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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 047 – LILY AND THE LION – 002
This grieved him very much, for Lily was his dearest child; and as he was journeying home, thinking what he should bring her, he came to a fine castle; and around the castle was a garden, in one half of which it seemed to be summer-time and in the other half winter.On one side the finest flowers were in full bloom, and on the other everything looked dreary and buried in the snow.‘A lucky hit!’ said he, as he called to his servant, and told him to go to a beautiful bed of roses that was there, and bring him away one of the finest flowers.This done, they were riding away well pleased, when up sprang a fierce lion, and roared out, ‘Whoever has stolen my roses shall be eaten up alive!’ Then the man said, ‘I knew not that the garden belonged to you; can nothing save my life?’ ‘No!’ said the lion, ‘nothing, unless you undertake to give me whatever meets you on your return home; if you agree to this, I will give you your life, and the rose too for your daughter.’ But the man was unwilling to do so and said, ‘It may be my youngest daughter, who loves me most, and always runs to meet me when I go home.’ Then the servant was greatly frightened, and said, ‘It may perhaps be only a cat or a dog.’ And at last the man yielded with a heavy heart, and took the rose; and said he would give the lion whatever should meet him first on his return
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
This grieved him very much, / for Lily was his dearest child; / and as he was journeying home, / thinking what he should bring her, / he came to a fine castle;
이것은 그를 매우 슬프게 했습니다, / 왜냐하면 릴리는 그의 가장 소중한 아이였기 때문입니다; / 그리고 그가 집으로 돌아오는 길에, / 그녀에게 무엇을 가져가야 할지 생각하며, / 그는 멋진 성에 도착했습니다;
and around the castle / was a garden, / in one half of which / it seemed to be summer-time / and in the other half winter.
그리고 성 주위에는 정원이 있었고, / 그 정원의 한쪽은 여름처럼 보였고, / 다른 쪽은 겨울처럼 보였습니다.
On one side / the finest flowers were in full bloom, / and on the other / everything looked dreary / and buried in the snow.
한쪽에는 / 가장 아름다운 꽃들이 만개해 있었고, / 다른 쪽에는 / 모든 것이 음울해 보이며 / 눈 속에 묻혀 있었습니다.
‘A lucky hit!’ / said he, / as he called to his servant, / and told him to go to a beautiful bed of roses / that was there, / and bring him away one of the finest flowers.
‘행운이다!’ / 그는 말했습니다, / 그의 하인을 부르며 / 그곳에 있는 아름다운 장미밭에 가서 / 가장 아름다운 꽃 하나를 가져오라고 말했습니다.
This done, / they were riding away well pleased, / when up sprang a fierce lion, / and roared out, / ‘Whoever has stolen my roses / shall be eaten up alive!’
이 일이 끝나자, / 그들은 만족스럽게 떠나고 있었는데, / 갑자기 사나운 사자가 튀어나와, / 큰 소리로 외쳤습니다, / ‘누구든 내 장미를 훔친 자는 / 산 채로 먹힐 것이다!’
Then the man said, / ‘I knew not that the garden belonged to you; / can nothing save my life?’
그러자 남자는 말했습니다, / ‘내가 그 정원이 당신 것입니다 / 몰랐습니다; / 내 목숨을 구할 방법이 없습니까?’
‘No!’ / said the lion, / ‘nothing, / unless you undertake to give me / whatever meets you / on your return home; / if you agree to this, / I will give you your life, / and the rose too for your daughter.’
‘아니!’ / 사자는 말했습니다, / ‘아무것도, / 당신이 약속하지 않는 한 / 당신이 돌아가는 길에 / 만나는 무엇이든지 나에게 주겠다고; / 만약 당신이 이에 동의하면, / 나는 당신의 목숨을 구해주겠고, / 딸에게 줄 장미도 주겠소.’
But the man / was unwilling to do so / and said, / ‘It may be my youngest daughter, / who loves me most, / and always runs to meet me / when I go home.’
하지만 남자는 / 그렇게 하고 싶지 않았고 / 말했습니다, / ‘그것은 아마도 내 막내 딸일지도 모릅니다, / 그녀는 나를 가장 사랑하며, / 내가 집에 갈 때 항상 나를 맞이하러 뛰어나옵니다.’
Then the servant / was greatly frightened, / and said, / ‘It may perhaps be only a cat or a dog.’
그러자 하인은 / 매우 겁에 질려, / 말했습니다, / ‘아마 고양이나 개일지도 모릅니다.’
And at last / the man yielded with a heavy heart, / and took the rose; / and said he would give the lion / whatever should meet him first / on his return.
그리고 마침내 / 남자는 무거운 마음으로 양보하였고, / 장미를 가졌습니다; / 그리고 그가 돌아오는 길에 / 가장 먼저 그를 만나는 무엇이든 / 사자에게 주겠다고 말했습니다.
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