / and the mother / stood by.
큰 딸은 먼저 슬리퍼가 있는 방에 들어가 신어 보려고 했고, 어머니가 옆에 서 있었다.
But her great toe / could not go into it, / and the shoe / was altogether / much too small / for her.
하지만 그녀의 엄지발가락이 들어가지 않았고, 신발은 그녀에게 전반적으로 너무 작았다.
Then the mother / gave her a knife, / and said, / ‘Never mind, / cut it off; / when you are queen / you will not care / about toes; / you will not want / to walk.’
그러자 어머니는 딸에게 칼을 주면서 ‘신경 쓰지 말고, 잘라내라. 네가 여왕이 되면 발가락 같은 건 신경 쓰지 않을 거야; 걸을 필요도 없지.’라고 말했다.
So the silly girl / cut off her great toe, / and thus / squeezed on the shoe, / and went / to the king’s son.
그래서 멍청한 소녀는 자기 엄지 발가락을 잘라내고 신발에 억지로 발을 밀어넣어 왕자의 아들에게 갔다.
Then he took her / for his bride, / and set her beside him / on his horse, / and rode away / with her homewards.
그러고 나서 그는 그녀를 신부로 삼아 말을 옆에 태우고 집으로 달려갔다.
But on their way home / they had to pass / by the hazel-tree / that Ashputtel had planted; / and on the branch / sat a little dove / singing:
그러나 집으로 가는 길에 그들은 아슈푸텔이 심은 헤이즐넛 나무를 지나야 했고, 나뭇가지에 작은 비둘기가 앉아서 노래하고 있었다.
Then the prince / got down / and looked / at her foot; / and he saw, / by the blood / that streamed from it, / what a trick / she had played him.
그러자 왕자는 내려와 그녀의 발을 보았고, 발에서 흘러내리는 피를 통해 그녀가 그를 속였다는 것을 알아차렸다.
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