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Grimms Fairy Tales 042 THE TURNIP 004

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 042 – THE TURNIP – 004

So he hired some villains to murder him; and having shown them where to lie in ambush, he went to his brother, and said, ‘Dear brother, I have found a hidden treasure; let us go and dig it up, and share it between us.’ The other had no suspicions of his roguery: so they went out together, and as they were travelling along, the murderers rushed out upon him, bound him, and were going to hang him on a tree.

But whilst they were getting all ready, they heard the trampling of a horse at a distance, which so frightened them that they pushed their prisoner neck and shoulders together into a sack, and swung him up by a cord to the tree, where they left him dangling, and ran away.
Meantime he worked and worked away, till he made a hole large enough to put out his head.

When the horseman came up, he proved to be a student, a merry fellow, who was journeying along on his nag, and singing as he went

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. So he hired / some villains / to murder him; / and having shown them / where to lie in ambush, / he went / to his brother, / and said, ‘Dear brother, / I have found / a hidden treasure; / let us go / and dig it up, / and share it / between us.’

    그래서 그는 몇몇 악당들을 고용하여 그를 살해하라고 했고, 그들에게 잠복할 장소를 보여준 후, 형제에게 가서 말했습니다. ‘형제여, 나는 숨겨진 보물을 발견했다네. 가서 그것을 파내어 나눠 갖자.’

    ⦁ villain: 악당
    – The villain plotted against the hero. (악당이 영웅을 상대로 음모를 꾸몄다.)

    ⦁ treasure: 보물
    – They went on a quest to find the hidden treasure. (그들은 숨겨진 보물을 찾기 위해 모험을 떠났다.)

  2. The other / had no suspicions / of his roguery: / so they went out / together, / and as they were travelling along, / the murderers rushed out / upon him, / bound him, / and were going / to hang him / on a tree.

    다른 사람은 그의 악행을 전혀 의심하지 않았습니다. 그래서 둘은 함께 나섰고, 여행을 하던 중에 살인자들이 튀어나와 그를 묶고 나무에 매달려고 했습니다.

    ⦁ suspicion: 의심
    – She had no suspicion of his true intentions. (그녀는 그의 진짜 의도를 전혀 의심하지 않았다.)

    ⦁ bound: 묶다
    – They bound his hands with rope. (그들은 밧줄로 그의 손을 묶었다.)

  3. But whilst they were / getting all ready, / they heard / the trampling of a horse / at a distance, / which so frightened them / that they pushed their prisoner / neck and shoulders / together into a sack, / and swung him up / by a cord / to the tree, / where they left him / dangling, / and ran away.
    Meantime / he worked and worked away, / till he made a hole / large enough / to put out his head.

    그러나 그들이 모든 준비를 하고 있을 때, 멀리서 말발굽 소리를 듣고 무서워서 그들은 죄수의 목과 어깨를 자루에 넣고 그를 나무에 매달아 놓고 도망쳤습니다. 그 동안 그는 열심히 일하여 머리를 내밀 수 있을 정도로 큰 구멍을 만들었습니다.

    ⦁ trample: 짓밟다
    – The horse trampled on the grass. (말이 잔디를 짓밟았다.)

    ⦁ cord: 끈
    – He tied the bundle with a cord. (그는 다발을 끈으로 묶었다.)

  4. When the horseman / came up, / he proved to be / a student, / a merry fellow, / who was journeying along / on his nag, / and singing / as he went.

    말탄 사람이 나타났을 때, 그는 학생이었고, 유쾌한 친구로 밝혀졌으며, 그의 말에 타고 길을 따라가며 노래를 부르고 있었습니다.

    ⦁ horseman: 기수
    – The horseman approached swiftly. (기수가 빠르게 다가왔다.)

    ⦁ merry: 유쾌한
    – They had a merry evening together. (그들은 함께 유쾌한 저녁을 보냈다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)