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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 041 – THE JUNIPER-TREE – 003
A little while later she called her husband, and said to him, weeping.‘If I die, bury me under the juniper-tree.’ Then she felt comforted and happy again, and before another month had passed she had a little child, and when she saw that it was as white as snow and as red as blood, her joy was so great that she died.Her husband buried her under the juniper-tree, and wept bitterly for her.By degrees, however, his sorrow grew less, and although at times he still grieved over his loss, he was able to go about as usual, and later on he married again.He now had a little daughter born to him; the child of his first wife was a boy, who was as red as blood and as white as snow
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
A little while later / she called her husband, / and said to him, / weeping.
잠시 후 그녀는 남편을 불러 울면서 말했습니다.
‘If I die, / bury me under the juniper-tree.’
‘내가 죽으면 주니퍼 나무 아래에 나를 묻어주세요.’
Then she felt comforted / and happy again, / and before another month had passed / she had a little child,
그러고 나서 그녀는 다시 편안해지고 행복해졌습니다. 그리고 한 달이 지나기 전에 그녀는 아기를 낳았습니다.
and when she saw / that it was as white as snow / and as red as blood, / her joy was so great / that she died.
그것이 눈처럼 하얗고 피처럼 붉은 것을 보았을 때, 그녀는 너무 기뻐서 죽고 말았습니다.
Her husband buried her / under the juniper-tree, / and wept bitterly for her.
남편은 그녀를 주니퍼 나무 아래에 묻고, 그녀를 위해 서럽게 울었습니다.
By degrees, however, / his sorrow grew less, / and although at times / he still grieved over his loss, / he was able to go about as usual, / and later on / he married again.
그러나 서서히 그의 슬픔이 줄어들었고, 때때로 여전히 그의 상실감을 애도했지만, 그는 일상생활을 할 수 있었고, 나중에 다시 결혼했습니다.
He now had a little daughter / born to him; / the child of his first wife / was a boy, / who was as red as blood / and as white as snow.
이제 그는 딸을 낳았고, 첫 번째 아내의 아이는 피처럼 붉고 눈처럼 하얀 소년이었습니다.
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