❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Grimms’ Fairy Tales 043 – CLEVER HANS – 003
Goodbye, mother.’ ‘Goodbye, Hans.’ Hans comes to Gretel.‘Good day, Gretel.’ ‘Good day, Hans.What good thing do you bring?’ ‘I bring nothing, I want something given me.’ Gretel presents Hans with a young goat.‘Goodbye, Gretel.’ ‘Goodbye, Hans.’ Hans takes the goat, ties its legs, and puts it in his pocket.When he gets home it is suffocated.‘Good evening, mother.’ ‘Good evening, Hans.Where have you been?’ ‘With Gretel.’ ‘What did you take her?’ ‘Took nothing, she gave me something.’ ‘What did Gretel give you?’ ‘She gave me a goat.’ ‘Where is the goat, Hans?’ ‘Put it in my pocket.’ ‘That was ill done, Hans, you should have put a rope round the goat’s neck.’ ‘Never mind, will do better next time.’‘Whither away, Hans?’ ‘To Gretel, mother.’ ‘Behave well, Hans.’ ‘Oh, I’ll behave well
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Goodbye, mother.’ ‘Goodbye, Hans.’ Hans comes / to Gretel.‘Good day, Gretel.’ ‘Good day, Hans.What good thing / do you bring?’
잘 가, 어머니.’ ‘잘 가, 한스.’ 한스는 그레텔에게 간다./ ‘안녕하세요, 그레텔.’ ‘안녕하세요, 한스./ 어떤 좋은 것을 가져왔나요?’
⦁ Goodbye: 잘 가 – Goodbye, everyone! (잘 가, 모두들!) ⦁ bring: 가져오다 – Don’t forget to bring your book. (책 가져오는 걸 잊지 마세요.) -
I bring nothing, / I want something / given me.’
난 아무것도 가져오지 않았어,/ 뭔가를 받고 싶어.’
⦁ nothing: 아무것도 – I have nothing to say. (아무 말도 할 게 없어.) ⦁ given: 주어진 – Take what you are given. (주어진 것을 받아.) -
Gretel presents / Hans / with a young goat.’ ‘Goodbye, Gretel.’ ‘Goodbye, Hans.’ Hans takes the goat, / ties its legs, / and puts it / in his pocket.
그레텔이 한스에게 / 어린 염소를 준다./ ‘잘 가, 그레텔.’ ‘잘 가, 한스.’ 한스는 염소를 데리고, / 다리를 묶고, / 그것을 그의 주머니에 / 넣는다.
⦁ presents: 제시하다, 주다 – She presents her ideas clearly. (그녀는 자신의 생각을 명확하게 제시하다.) ⦁ pocket: 주머니 – I keep my wallet in my pocket. (내 지갑은 주머니에 넣어 두다.) -
When he gets home / it is suffocated. ‘Good evening, mother.’ ‘Good evening, Hans.’
그가 집에 / 도착했을 때 / 그것은 숨이 막힌다. /‘안녕히 주무세요, 어머니.’ /‘안녕히 주무세요, 한스.’
⦁ suffocated: 질식된 – The room was so stuffy, / it felt suffocated. (방이 너무 답답해서 질식하는 느낌이었어.) ⦁ home: 집 – It’s time to go home. (집에 갈 시간이야.) -
Where have you been?’ ‘With Gretel. What did you take her?’ ‘Took nothing, she gave me something.’ ‘What did Gretel give you?’
어디에 있었어?’ / ‘그레텔과 함께. / 그녀에게 뭘 가져갔니?’ / ‘아무것도 안 가져갔어, 그녀가 나에게 뭔가를 줬어.’ / ‘그레텔이 무엇을 줬니?’
⦁ where: 어디 – Where are you now? (너 지금 어디야?) ⦁ give: 주다 – Please give me the book. (책을 내게 주세요.) -
‘She gave me a goat.’ ‘Where is the goat, Hans?’ ‘Put it / in my pocket.’ ‘That was ill done, Hans, / you should have / put a rope / round the goat’s neck.’
‘그녀가 내게 염소를 줬어.’ / ‘그 염소는 어디 있니, 한스?’ / ‘그것을 / 내 주머니에 넣었어.’ / ‘그건 잘못한 일이야, 한스, / 너는 / 염소의 목에 / 밧줄을 묶었어야 했어.’
⦁ rope: 밧줄 – The climber used a rope for safety. (등반가는 안전을 위해 밧줄을 사용했다.) ⦁ neck: 목 – He wore a scarf around his neck. (그는 목에 스카프를 둘렀다.) -
‘Never mind, / will do better next time.’ ‘Whither away, Hans?’ ‘To Gretel, mother.’ ‘Behave well, Hans.’ ‘Oh, I’ll behave well.
‘신경 쓰지 마, / 다음에는 더 잘할게.’ / ‘어디 가니, 한스?’ / ‘그레텔에게 가요, 어머니.’ / ‘잘 행동해야 해, 한스.’ / ‘알겠어요, 잘 행동할게요.’ /
⦁ next: 다음 – I’ll see you next week. (다음 주에 봐요.) ⦁ behave: 행동하다 – Please behave yourself. (예의 바르게 행동해 주세요.)
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