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Grimms Fairy Tales 047 LILY AND THE LION 005

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 047 – LILY AND THE LION – 005

After some time he said to her, ‘Tomorrow there will be a great feast in your father’s house, for your eldest sister is to be married; and if you wish to go and visit her my lions shall lead you thither.’ Then she rejoiced much at the thoughts of seeing her father once more, and set out with the lions; and everyone was overjoyed to see her, for they had thought her dead long since.
But she told them how happy she was, and stayed till the feast was over, and then went back to the wood.

Her second sister was soon after married, and when Lily was asked to go to the wedding, she said to the prince, ‘I will not go alone this time—you must go with me.’ But he would not, and said that it would be a very hazardous thing; for if the least ray of the torch-light should fall upon him his enchantment would become still worse, for he should be changed into a dove, and be forced to wander about the world for seven long years.
However, she gave him no rest, and said she would take care no light should fall upon him

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. After some time / he said to her, / ‘Tomorrow there will be / a great feast / in your father’s house, / for your eldest sister / is to be married; / and if you wish / to go / and visit her / my lions shall lead you / thither.’

    얼마 후 그는 그녀에게 “내일 네 아버지 집에서 큰 잔치가 열릴 텐데, 네 큰언니가 결혼할 거야. 네가 가서 그녀를 보고 싶다면, 내 사자들이 너를 그곳으로 데려다줄 거야.”라고 말했다.

  2. ⦁ feast: 연회
    – The royal family hosted a grand feast. (왕실이 성대한 연회를 열었다.)

    ⦁ lead: 이끌다
    – She led the team to victory. (그녀가 팀을 승리로 이끌었다.)

  3. Then she rejoiced much / at the thoughts of seeing / her father once more, / and set out with the lions; / and everyone was overjoyed / to see her, / for they had thought / her dead / long since.

    그런 다음 그녀는 아버지를 다시 볼 생각에 크게 기뻐하며 사자들과 함께 출발했다. 모두가 그녀를 보고 기뻐했는데, 오랫동안 그녀가 죽은 줄 알았기 때문이다.

  4. ⦁ rejoice: 크게 기뻐하다
    – They rejoiced at the news. (그들은 그 소식을 듣고 기뻐했다.)

    ⦁ overjoyed: 매우 기쁜
    – The unexpected gift made her overjoyed. (뜻밖의 선물이 그녀를 매우 기쁘게 했다.)

  5. But she told them / how happy she was, / and stayed / till the feast was over, / and then went back / to the wood.

    하지만 그녀는 얼마나 행복한지 그들에게 말하고, 잔치가 끝날 때까지 머물렀다가 다시 숲으로 돌아갔다.

  6. ⦁ happy: 행복한
    – She is always happy. (그녀는 항상 행복하다.)

    ⦁ stayed: 머물렀다
    – He stayed at a friend’s house. (그는 친구 집에 머물렀다.)

  7. Her second sister / was soon after / married, / and when Lily was asked / to go / to the wedding, / she said to the prince, / ‘I will not go alone this time—you must go with me.’

    그녀의 둘째 언니도 곧 결혼했고, 릴리가 결혼식에 가도록 요청받았을 때 그녀는 왕자에게 “이번에는 혼자 가지 않을 거야. 당신도 나와 함께 가야 해.”라고 말했다.

  8. ⦁ wedding: 결혼식
    – The wedding was beautiful. (결혼식은 아름다웠다.)

    ⦁ alone: 혼자
    – He likes being alone. (그는 혼자 있는 것을 좋아한다.)

  9. But he would not, / and said that / it would be / a very hazardous thing; / for if the least ray / of the torch-light / should fall upon him / his enchantment would become / still worse, / for he should be changed / into a dove, / and be forced to wander / about the world / for seven long years.

    그러나 그는 가지 않겠다고 했고, 그것이 매우 위험한 일이라고 말했다. 만약 약간의 횃불 빛이라도 그에게 비추면 그의 마법이 더 나빠질 것이고, 그는 비둘기로 변해 장장 7년 동안 세상을 떠돌게 될 것이라고 했다.

  10. ⦁ hazardous: 위험한
    – Climbing the mountain was hazardous. (산을 오르는 일은 위험했다.)

    ⦁ enchantment: 마법
    – The place had a certain enchantment. (그 장소에는 어떤 마법이 있었다.)

  11. However, / she gave him no rest, / and said / she would take care / no light should fall / upon him

    그러나 그녀는 그를 쉬게 하지 않았고, 아무 빛도 그에게 닿지 않도록 조심하겠다고 말했다.

  12. ⦁ rest: 휴식
    – He needed some rest. (그는 휴식이 필요했다.)

    ⦁ care: 조심
    – Handle with care. (조심해서 다루세요.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)