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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 039 – THE QUEEN BEE – 004
And as he sat there, the king of the ants (whose life he had saved) came to help him, with five thousand ants; and it was not long before they had found all the pearls and laid them in a heap.The second tablet said: ‘The key of the princess’s bed-chamber must be fished up out of the lake.’ And as the dwarf came to the brink of it, he saw the two ducks whose lives he had saved swimming about; and they dived down and soon brought in the key from the bottom.The third task was the hardest.It was to choose out the youngest and the best of the king’s three daughters.Now they were all beautiful, and all exactly alike: but he was told that the eldest had eaten a piece of sugar, the next some sweet syrup, and the youngest a spoonful of honey; so he was to guess which it was that had eaten the honey
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
And as he sat there,/ the king of the ants (whose life he had saved) /came to help him, /with five thousand ants;
그가 거기에 앉아 있을 때, (그가 목숨을 구해준) 개미 왕이 오천 마리의 개미들과 함께 그를 도우러 왔다.
and it was not long before/ they had found all the pearls/ and laid them in a heap.
그리고 오래되지 않아, 그들이 모든 진주를 찾아내어 더미로 쌓아놓았다.
The second tablet said: /‘The key of the princess’s bed-chamber must be fished up out of the lake.’
두 번째 판에는 ‘공주의 침실 열쇠는 호수에서 건져 올려야 한다’라고 적혀 있었다.
And as the dwarf came /to the brink of it, /he saw the two ducks /whose lives he had saved swimming about;
그리고 난쟁이가 호수에 도착했을 때, 그는 그가 목숨을 구한 두 마리 오리가 헤엄치고 있는 것을 보았다.
and they dived down /and soon brought in /the key from the bottom.
그리고 그들은 잠수해서 곧바로 바닥에서 열쇠를 가져왔다.
The third task /was the hardest.
세 번째 임무는 가장 어려웠다.
It was to choose out /the youngest and the best /of the king’s three daughters.
그것은 왕의 세 딸 중에서 가장 어리고 뛰어난 딸을 선택하는 것이었다.
Now they were all beautiful, /and all exactly alike: /but he was told /that the eldest had eaten a piece of sugar, /the next some sweet syrup, /and the youngest a spoonful of honey; /so he was to guess /which it was /that had eaten the honey.
그들은 모두 아름다웠고 똑같이 생겼다. 그러나 장녀는 설탕 한 조각을, 중간 딸은 달콤한 시럽을, 막내는 꿀 한 숟가락을 먹었다고 들었다. 그래서 그는 누가 꿀을 먹었는지 맞춰야 했다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)