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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 044 – THE THREE LANGUAGES – 002
The youth wandered on, and after some time came to a fortress where he begged for a night’s lodging.‘Yes,’ said the lord of the castle, ‘if you will pass the night down there in the old tower, go thither; but I warn you, it is at the peril of your life, for it is full of wild dogs, which bark and howl without stopping, and at certain hours a man has to be given to them, whom they at once devour.’ The whole district was in sorrow and dismay because of them, and yet no one could do anything to stop this.The youth, however, was without fear, and said: ‘Just let me go down to the barking dogs, and give me something that I can throw to them; they will do nothing to harm me.’ As he himself would have it so, they gave him some food for the wild animals, and led him down to the tower.When he went inside, the dogs did not bark at him, but wagged their tails quite amicably around him, ate what he set before them, and did not hurt one hair of his head.Next morning, to the astonishment of everyone, he came out again safe and unharmed, and said to the lord of the castle: ‘The dogs have revealed to me, in their own language, why they dwell there, and bring evil on the land
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The youth / wandered on, / and after some time / came to a fortress / where he begged / for a night’s lodging.
청년은 방랑하며 / 얼마간의 시간이 흐른 후 / 한 요새에 다다랐고 / 거기서 하룻밤을 보낼 수 있도록 / 간청했다.
‘Yes,’ / said the lord of the castle, / ‘if you will pass / the night down / there in the old tower, / go thither; / but I warn you, / it is at the peril of your life, / for it is full of wild dogs, / which bark and howl / without stopping, / and at certain hours / a man has to be given to them, / whom they at once devour.’
‘그래,’ / 성주의 말, / ‘만약 네가 밤을 / 저기 낡은 탑에서 / 보낼 수 있다면, / 그리 가거라; / 그러나 경고하건데, / 그것은 목숨을 걸고 하는 것이다, / 왜냐하면 그곳은 / 멈추지 않고 짖고 울부짖는 / 사나운 개들로 가득 차 있기 때문이다, / 그리고 특정한 시간에 / 그들에게 한 남자를 내줘야 하며, / 개들은 그를 즉시 삼켜버린다.’
The whole district / was in sorrow and dismay / because of them, / and yet no one / could do anything / to stop this.
온 지역이 / 그들 때문에 슬픔과 당황에 빠졌지만, / 그리고 아직도 아무도 / 그것을 막기 위해 / 아무것도 할 수 없었다.
The youth, / however, / was without fear, / and said: ‘Just let me go down / to the barking dogs, / and give me something / that I can throw to them; / they will do nothing / to harm me.’
그러나 청년은 두려움이 없었고 / 말했습니다: ‘그냥 저를 내리게 해주세요 / 짖고 있는 개들에게로, / 그리고 뭔가 저에게 주세요 / 제가 그들에게 던질 수 있는 것을; / 그들은 저에게 해를 입히지 않을 것입니다.’
As he himself / would have it so, / they gave him some food / for the wild animals, / and led him down / to the tower.
그가 그렇게 원했기 때문에, / 그들은 그에게 먹이를 주었고 / 사나운 동물들을 위한, / 그를 탑으로 / 데려갔다.
When he went inside, / the dogs did not bark at him, / but wagged their tails / quite amicably around him, / ate what he set before them, / and did not hurt / one hair of his head.
그가 안으로 들어가자, / 개들은 짖지 않았고, / 그의 주위에서 다정하게 / 꼬리를 흔들었으며, / 그가 제공한 먹이를 먹었고, / 그의 머리카락 하나도 / 해치지 않았다.
Next morning, / to the astonishment of everyone, / he came out again / safe and unharmed, / and said to the lord of the castle: / ‘The dogs have revealed to me, / in their own language, / why they dwell there, / and bring evil / on the land.’
다음 날 아침, / 모두의 경악 속에서, / 그는 다시 밖으로 나와 / 안전하고 다치지 않은 채, / 성주에게 말했습니다: / ‘개들이 저에게 / 그들 자신의 언어로, / 왜 그들이 거기에 거주하는지, / 그리고 그들이 왜 땅에 / 재앙을 가져오는지를 / 알려주었습니다.’
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