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Grimms Fairy Tales 041 THE JUNIPER TREE 005

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 041 – THE JUNIPER-TREE – 005

The little boy now came in, and the evil spirit in the wife made her say kindly to him, ‘My son, will you have an apple?’ but she gave him a wicked look.
‘Mother,’ said the boy, ‘how dreadful you look! Yes, give me an apple.’ The thought came to her that she would kill him.
‘Come with me,’ she said, and she lifted up the lid of the chest; ‘take one out for yourself.’ And as he bent over to do so, the evil spirit urged her, and crash! down went the lid, and off went the little boy’s head.
Then she was overwhelmed with fear at the thought of what she had done.
‘If only I can prevent anyone knowing that I did it,’ she thought

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The little boy now / came in, / and the evil spirit / in the wife / made her say kindly / to him, ‘My son, / will you have an apple?’ / but she gave him / a wicked look.

    소년이 이제 / 들어왔고, / 아내 안의 악한 영혼이 / 그녀에게 친절하게 말하게 했다 / “아들아, / 사과 줄까?” / 하지만 그녀는 그를 / 악의적으로 쳐다봤다.

  2. ⦁ evil: 사악한
    – He had an evil grin on his face. (그는 사악한 미소를 지었다.)

    ⦁ wicked: 사악한
    – She gave him a wicked grin. (그녀는 그에게 사악한 미소를 지었다.)

  3. ‘Mother, /’ said the boy, / ‘how dreadful / you look! / Yes, / give me an apple.’

    ‘엄마, /’라고 소년이 말했다, / ‘얼마나 끔찍하게 / 보이는지! / 그래, / 사과 주세요.’

  4. ⦁ dreadful: 끔찍한
    – The scene was utterly dreadful. (장면이 완전히 끔찍했다.)

    ⦁ give: 주다
    – Can you give me a hand? (나를 도와줄 수 있니?)

  5. The thought came / to her / that she would kill him.

    그녀에게 / 떠올랐다 / 그를 죽일 생각이.

  6. ⦁ thought: 생각
    – A thought crossed my mind. (한 가지 생각이 떠올랐다.)

    ⦁ kill: 죽이다
    – He planned to kill the villain. (그는 악당을 죽일 계획이었다.)

  7. ‘Come with me,’ / she said, / and she lifted up / the lid of the chest; / ‘take one out / for yourself.’ / And as he bent over / to do so, / the evil spirit / urged her, / and crash! / down went the lid, / and off went / the little boy’s head.

    ‘나랑 같이 가,’ / 그녀가 말했다, / 그리고 그녀는 / 상자의 뚜껑을 들어 올렸다; / ‘자신을 위해 / 하나 골라봐.’ / 그리고 그가 몸을 구부리며 / 그렇게 하려 했을 때, / 악한 영혼이 / 그녀를 부추겼고, / 쾅! / 뚜껑이 닫혔고, / 소년의 머리가 / 떨어졌다.

  8. ⦁ lid: 뚜껑
    – She closed the lid gently. (그녀는 뚜껑을 조심스럽게 닫았다.)

    ⦁ urged: 강요하다
    – He urged me to join them. (그는 나에게 그들과 합류하라고 강요했다.)

  9. Then she was overwhelmed / with fear / at the thought / of what she had done.

    그러자 그녀는 / 두려움에 / 압도되었다 / 생각에 / 자신이 한 짓을.

  10. ⦁ overwhelmed: 압도된
    – She felt overwhelmed by the news. (그녀는 그 소식에 압도되었다.)

    ⦁ thought: 생각
    – A troubling thought occurred to me. (고민스러운 생각이 떠올랐다.)

  11. ‘If only / I can prevent anyone / knowing that / I did it,’ / she thought

    ‘만약에 / 누군가가 / 아는 것을 / 막을 수 있다면 / 내가 한 일을,’ / 그녀는 생각했다

  12. ⦁ prevent: 막다
    – We need to prevent any further damage. (우리는 추가적인 손상을 막아야 합니다.)

    ⦁ knowing: 아는 것
    – Knowing is half the battle. (아는 것이 절반이다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)