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Grimms Fairy Tales 041 THE JUNIPER TREE 010

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 041 – THE JUNIPER-TREE – 010

‘Bird,’ said the shoemaker, ‘sing me that song again.’

‘Nay,’ answered the bird, ‘I do not sing twice for nothing; you must give me something.’

‘Wife,’ said the man, ‘go into the garret; on the upper shelf you will see a pair of red shoes; bring them to me.’ The wife went in and fetched the shoes.

‘There, bird,’ said the shoemaker, ‘now sing me that song again.’

The bird flew down and took the red shoes in his left claw, and then he went back to the roof and sang:

When he had finished, he flew away.
He had the chain in his right claw and the shoes in his left, and he flew right away to a mill, and the mill went ‘Click clack, click clack, click clack.’ Inside the mill were twenty of the miller’s men hewing a stone, and as they went ‘Hick hack, hick hack, hick hack,’ the mill went ‘Click clack, click clack, click clack.’

The bird settled on a lime-tree in front of the mill and sang:

then one of the men left off,

two more men left off and listened,

then four more left off,

Now there were only eight at work,

and now only five,

and now only one,

then he looked up and the last one had left off work.

‘Bird,’ he said, ‘what a beautiful song that is you sing! Let me hear it too; sing it again.’

‘Nay,’ answered the bird, ‘I do not sing twice for nothing; give me that millstone, and I will sing it again.’

‘If it belonged to me alone,’ said the man, ‘you should have it.’

‘Yes, yes,’ said the others: ‘if he will sing again, he can have it.’

The bird came down, and all the twenty millers set to and lifted up the stone with a beam; then the bird put his head through the hole and took the stone round his neck like a collar, and flew back with it to the tree and sang—

And when he had finished his song, he spread his wings, and with the chain in his right claw, the shoes in his left, and the millstone round his neck, he flew right away to his father’s house.

The father, the mother, and little Marleen were having their dinner

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. ‘Bird,’ / said the shoemaker, / ‘sing me / that song again.’

    ‘새야,’ /구두 수선공이 말했다, /나에게 /그 노래를 다시 불러줘.’

  2. ⦁ Bird: 새
    – The bird is flying. (새가 날고 있다.)

    ⦁ shoemaker: 구두 수선공
    – The shoemaker fixes shoes. (구두 수선공이 신발을 고친다.)

  3. ‘Nay,’ answered the bird, / ‘I do not sing twice for nothing; / you must give me something.’

    ‘아니,’ 새가 답했다, /나는 공짜로 두 번 노래하지 않아; /당신은 나에게 무언가를 줘야 해.’

  4. ⦁ answered: 답했다
    – She answered the phone. (그녀는 전화를 받았다.)

    ⦁ twice: 두 번
    – He called twice. (그는 두 번 전화했다.)

  5. ‘Wife,’ / said the man, / ‘go into the garret; / on the upper shelf / you will see / a pair of red shoes; / bring them to me.’/ The wife went in / and fetched the shoes.

    ‘아내,’ /남자가 말했다, /‘다락방으로 가; / 위쪽 선반에 / 당신은 볼 거야 / 한 켤레의 빨간 신발을; / 그것을 나에게 가져다줘.’ / 아내는 들어가서/ 신발을 가져왔다.

  6. ⦁ garret: 다락방
    – He lived in a garret. (그는 다락방에 살았다.)

    ⦁ fetched: 가져왔다
    – She fetched the book. (그녀는 책을 가져왔다.)

  7. ‘There, bird,’ / said the shoemaker, / ‘now sing me / that song again.’

    ‘여기, 새야,’ /구두 수선공이 말했다, /‘이제 나에게 /그 노래를 다시 불러줘.’

  8. ⦁ now: 이제
    – Come here now. (지금 여기로 와.)

    ⦁ sing: 노래하다
    – They sing beautifully. (그들은 아름답게 노래한다.)

  9. The bird flew down / and took the red shoes / in his left claw, / and then he went back / to the roof and sang:

    새는 내려와서 / 빨간 신발을 집었다 / 왼쪽 발톱에, / 그리고 그는 다시 돌아가서/ 지붕으로 가서 노래했다:

  10. ⦁ flew: 날았다
    – The plane flew high. (비행기가 높이 날았다.)

    ⦁ claw: 발톱
    – The cat sharpened its claws. (고양이가 발톱을 갈았다.)

  11. When he had finished, / he flew away. / He had the chain / in his right claw / and the shoes in his left, / and he flew right away / to a mill, / and the mill went ‘Click clack, click clack, click clack.’

    그가 노래를 마쳤을 때, / 그는 날아갔다. / 그는 사슬을 가지고 있었다 / 오른쪽 발톱에 / 그리고 신발은 왼쪽에, / 그는 바로 날아갔다 / 한 방앗간으로, / 그리고 방앗간은 ‘클릭 클랙, 클릭 클랙, 클릭 클랙’ 하고 소리를 냈다.

  12. ⦁ chain: 사슬
    – He wore a gold chain. (그는 금 사슬을 착용했다.)

    ⦁ mill: 방앗간
    – The old mill still works. (그 오래된 방앗간은 여전히 작동한다.)

  13. Inside the mill / were twenty of the miller’s men / hewing a stone, / and as they went ‘Hick hack, hick hack, hick hack,’ / the mill went ‘Click clack, click clack, click clack.’

