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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 041 – THE JUNIPER-TREE – 007
But Marleen stood looking on, and wept and wept, and her tears fell into the pot, so that there was no need of salt.Presently the father came home and sat down to his dinner; he asked, ‘Where is my son?’ The mother said nothing, but gave him a large dish of black pudding, and Marleen still wept without ceasing.The father again asked, ‘Where is my son?’‘Oh,’ answered the wife, ‘he is gone into the country to his mother’s great uncle; he is going to stay there some time.’‘What has he gone there for, and he never even said goodbye to me!’‘Well, he likes being there, and he told me he should be away quite six weeks; he is well looked after there.’‘I feel very unhappy about it,’ said the husband, ‘in case it should not be all right, and he ought to have said goodbye to me.’With this he went on with his dinner, and said, ‘Little Marleen, why do you weep? Brother will soon be back.’ Then he asked his wife for more pudding, and as he ate, he threw the bones under the table.Little Marleen went upstairs and took her best silk handkerchief out of her bottom drawer, and in it she wrapped all the bones from under the table and carried them outside, and all the time she did nothing but weep.Then she laid them in the green grass under the juniper-tree, and she had no sooner done so, then all her sadness seemed to leave her, and she wept no more
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
But Marleen stood looking on, / and wept and wept, / and her tears fell / into the pot, / so that there was no need of salt.
하지만 마를린은 바라보며 서 있었고, 계속 울었다. 그녀의 눈물이 냄비에 떨어져 소금이 필요 없을 정도였다.
Presently the father came home / and sat down / to his dinner; / he asked, / ‘Where is my son?’ / The mother said nothing, / but gave him / a large dish of black pudding, / and Marleen still wept / without ceasing.
곧 아버지가 집에 와서 저녁을 먹기 위해 앉았다. 그는 물었다, ‘내 아들은 어디에 있느냐?’ 어머니는 아무 말도 하지 않고 검은 푸딩 요리를 내주었다. 그리고 마를린은 멈추지 않고 계속 울었다.
The father again asked, / ‘Where is my son?’ / ‘Oh,’ / answered the wife, / ‘he is gone into the country / to his mother’s great uncle; / he is going to stay there / some time.’
아버지가 다시 물었다, ‘내 아들이 어디 있느냐?’ ‘아,’ 어머니가 대답했다, ‘그는 시골 어머니의 큰 삼촌 집에 갔어요. 그는 거기에 어느 정도 머무를 거예요.’
‘What has he gone there for, / and he never even said goodbye to me!’ / ‘Well, / he likes being there, / and he told me / he should be away / quite six weeks; / he is well looked after there.’
‘그가 왜 거기 갔으며, 나에게 작별 인사도 하지 않았느냐!’ ‘글쎄요, 그는 거기 있는 걸 좋아해요. 그리고 그는 나에게 말했어요. 그는 꽤 6주 동안 떨어져 있을 거라고. 그는 거기서 잘 돌봐줄 거예요.’
‘I feel very unhappy about it,’ / said the husband, / ‘in case it should not be all right, / and he ought to have said goodbye to me.’ / With this he went on with his dinner, / and said, / ‘Little Marleen, / why do you weep? / Brother will soon be back.’
‘나는 그것에 대해 매우 불행하다고 느껴요,’ 남편이 말했다. ‘만일 일이 잘못되면, 그는 나에게 작별 인사를 했어야 해요.’ 이렇게 말하고 그는 저녁을 계속 먹으며 말했다, ‘작은 마를린, 왜 우느냐? 형제는 곧 돌아올 거야.’
Then he asked his wife / for more pudding, / and as he ate, / he threw the bones / under the table.
그 후 그는 아내에게 더 많은 푸딩을 달라고 했고, 먹으면서 뼈를 테이블 아래로 던졌다.
Little Marleen went upstairs / and took her best silk handkerchief / out of her bottom drawer, / and in it / she wrapped / all the bones / from under the table / and carried them outside, / and all the time / she did nothing but weep.
작은 마를린은 위층으로 올라가 가장 좋은 실크 손수건을 하단 서랍에서 꺼냈다. 손수건에 테이블 아래에서 모든 뼈를 싸서 밖으로 가져갔고, 그 동안 내내 그녀는 울기만 했다.
Then she laid them / in the green grass / under the juniper-tree, / and she had no sooner done so, / than all her sadness seemed to leave her, / and she wept no more.
그녀는 그 뼈들을 초록 잔디 속에서 / 노간주나무 아래에 두었고, 그렇게 하자마자 / 모든 슬픔이 그녀를 떠난 것 같고 / 더 이상 울지 않았다.
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