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Grimms Fairy Tales 040 THE ELVES AND THE SHOEMAKER 004

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 040 – THE ELVES AND THE SHOEMAKER – 004

About midnight in they came, dancing and skipping, hopped round the room, and then went to sit down to their work as usual; but when they saw the clothes lying for them, they laughed and chuckled, and seemed mightily delighted.

Then they dressed themselves in the twinkling of an eye, and danced and capered and sprang about, as merry as could be; till at last they danced out at the door, and away over the green.

The good couple saw them no more; but everything went well with them from that time forward, as long as they lived.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. About midnight / in they came, / dancing and skipping, / hopped round the room, / and then / went to sit down / to their work / as usual; / but when / they saw the clothes lying / for them, / they laughed / and chuckled, / and seemed mightily delighted.

    자정쯤, 그들은 춤추며 깡충깡충 뛰며 들어와 방을 돌고 평소처럼 일을 하러 앉았다; 그러나 그들은 그들을 위해 놓여 있는 옷을 보고 웃고 킥킥거렸으며 매우 기뻐 보였다.

    ⦁ danced: 춤추다
    – She danced gracefully across the stage. (그녀는 무대에서 우아하게 춤을 춘다.)

    ⦁ delighted: 기뻐하는
    – He was delighted to receive the award. (그는 상을 받아서 기뻤다.)

  2. Then / they dressed themselves / in the twinkling of an eye, / and danced and capered / and sprang about, / as merry / as could be; / till at last / they danced out / at the door, / and away / over the green.

    그러고 나서 그들은 눈 깜짝할 사이에 자신을 꾸미고 춤추고 깡충깡충 뛰며 매우 즐겁게 뛰어다녔다; 마침내 그들은 문을 나와 푸른 초원을 넘어갔다.

    ⦁ dressed: 옷을 입다
    – She dressed warmly for the winter. (그녀는 겨울을 대비해 따뜻하게 옷을 입었다.)

    ⦁ sprang: 뛰어오르다
    – The cat sprang onto the table. (고양이는 탁자 위로 뛰어올랐다.)

  3. The good couple / saw them / no more; / but everything / went well / with them / from that time forward, / as long as / they lived.

    좋은 부부는 그들을 더 이상 볼 수 없었지만, 그 때부터 그들이 사는 동안 모든 일이 잘 되었다.

    ⦁ forward: 앞으로
    – She took a step forward. (그녀는 한 걸음 앞으로 나아갔다.)

    ⦁ lived: 살다
    – They lived in a small house. (그들은 작은 집에서 살았다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)