    방앗간 안에는 / 방앗간 주인의 남자 스물 명이 있었다 / 돌을 자르는, / 그리고 그들이 “힉 해크, 힉 해크, 힉 해크” 하고 있었던 동안, / 방앗간은 ‘클릭 클랙, 클릭 클랙, 클릭 클랙’ 하고 소리를 냈다.

  14. ⦁ hewing: 자르는
    – They are hewing wood. (그들은 나무를 자르고 있다.)

    ⦁ stone: 돌
    – The stone was heavy. (돌은 무거웠다.)

  15. The bird settled / on a lime-tree / in front of the mill / and sang:

    새는 앉아서 / 라임 나무 위에 / 방앗간 앞에 / 그리고 노래했다:

  16. ⦁ settled: 앉았다
    – The bird settled on a branch. (새는 가지에 앉았다.)

    ⦁ lime-tree: 라임 나무
    – The lime-tree is tall. (라임 나무는 크다.)

  17. Then one of the men left off, / two more men left off and listened, / then four more left off, / now there were only eight at work, / and now only five, / and now only one, / then he looked up / and the last one had left off work.

    그러자 한 사람이 그만두고, / 두 사람 더 그만두고 듣기 시작했다, / 그 후 네 명 더 그만두고, / 이제는 일하는 사람이 여덟 명만 남았다, / 그리고 이제는 다섯 명만, / 그리고 이제는 한 명만 남았다, / 그러고 나서 한 사람이 올려다봤다 / 그리고 마지막 사람이 일을 그만두었다.

  18. ⦁ left off: 그만두었다
    – He left off working. (그는 일을 그만두었다.)

    ⦁ listened: 들었다
    – She listened to music. (그녀는 음악을 들었다.)

  19. ‘Bird,’ / he said, / ‘what a beautiful song / that is / you sing! / Let me hear it too; / sing it again.’

    ‘새야,’ /그가 말했다, /‘정말 아름다운 노래야 / 그것은 / 네가 부르는! / 나도 듣게 해줘; /다시 불러줘.’

  20. ⦁ beautiful: 아름다운
    – The view is beautiful. (경치가 아름답다.)

    ⦁ sing: 노래하다
    – They sing well. (그들은 노래를 잘한다.)

  21. ‘Nay,’ / answered the bird, / ‘I do not sing twice for nothing; / give me that millstone, / and I will sing it again.’

    ‘아니,’ /새가 답했다, /나는 공짜로 두 번 노래하지 않아; /그 방앗간을 줘, /그러면 다시 불러줄게.’

  22. ⦁ twice: 두 번
    – He called twice. (그는 두 번 전화했다.)

    ⦁ millstone: 방앗간 돌
    – The millstone is heavy. (방앗간 돌은 무겁다.)

  23. ‘If it belonged to me alone,’ / said the man, / ‘you should have it.’

    ‘내 것만이었다면,’ /남자가 말했다, /당신이 가져야 해.’

  24. ⦁ belonged: 소유되었다
    – The house belonged to him. (그 집은 그의 소유였다.)

    ⦁ alone: 단독으로
    – She went alone. (그녀는 혼자 갔다.)

  25. ‘Yes, yes,’ / said the others: / ‘if he will sing again, / he can have it.’

    ‘그래, 그래,’ /다른 사람들이 말했다: /그가 다시 부를 거라면, /그가 가질 수 있어.’

  26. ⦁ others: 다른 사람들
    – The others agree. (다른 사람들은 동의한다.)

    ⦁ have: 가지다
    – You can have it. (너는 그것을 가질 수 있어.)

  27. The bird came down, / and all the twenty millers / set to / and lifted up the stone / with a beam; / then the bird put his head / through the hole / and took the stone round his neck / like a collar, / and flew back / with it to the tree / and sang—

    새가 내려왔다, / 그리고 모든 스무 명의 방앗간 사람들이 / 시작하여 / 돌을 들어올렸다 / 한 빔으로; / 그 후 새는 그의 머리를 넣었다 / 구멍을 통해 / 그리고 돌을 그의 목에 둘러맸다 / 목걸이처럼, / 그리고 다시 날아갔다 / 그것을 가지고 나무로 / 그리고 노래했다—

  28. ⦁ lifted: 들어올렸다
    – They lifted the box. (그들은 상자를 들어올렸다.)

    ⦁ collar: 목걸이
    – The cat wore a collar. (고양이는 목걸이를 했다.)

  29. And when he had finished his song, / he spread his wings, / and with the chain in his right claw, / the shoes in his left, / and the millstone round his neck, / he flew right away / to his father’s house.

    그리고 그가 노래를 끝냈을 때, / 그는 그의 날개를 펼쳤다, / 그리고 그의 오른쪽 발톱에 사슬과, / 왼쪽에는 신발을, / 그의 목에 방앗간 돌을 두른 채, / 그는 바로 날아갔다 / 그의 아버지의 집으로.

  30. ⦁ spread: 펼쳤다
    – The bird spread its wings. (새는 날개를 펼쳤다.)

    ⦁ wings: 날개
    – The plane has wings. (비행기는 날개가 있다.)

  31. The father, / the mother, / and little Marleen / were having their dinner.

    아버지, /어머니, /그리고 작은 말린 /은 저녁을 먹고 있었다.

  32. ⦁ father: 아버지
    – His father is tall. (그의 아버지는 키가 크다.)

    ⦁ dinner: 저녁
    – They had dinner together. (그들은 함께 저녁을 먹었다.)

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