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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 046 – THE FOUR CLEVER BROTHERS – 006
‘I dare not shoot at him,’ said the huntsman, ‘for I should kill the beautiful young lady also.’ ‘Then I will try my skill,’ said the thief, and went and stole her away from under the dragon, so quietly and gently that the beast did not know it, but went on snoring.Then away they hastened with her full of joy in their boat towards the ship; but soon came the dragon roaring behind them through the air; for he awoke and missed the princess.But when he got over the boat, and wanted to pounce upon them and carry off the princess, the huntsman took up his bow and shot him straight through the heart so that he fell down dead.They were still not safe; for he was such a great beast that in his fall he overset the boat, and they had to swim in the open sea upon a few planks
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
I dare not shoot at him, / said the huntsman, /for I should kill / the beautiful young lady also.
나는 그를 쏠 용기가 없다, / 라고 사냥꾼이 말했다, / 왜냐하면 나는 아름다운 젊은 여인도 죽일 수 있기 때문이다.
Then I will try my skill, / said the thief, /and went and stole her away / from under the dragon, /so quietly and gently that the beast / did not know it, / but went on snoring.
그러면 내가 내 기술을 시도해 보겠다, / 라고 도둑이 말했다, / 그리고 그녀를 훔쳐갔다 / 용 밑에서, / 너무 조용하고 부드럽게 해서 용은 / 그것을 모른 채, / 계속 코를 골았다.
Then away they hastened / with her full of joy / in their boat / towards the ship; / but soon came the dragon / roaring behind them / through the air; / for he awoke and missed the princess.
그리고 나서 그들은 서둘러 / 그녀와 함께 기쁨이 가득한 / 배로 / 배를 향해 나아갔다; / 하지만 곧 용이 뒤에서 / 하늘을 가로질러 으르렁거리며 따라왔다; 왜냐하면 그가 깨어나서 공주를 놓쳤기 때문이다.
But when he got over the boat, / and wanted to pounce upon them / and carry off the princess, / the huntsman took up his bow / and shot him straight through the heart / so that he fell down dead.
그러나 그가 배 위로 올라와, / 그들에게 덤벼들어 / 공주를 납치하려 했을 때, / 사냥꾼은 활을 들어 / 그의 심장을 바로 관통하여 쏘았다 / 그래서 그는 죽었다.
They were still not safe; / for he was such a great beast / that in his fall he overset the boat, / and they had to swim in the open sea / upon a few planks.
그들은 여전히 안전하지 않았다; / 왜냐하면 그는 너무 거대한 짐승이어서 / 그의 떨어지면서 배를 뒤집어 버렸다, / 그리고 그들은 망망대해에서 / 몇 개의 나무판자로 헤엄쳐야 했다.
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