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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 043 – CLEVER HANS – 006
‘Good day, Gretel.’ ‘Good day, Hans.What good thing do you bring?’ ‘I bring nothing, but would have something given.’ Gretel says to Hans: ‘I will go with you.’Hans takes Gretel, ties her to a rope, leads her to the rack, and binds her fast.Then Hans goes to his mother.‘Good evening, mother.’ ‘Good evening, Hans.Where have you been?’ ‘With Gretel.’ ‘What did you take her?’ ‘I took her nothing.’ ‘What did Gretel give you?’ ‘She gave me nothing, she came with me.’ ‘Where have you left Gretel?’ ‘I led her by the rope, tied her to the rack, and scattered some grass for her.’ ‘That was ill done, Hans, you should have cast friendly eyes on her.’ ‘Never mind, will do better.’Hans went into the stable, cut out all the calves’ and sheep’s eyes, and threw them in Gretel’s face.Then Gretel became angry, tore herself loose and ran away, and was no longer the bride of Hans.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Good day, / Gretel. Good day, / Hans.
안녕, 그레텔. 안녕, 한스.
What good thing / do you bring?
어떤 좋은 것을 가져왔니?
I bring nothing, / but would have / something given.
나는 아무것도 가져오지 않았지만, / 무언가를 받고 싶어.
Gretel says / to Hans: I will go / with you.
그레텔은 한스에게 말하길: 나도 함께 갈게.
Hans takes Gretel, / ties her / to a rope, / leads her / to the rack, and binds her fast.
한스는 그레텔을 데려가서, / 로프로 묶고, / 그녀를 선반으로 끌고 가서, / 꽉 묶었습니다.
Then Hans / goes to / his mother.
그런 다음 한스는 / 어머니에게 / 갑니다.
Good evening, / mother. / Good evening, / Hans.
안녕, 어머니. / 안녕, 한스.
Where have you been? / With Gretel.
어디에 있었니? / 그레텔과 함께 있었어요.
What did you take her? / I took her nothing.
무엇을 그녀에게 주었니? / 아무것도 주지 않았어요.
What did Gretel give you? / She gave me nothing, / she came with me.
그레텔이 너에게 무엇을 줬니? / 그녀는 아무것도 주지 않았어요, / 그녀는 나와 함께 왔어요.
Where have you left Gretel? / I led her / by the rope, / tied her / to the rack, / and scattered some grass / for her.
그레텔을 어디 두었니? / 나는 그녀를 / 로프로 끌고 가서, / 선반에 묶고, / 그녀를 위해 / 풀을 조금 흩뿌려주었어요.
That was ill done, / Hans, / you should have cast friendly eyes / on her.
그건 잘못된 일이었어요, / 한스, / 너는 그녀에게 좀 더 친절하게 / 대했어야 했어요.
Never mind, / will do better.
신경 쓰지 마세요, / 더 잘할게요.
Hans went into the stable, / cut out all the calves’ / and sheep’s eyes, / and threw them / in Gretel’s face.
한스는 마구간에 들어가, / 송아지와 / 양의 눈을 모두 잘라내서, / 그것들을 / 그레텔의 얼굴에 던졌어요.
Then Gretel / became angry, / tore herself loose / and ran away, / and was no longer / the bride of Hans.
그러자 그레텔은 / 화가 나서, / 자신을 풀어내고 / 도망갔어요, / 그리고 더 이상 / 한스의 신부가 아니게 되었어요.
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