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Grimms Fairy Tales 042 THE TURNIP 006

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 042 – THE TURNIP – 006

Wert thou but once here, my friend, though wouldst feel and own the power of knowledge.

The student listened to all this and wondered much; at last he said, ‘Blessed be the day and hour when I found you; cannot you contrive to let me into the sack for a little while?’ Then the other answered, as if very unwillingly, ‘A little space I may allow thee to sit here, if thou wilt reward me well and entreat me kindly; but thou must tarry yet an hour below, till I have learnt some little matters that are yet unknown to me.’

So the student sat himself down and waited a while; but the time hung heavy upon him, and he begged earnestly that he might ascend forthwith, for his thirst for knowledge was great.
Then the other pretended to give way, and said, ‘Thou must let the sack of wisdom descend, by untying yonder cord, and then thou shalt enter.’ So the student let him down, opened the sack, and set him free.
‘Now then,’ cried he, ‘let me ascend quickly.’ As he began to put himself into the sack heels first, ‘Wait a while,’ said the gardener, ‘that is not the way.’ Then he pushed him in head first, tied up the sack, and soon swung up the searcher after wisdom dangling in the air

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Wert thou but once here, / my friend, / thou wouldst feel / and own the power / of knowledge.

    친구여, 한 번이라도 여기 있었다면 지식의 힘을 느끼고 인정했을 것이다.

  2. ⦁ knowledge: 지식
    – Knowledge is power. (지식은 힘이다.)

    ⦁ power: 힘, 권력
    – The king has power over his subjects. (왕은 그의 신하들에 대해 권력을 가진다.)

  3. The student listened / to all this / and wondered much; / at last / he said, / ‘Blessed be the day / and hour / when I found you; / cannot you / contrive / to let me into the sack / for a little while?’

    학생은 이 말을 다 듣고 매우 놀랐다; 마침내 이렇게 말했다, ‘당신을 만난 날과 시간이 복되기를; 잠시 동안이라도 나를 자루 안에 넣어줄 수 없겠습니까?’

  4. ⦁ wondered: 궁금해하다
    – He wondered about the accuracy of the report. (그는 그 보고서의 정확성에 대해 궁금해했다.)

    ⦁ blessed: 축복받은
    – The family felt blessed by the new addition. (가족은 새로운 추가 구성원에 의해 축복받았다고 느꼈다.)

  5. Then the other answered, / as if / very unwillingly, / ‘A little space / I may allow thee / to sit here, / if thou wilt reward me / well / and entreat me / kindly; / but thou must tarry yet / an hour below, / till I have learnt / some little matters / that are yet unknown to me.’

    그러자 다른 사람이 매우 마지못한 듯 대답했다, ‘잠깐 동안 자리를 내어줄 수는 있겠지만, 나에게 잘 보상하고 친절히 대해야 하네; 아직 배우지 못한 몇 가지 작은 것들을 배우기 전에 한 시간 더 기다려야 한다네.’

  6. ⦁ unwillingly: 마지못해
    – She unwillingly agreed to the arrangement. (그녀는 마지못해 그 배치를 동의했다.)

    ⦁ reward: 보상하다
    – Hard work was rewarded with success. (노력은 성공으로 보상받았다.)

  7. So the student / sat himself down / and waited / a while; / but the time / hung heavy upon him, / and he begged / earnestly / that he might ascend / forthwith, / for his thirst for knowledge / was great.

    그래서 학생은 앉아서 잠시 기다렸다; 하지만 시간은 그에게 지루하였고 그가 즉시 올라가게 해달라고 간절히 빌었다, 그의 지식에 대한 갈망은 컸기 때문이다.

  8. ⦁ ascend: 올라가다
    – The balloon began to ascend rapidly. (풍선이 빠르게 상승하기 시작했다.)

    ⦁ earnestly: 간절히
    – She earnestly requested help. (그녀는 간절히 도움을 요청했다.)

  9. Then the other / pretended / to give way, / and said, / ‘Thou must let / the sack of wisdom / descend, / by untying / yonder cord, / and then thou shalt / enter.’

    그때 다른 사람은 마지못해 양보하는 척하며 말했다, ‘저 끈을 풀어 지혜의 자루를 내려놓고, 그 후에 너는 들어가게 될 것이다.’

  10. ⦁ descend: 내려가다
    – The sun began to descend behind the mountains. (태양이 산 너머로 내려가기 시작했다.)

    ⦁ pretended: ~인 척하다
    – He pretended to know the answer. (그는 답을 아는 척했다.)

  11. So the student / let him down, / opened the sack, / and set him free.

    그래서 학생은 그를 내려놓고, 자루를 열어 그를 풀어주었다.

  12. ⦁ opened: 열다
    – She opened the door slowly. (그녀는 문을 천천히 열었다.)

    ⦁ free: 자유롭게 하다
    – The prisoners were set free. (죄수들은 자유롭게 되었다.)

  13. ‘Now then,’ / cried he, / ‘let me ascend / quickly.’ / As he began / to put himself / into the sack / heels first, / ‘Wait a while,’ / said the gardener, / ‘that is not the way.’ / Then he pushed him in / head first, / tied up the sack, / and soon swung up / the searcher after wisdom / dangling in the air.

    ‘자, 그럼,’ 그가 외쳤다, ‘빨리 올라가게 해줘.’ 그가 먼저 발을 자루 안에 넣기 시작했을 때, ‘잠깐만,’ 정원사가 말했다, ‘그게 맞는 방법이 아니다.’ 그러고 나서 그는 그의 머리부터 자루 안에 밀어 넣고, 자루를 묶고 금세 지식을 찾는 사람을 공중에 매달아 올렸다.

  14. ⦁ cried: 외치다
    – The baby cried loudly. (아기가 크게 울었다.)

    ⦁ dangling: 매달려 있는
    – The keys were left dangling from the lock. (열쇠는 자물쇠에 매달려 있는 채로 남겨졌다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)