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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 036 – ASHPUTTEL – 011
But the mother said, ‘No, no, she is much too dirty; she will not dare to show herself.’ However, the prince would have her come; and she first washed her face and hands, and then went in and curtsied to him, and he reached her the golden slipper.Then she took her clumsy shoe off her left foot, and put on the golden slipper; and it fitted her as if it had been made for her.And when he drew near and looked at her face he knew her, and said, ‘This is the right bride.’ But the mother and both the sisters were frightened, and turned pale with anger as he took Ashputtel on his horse, and rode away with her.And when they came to the hazel-tree, the white dove sang:And when the dove had done its song, it came flying, and perched upon her right shoulder, and so went home with her.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
But the mother said, / ‘No, no, / she is much too dirty; / she will not dare to show herself.’
그러나 어머니는 ‘안 돼, 안 돼, 그녀는 너무 더럽단다. 그녀는 차마 모습을 드러내지 못할 거야.’라고 말했다.
⦁ mother: 어머니 – The mother watched over her children. (어머니는 아이들을 지켜보았다.) ⦁ dare: 감히 하다 – Do you dare to challenge me? (감히 나에게 도전한 거야?) -
However, the prince would have her come; / and she first washed her face and hands, / and then went in and curtsied to him, / and he reached her the golden slipper.
그러나 왕자는 그녀가 오게 했다; 그녀는 먼저 얼굴과 손을 씻고 나서, 들어가서 그에게 인사했고, 그는 그녀에게 금으로 된 슬리퍼를 건넸다.
⦁ prince: 왕자 – The prince rode on a white horse. (왕자는 백마를 타고 있었다.) ⦁ curtsy: 인사하다 (여성의 인사) – She made a quick curtsy before the Queen. (그녀는 여왕 앞에서 빠르게 인사했다.) -
Then she took her clumsy shoe off her left foot, / and put on the golden slipper; / and it fitted her as if it had been made for her.
그러고는 왼발에서 서툰 신발을 벗고, 금으로 된 슬리퍼를 신었다; 그것은 마치 그녀를 위해 만들어진 듯 꼭 맞았다.
⦁ clumsy: 엉성한 – He made a clumsy attempt to fix the leak. (그는 누수를 고치려 엉성한 시도를 했다.) ⦁ fit: 맞다 – The coat fitted him perfectly. (그 코트는 그에게 완벽하게 맞았다.) -
And when he drew near and looked at her face / he knew her, / and said, / ‘This is the right bride.’
그가 다가와 그녀의 얼굴을 보았을 때 그는 그녀를 알아보았고, ‘이 사람이 바로 내 신부이다.’라고 말했다.
⦁ know: 알다 – Do you know the answer? (정답을 알고 있니?) ⦁ bride: 신부 – The bride walked down the aisle. (신부는 통로를 따라 걸어갔다.) -
But the mother and both the sisters were frightened, / and turned pale with anger / as he took Ashputtel on his horse, / and rode away with her.
그러나 어머니와 그녀의 두 자매는 겁이 나서 창백해졌고, 그는 애슈푸텔을 자신의 말에 태우고 함께 떠났다.
⦁ frightened: 겁먹은 – She was too frightened to speak. (그녀는 너무 겁이 나서 말문이 닫혔다.) ⦁ anger: 분노 – His face turned red with anger. (그의 얼굴은 분노로 붉어졌다.) -
And when they came to the hazel-tree, / the white dove sang:
그들이 헤이즐 나무에 도착했을 때, 하얀 비둘기가 노래했다:
⦁ hazel-tree: 헤이즐 나무 – The hazel-tree was in full bloom. (헤이즐 나무는 만개해 있었다.) ⦁ dove: 비둘기 – A white dove flew across the sky. (하얀 비둘기는 하늘을 날아갔다.) -
And when the dove had done its song, / it came flying, / and perched upon her right shoulder, / and so went home with her.
비둘기가 노래를 마쳤을 때, 날아오더니 그녀의 오른쪽 어깨에 앉아서 그녀와 함께 집으로 갔다.
⦁ flying: 날아가는 – A bird was flying high above. (새는 높은 곳을 날아가고 있었다.) ⦁ shoulder: 어깨 – He patted me on the shoulder. (그는 내 어깨를 두드렸다.)
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