❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Grimms’ Fairy Tales 043 – CLEVER HANS – 001
The mother of Hans said: ‘Whither away, Hans?’ Hans answered: ‘To Gretel.’ ‘Behave well, Hans.’ ‘Oh, I’ll behave well.Goodbye, mother.’ ‘Goodbye, Hans.’ Hans comes to Gretel.‘Good day, Gretel.’ ‘Good day, Hans.What do you bring that is good?’ ‘I bring nothing, I want to have something given me.’ Gretel presents Hans with a needle, Hans says: ‘Goodbye, Gretel.’ ‘Goodbye, Hans.’Hans takes the needle, sticks it into a hay-cart, and follows the cart home.‘Good evening, mother.’ ‘Good evening, Hans.Where have you been?’ ‘With Gretel.’ ‘What did you take her?’ ‘Took nothing; had something given me.’ ‘What did Gretel give you?’ ‘Gave me a needle.’ ‘Where is the needle, Hans?’ ‘Stuck in the hay-cart.’ ‘That was ill done, Hans.You should have stuck the needle in your sleeve.’ ‘Never mind, I’ll do better next time.’‘Whither away, Hans?’ ‘To Gretel, mother.’ ‘Behave well, Hans.’ ‘Oh, I’ll behave well
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The mother of Hans / said: ‘Whither away, / Hans?’
한스의 어머니가 말했습니다. “어디 가니, 한스?”
Hans answered: ‘To Gretel.’ / ‘Behave well, / Hans.’
한스가 대답했습니다. “그레텔에게요.” “얌전히 있어, 한스.”
‘Oh, I’ll behave / well.
“네, 얌전히 있을게요.”
Goodbye, mother.’ / ‘Goodbye, Hans.’
“안녕히 계세요, 어머니.” “잘 가거라, 한스.”
Hans comes to Gretel.
한스가 그레텔에게 옵니다.
‘Good day, Gretel.’ / ‘Good day, Hans.”
“좋은 아침, 그레텔.” “좋은 아침, 한스.”
What do you bring / that is good?’ / ‘I bring nothing, / I want to have something / given me.’
“어떤 좋은 것을 가져왔니?” “아무것도 안 가져왔어요, 뭔가 받고 싶어요.”
Gretel presents / Hans with a needle, / Hans says: ‘Goodbye, / Gretel.’
그레텔이 한스에게 바늘을 주고, 한스가 말합니다. “잘 가, 그레텔.”
‘Goodbye, Hans.’
“잘 가, 한스.”
Hans takes the needle, / sticks it into a hay-cart, / and follows the cart home.
한스는 바늘을 가지고, 그것을 건초 마차에 꽂고, 마차를 따라 집으로 갑니다.
‘Good evening, mother.’
“안녕하세요, 어머니.”
‘Good evening, Hans.’ / ‘Where have you been?’
“안녕, 한스.” “어디 갔었니?”
‘With Gretel.’ / ‘What did you take / her?’
“그레텔에게 갔었어요.” “그레텔에게 무엇을 가지고 갔니?”
‘Took nothing; / had something given / me.’
“아무것도 안 가져갔어요; 무언가를 받았어요.”
‘What did Gretel give / you?’ / ‘Gave me a needle.’
“그레텔이 뭘 줬니?” “바늘을 줬어요.”
‘Where is the needle, / Hans?’ / ‘Stuck in the hay-cart.’
“바늘은 어디 있니, 한스?” “건초 마차에 꽂혀 있어요.”
‘That was ill done, / Hans. / You should have stuck the needle / in your sleeve.’
“잘못했구나, 한스. 그 바늘을 네 소매에 꽂았어야 했어.”
‘Never mind, / I’ll do better / next time.’
“괜찮아요, 다음번엔 더 잘할게요.”
‘Whither away, / Hans?’ / ‘To Gretel, / mother.’
“어디 가니, 한스?” “그레텔에게요, 어머니.”
‘Behave well, / Hans.’ / ‘Oh, I’ll behave well.’
“얌전히 있어, 한스.” “네, 얌전히 있을게요.”
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