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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 044 – THE THREE LANGUAGES – 001
An aged count once lived in Switzerland, who had an only son, but he was stupid, and could learn nothing.Then said the father: ‘Hark you, my son, try as I will I can get nothing into your head.You must go from hence, I will give you into the care of a celebrated master, who shall see what he can do with you.’ The youth was sent into a strange town, and remained a whole year with the master.At the end of this time, he came home again, and his father asked: ‘Now, my son, what have you learnt?’ ‘Father, I have learnt what the dogs say when they bark.’ ‘Lord have mercy on us!’ cried the father; ‘is that all you have learnt? I will send you into another town, to another master.’ The youth was taken thither, and stayed a year with this master likewise.When he came back the father again asked: ‘My son, what have you learnt?’ He answered: ‘Father, I have learnt what the birds say.’ Then the father fell into a rage and said: ‘Oh, you lost man, you have spent the precious time and learnt nothing; are you not ashamed to appear before my eyes? I will send you to a third master, but if you learn nothing this time also, I will no longer be your father.’ The youth remained a whole year with the third master also, and when he came home again, and his father inquired: ‘My son, what have you learnt?’ he answered: ‘Dear father, I have this year learnt what the frogs croak.’ Then the father fell into the most furious anger, sprang up, called his people thither, and said: ‘This man is no longer my son, I drive him forth, and command you to take him out into the forest, and kill him.’ They took him forth, but when they should have killed him, they could not do it for pity, and let him go, and they cut the eyes and tongue out of a deer that they might carry them to the old man as a token
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
An aged count / once lived / in Switzerland, / who had an only son, / but he was stupid, / and could learn nothing.
한 노 부자가 / 스위스에 살았는데, / 그는 외아들이 있었지만, / 그 아들은 멍청했고, / 아무것도 배울 수 없었다.
Then said the father: / ‘Hark you, / my son, / try as I will / I can get nothing into your head.
그러자 아버지가 말했다 / ‘이봐라, / 내 아들아, / 내가 아무리 노력해도 / 네 머리에 아무것도 넣을 수가 없구나.’
You must go from hence, / I will give you / into the care / of a celebrated master, / who shall see / what he can do / with you.’
넌 여기서 떠나야 해, / 내가 너를 / 유명한 선생님의 / 보살핌에 맡기겠어, / 그 분이 볼 거야 / 그가 너를 가지고 / 무엇을 할 수 있을지.’
The youth was sent / into a strange town, / and remained / a whole year / with the master.
그 젊은이는 / 낯선 마을로 보내졌다, / 그리고 머물렀다 / 1년 동안 / 그 선생님과 함께.
At the end / of this time, / he came home again, / and his father asked: / ‘Now, my son, / what have you learnt?’
이 시간이 끝날 때, / 그는 다시 집으로 돌아왔다, / 그리고 그의 아버지가 물었다: / ‘이제, 내 아들아, / 무엇을 배웠느냐?’
‘Father, I have learnt / what the dogs say / when they bark.’
‘아버지, 나는 배웠습니다 / 개들이 짖을 때 / 무슨 말을 하는지.’
‘Lord have mercy / on us!’ cried the father; / ‘is that all / you have learnt? / I will send you / into another town, / to another master.’
‘주여 우리를 불쌍히 여기소서!’ 아버지는 외쳤다; / ‘그게 다인가 / 네가 배운 것이? / 내가 너를 보낼 것이다 / 또 다른 마을로, / 또 다른 선생님에게.’
The youth was taken thither, / and stayed / a year / with this master likewise.
젊은이는 그곳으로 데려가져, / 머물렀다 / 1년 동안 / 이 선생님과 마찬가지로.
When he came back / the father again asked: / ‘My son, / what have you learnt?’
그가 돌아왔을 때 / 아버지가 다시 물었다: / ‘내 아들아, / 무엇을 배웠느냐?’
He answered: / ‘Father, I have learnt / what the birds say.’
그는 대답했다: / ‘아버지, 나는 배웠습니다 / 새들이 무슨 말을 하는지.’
Then the father / fell into a rage and said: / ‘Oh, you lost man, / you have spent the precious time / and learnt nothing; / are you not ashamed / to appear before my eyes?
그러자 아버지는 / 분노에 휩싸여 말했다: / ‘오, 너 이 잃어버린 자여, / 너는 귀중한 시간을 허비했고 / 아무것도 배우지 않았다; / 너는 부끄럽지 않느냐 / 내 앞에 나타나서?
I will send you / to a third master, / but if you learn / nothing this time also, / I will no longer / be your father.’
내가 너를 / 세 번째 선생님에게 보내겠지만, / 이번에도 아무것도 배우지 못하면, / 나는 더 이상 / 네 아버지가 아닐 것이다.’
The youth remained / a whole year / with the third master also, / and when he came home again, / and his father inquired: / ‘My son, / what have you learnt?’
젊은이는 1년 동안 / 세 번째 선생님과 함께 머물렀고, / 그가 다시 집으로 왔을 때, / 아버지는 물었다: / ‘내 아들아, / 무엇을 배웠느냐?’
He answered: / ‘Dear father, / I have this year learnt / what the frogs croak.’
그는 대답했다: / ‘사랑하는 아버지, / 나는 올해 개구리들이 우는 소리를 배웠습니다.’
Then the father / fell into the most furious anger, / sprang up, / called his people thither, / and said: / ‘This man / is no longer my son, / I drive him forth, / and command you / to take him out into the forest, / and kill him.’
그러자 아버지는 / 가장 폭발적인 분노에 휩싸여, / 벌떡 일어나서, / 사람들을 불러, / 말했다: / ‘이 사람은 / 더 이상 내 아들이 아니다, / 내가 그를 내쫓는다, / 그리고 너에게 명령한다 / 그를 숲으로 데리고 가서, / 죽여라.’
They took him forth, / but when they should have killed him, / they could not do it / for pity, / and let him go, / and they cut the eyes and tongue / out of a deer / that they might carry them / to the old man / as a token.
그들은 그를 데리고 갔지만, / 그를 죽여야 할 때, / 그들은 연민으로 / 그것을 할 수 없었고, / 그래서 그를 풀어주고, / 사슴의 눈과 혀를 / 잘랐다 / 그들이 그것들을 가지고 갈 수 있도록 / 노인에게 / 증표로.
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