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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 039 – THE QUEEN BEE – 001
Two kings’ sons once upon a time went into the world to seek their fortunes; but they soon fell into a wasteful foolish way of living, so that they could not return home again.Then their brother, who was a little insignificant dwarf, went out to seek for his brothers: but when he had found them they only laughed at him, to think that he, who was so young and simple, should try to travel through the world, when they, who were so much wiser, had been unable to get on.However, they all set out on their journey together, and came at last to an ant-hill.The two elder brothers would have pulled it down, in order to see how the poor ants in their fright would run about and carry off their eggs.But the little dwarf said, ‘Let the poor things enjoy themselves, I will not suffer you to trouble them.’So on they went, and came to a lake where many many ducks were swimming about
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Two kings’ sons / once upon a time / went into the world / to seek their fortunes;
두 왕자들은 한때 이 세상으로 나가서 그들의 재산을 구하러 갔어요.
but they soon / fell into a wasteful foolish way / of living, / so that they / could not return home again.
하지만 그들은 금세 허세 부리며 어리석게 살다가, 다시 집으로 돌아가지 못하게 되었어요.
Then their brother, / who was a little insignificant dwarf, / went out to seek for his brothers:
그 후, 작은 보잘것없는 난쟁이인 그들의 형제가 형들을 찾으러 나갔어요.
but when he had found them / they only laughed at him, / to think that he, / who was so young and simple, / should try to travel through the world, / when they, who were so much wiser, / had been unable to get on.
그가 그들을 찾았을 때, 형들은 그가 너무 젊고 단순해서 이 세상을 여행하려고 한다고 생각하며 그를 비웃었어요, 자신들이 훨씬 더 현명했지만 아무런 성과도 내지 못했기 때문이에요.
However, / they all set out/ on their journey together, / and came at last / to an ant-hill.
그러나 그들은 모두 함께 여행을 떠났고 마침내 개미집에 도착했어요.
The two elder brothers / would have pulled it down, / in order to see / how the poor ants / in their fright / would run about and carry off their eggs.
두 형들은 겁먹은 불쌍한 개미들이 어떻게 달려가서 알을 옮기는지 보기 위해 애써 개미집을 무너뜨리려고 했어요.
But the little dwarf said, / ‘Let the poor things enjoy themselves, / I will not suffer you / to trouble them.’
하지만 작은 난쟁이는 ‘불쌍한 것들이 즐겁게 지내게 두세요, 그들을 괴롭히게 하지 않을 거예요’라고 말했어요.
So on they went, / and came to a lake / where many many ducks / were swimming about.
그래서 그들은 계속 갔고, 많은 오리들이 헤엄치고 있는 호수에 도달했어요.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)