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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 041 – THE JUNIPER-TREE – 006
So she went upstairs to her room, and took a white handkerchief out of her top drawer; then she set the boy’s head again on his shoulders, and bound it with the handkerchief so that nothing could be seen, and placed him on a chair by the door with an apple in his hand.Soon after this, little Marleen came up to her mother who was stirring a pot of boiling water over the fire, and said, ‘Mother, brother is sitting by the door with an apple in his hand, and he looks so pale; and when I asked him to give me the apple, he did not answer, and that frightened me.’‘Go to him again,’ said her mother, ‘and if he does not answer, give him a box on the ear.’ So little Marleen went, and said, ‘Brother, give me that apple,’ but he did not say a word; then she gave him a box on the ear, and his head rolled off.She was so terrified at this, that she ran crying and screaming to her mother.‘Oh!’ she said, ‘I have knocked off brother’s head,’ and then she wept and wept, and nothing would stop her.‘What have you done!’ said her mother, ‘but no one must know about it, so you must keep silence; what is done can’t be undone; we will make him into puddings.’ And she took the little boy and cut him up, made him into puddings, and put him in the pot
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
So she went upstairs / to her room, / and took a white handkerchief / out of her top drawer; / then she set the boy’s head again / on his shoulders, / and bound it with the handkerchief / so that nothing could be seen, / and placed him on a chair / by the door / with an apple in his hand.
그래서 그녀는 위층에 있는 방으로 올라가서, 서랍장에서 흰 손수건을 꺼냈다. 그런 다음, 소년의 머리를 다시 어깨 위에 올리고 손수건으로 묶어 아무것도 보이지 않게 했다. 그리고 문 옆 의자에 앉히고 손에 사과를 쥐여주었다.
Soon after this, / little Marleen came up / to her mother / who was stirring a pot / of boiling water / over the fire, / and said, / ‘Mother, brother is sitting / by the door with an apple / in his hand, / and he looks so pale; / and when I asked him / to give me the apple, / he did not answer, / and that frightened me.’
그 후에 곧, 작은 마를린이 어머니에게 다가가서 말했다. 어머니는 끓는 물이 든 냄비를 불 위에서 저으며 있었다. ‘엄마, 오빠가 문 옆에 앉아 사과를 손에 들고 있던데, 얼굴이 너무 창백해 보여요. 제가 사과를 달라고 했는데, 대답을 하지 않아 무서웠어요.’
‘Go to him again,’ / said her mother, ‘and if he does not answer, / give him a box on the ear.’ / So little Marleen went, / and said, / ‘Brother, give me that apple,’ / but he did not say a word; / then she gave him a box on the ear, / and his head rolled off.
‘다시 가봐,’ 라고 어머니가 말했다. ‘그리고 그가 대답하지 않으면, 한 대 때려줘.’ 그래서 작은 마를린이 가서, ‘오빠, 그 사과 줘,’ 라고 말했지만, 그는 한 마디도 하지 않았다. 그러자 그녀는 그의 뺨을 때렸고, 그의 머리가 굴러 떨어졌다.
She was so terrified / at this, / that she ran crying and screaming / to her mother. / ‘Oh!’ she said, / ‘I have knocked off brother’s head,’ / and then she wept and wept, / and nothing would stop her.
그녀는 이 사실에 너무 무서워서, 울고 소리 지르며 어머니에게 달려갔다. ‘오! 오빠의 머리를 떨어뜨렸어요,’ 라며 울기 시작했고, 그녀는 멈추지 않았다.
‘What have you done!’ / said her mother, / ‘but no one must know / about it, / so you must keep silence; / what is done can’t be undone; / we will make him / into puddings.’ / And she took the little boy / and cut him up, / made him into puddings, / and put him in the pot
‘너 무슨 짓을 한 거니!’ 라고 어머니가 말했다. ‘하지만 아무도 이에 대해 알아선 안 돼, 그러니 입 다물고 있어라. 이미 일어난 일은 되돌릴 수 없다. 이제 그를 푸딩으로 만들자.’ 그리고 그녀는 소년을 데려가서 잘랐다. 그를 푸딩으로 만들고 냄비에 넣었다.
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