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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 041 – THE JUNIPER-TREE – 011
‘How lighthearted I feel,’ said the father, ‘so pleased and cheerful.’‘And I,’ said the mother, ‘I feel so uneasy, as if a heavy thunderstorm were coming.’But little Marleen sat and wept and wept.Then the bird came flying towards the house and settled on the roof.‘I do feel so happy,’ said the father, ‘and how beautifully the sun shines; I feel just as if I were going to see an old friend again.’‘Ah!’ said the wife, ‘and I am so full of distress and uneasiness that my teeth chatter, and I feel as if there were a fire in my veins,’ and she tore open her dress; and all the while little Marleen sat in the corner and wept, and the plate on her knees was wet with her tears.The bird now flew to the juniper-tree and began singing:the mother shut her eyes and her ears, that she might see and hear nothing, but there was a roaring sound in her ears like that of a violent storm, and in her eyes a burning and flashing like lightning:‘Look, mother,’ said the man, ‘at the beautiful bird that is singing so magnificently; and how warm and bright the sun is, and what a delicious scent of spice in the air!’then little Marleen laid her head down on her knees and sobbed.‘I must go outside and see the bird nearer,’ said the man
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘How lighthearted / I feel,’ / said the father, / ‘so pleased and cheerful.’
‘마음이 얼마나 가볍게 느껴지는지,’ 아빠가 말했다, ‘매우 기쁘고 유쾌하다.’
‘And I,’ / said the mother, / ‘I feel / so uneasy, / as if a heavy thunderstorm / were coming.’
‘그리고 나는,’ 엄마가 말했다, ‘매우 불안한 느낌이 든다, 마치 큰 폭풍우가 오는 것처럼.’
But little Marleen / sat and wept / and wept.
하지만 어린 마를린은 앉아 울며 또 울었다.
Then the bird / came flying / towards the house / and settled on the roof.
그 후 새가 집으로 날아와 지붕에 앉았다.
‘I do feel / so happy,’ said the father, / ‘and how beautifully / the sun shines; / I feel / just as if I were going / to see an old friend / again.’
‘정말 행복해,’ 아빠가 말했다, ‘햇빛도 얼마나 아름다운지; 마치 오랜 친구를 다시 만날 것 같은 기분이야.’
‘Ah!’ / said the wife, / ‘and I am / so full of distress / and uneasiness / that my teeth chatter, / and I feel / as if there were a fire / in my veins,’ / and she tore / open her dress; / and all the while / little Marleen / sat in the corner / and wept, / and the plate on her knees / was wet with her tears.
‘아!’ / 아내가 말했다, / ‘그리고 나는 / 고통과 불안으로 가득 차서 / 이가 떨리고, / 마치 내 혈관에 불이 붙은 것 같아,’ / 그리고 그녀는 드레스를 찢어 열었다; / 그리고 그 동안 / 어린 마를린은 / 구석에 앉아 울고 있었고, / 그녀의 무릎 위에 있던 접시는 / 눈물로 젖어 있었다.
The bird now flew / to the juniper-tree / and began singing:
이제 새는 / 향나무로 날아가 / 노래를 부르기 시작했다:
the mother / shut her eyes / and her ears, / that she might see / and hear nothing, / but there was a roaring sound / in her ears / like that of a violent storm, / and in her eyes / a burning and flashing / like lightning:
엄마는 / 눈과 귀를 / 감았지만, / 아무것도 보거나 / 들을 수 없도록 했지만, / 그녀의 귀에는 / 폭풍과 같은 / 요란한 소리가 들렸고, / 그녀의 눈에는 / 타오르고 번쩍이는 / 번개처럼 보였다:
‘Look, mother,’ / said the man, / ‘at the beautiful bird / that is singing so magnificently; / and how warm / and bright the sun is, / and what a delicious scent / of spice in the air!’
‘봐요, 엄마,’ 남자가 말했다, ‘저렇게 훌륭하게 노래하는 아름다운 새를; 그리고 얼마나 따뜻하고 밝은 햇빛이야, 그리고 공기에 얼마나 맛있는 향신료 냄새가 나는지!’
then little Marleen / laid her head / down on her knees / and sobbed.
그러자 어린 마를린은 / 머리를 / 무릎 위에 놓고 / 흐느꼈다.
‘I must go outside / and see the bird / nearer,’ / said the man
‘나는 나가서 / 새를 더 가까이 / 봐야 해,’ / 남자가 말했다
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