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Grimms Fairy Tales 047 LILY AND THE LION 006

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 047 – LILY AND THE LION – 006

So at last they set out together, and took with them their little child; and she chose a large hall with thick walls for him to sit in while the wedding-torches were lighted; but, unluckily, no one saw that there was a crack in the door.
Then the wedding was held with great pomp, but as the train came from the church, and passed with the torches before the hall, a very small ray of light fell upon the prince.
In a moment he disappeared, and when his wife came in and looked for him, she found only a white dove; and it said to her, ‘Seven years must I fly up and down over the face of the earth, but every now and then I will let fall a white feather, that will show you the way I am going; follow it, and at last you may overtake and set me free.’

This said, he flew out at the door, and poor Lily followed; and every now and then a white feather fell, and showed her the way she was to journey.
Thus she went roving on through the wide world, and looked neither to the right hand nor to the left, nor took any rest, for seven years

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. So at last / they set out together, / and took with them / their little child; / and she chose / a large hall /with thick walls /for him /to sit in / while the wedding-torches / were lighted; / but, / unluckily, / no one saw / that there was / a crack in the door.

    마침내 그들은 함께 떠났고, 그들의 작은 아이를 데리고 갔어요; 그녀는 그가 앉아 있을 수 있도록 두터운 벽이 있는 큰 홀을 선택했어요, 예식 초가 켜져 있는 동안; 하지만 불행히도, 아무도 문에 금이 가 있는 것을 보지 못했어요.

    ⦁ set out: 출발하다
    – They set out on their journey at dawn. (그들은 새벽에 여행을 출발했다)

    ⦁ crack: 금이 가다
    – The glass cracked when it was dropped. (유리는 떨어졌을 때 금이 갔다)

  2. Then the wedding / was held / with great pomp, / but as the train / came from the church, / and passed / with the torches / before the hall, / a very small / ray of light / fell upon / the prince.

    그런 다음 결혼식은 성대하게 열렸고, 행렬이 교회에서 나와서, 홀이 있는 곳을 횃불과 함께 지나갈 때, 아주 작은 빛줄기가 왕자에게 떨어졌어요.

    ⦁ pomp: 장관, 호화
    – The ceremony was conducted with great pomp. (의식은 성대하게 진행되었다)

    ⦁ ray: 광선
    – A ray of sunlight broke through the clouds. (햇빛 한 줄기가 구름 사이로 비췄다)

  3. In a moment / he disappeared, / and when his wife / came in / and looked for him, / she found / only a white dove; / and it said to her, / ‘Seven years / must I fly / up and down / over the face of the earth, / but every now and then/ I will let fall / a white feather, / that will show you / the way I am going; / follow it, / and at last / you may overtake / and set me free.’

    순간 그는 사라졌고, 그의 아내가 들어와서 그를 찾았을 때, 오직 하얀 비둘기만 발견했어요; 그리고 그것이 그녀에게 말했어요, ‘나는 7년 동안 지구의 얼굴 위를 오르내리며 날아야만 해요, 하지만 때때로 나는 하얀 깃털을 떨어뜨릴 거예요, 그것이 당신에게 내가 가는 길을 보여줄 거예요; 그것을 따라오세요, 그러면 마침내 당신은 나를 뒤쫓아서 자유롭게 할 수 있을 거예요.’

    ⦁ disappear: 사라지다
    – The magician made the rabbit disappear. (마술사는 토끼를 사라지게 했다)

    ⦁ feather: 깃털
    – The bird lost a feather. (새가 깃털을 하나 잃었다)

  4. This said, / he flew out / at the door, / and poor Lily / followed; / and every now and then / a white feather / fell, / and showed her / the way she was to journey.

    이 말을 하고, 그는 문 밖으로 날아갔고, 불쌍한 Lily는 따라갔어요; 그리고 때때로 하얀 깃털이 떨어졌고, 그녀에게 그녀가 갈 여행 길을 보여주었어요.

    ⦁ follow: 따르다
    – The dog followed its owner. (강아지는 주인을 따랐다)

    ⦁ journey: 여행
    – She began her journey without delay. (그녀는 지체 없이 여행을 시작했다)

  5. Thus she went roving / on through the wide world, / and looked neither / to the right hand / nor to the left, / nor took any rest, / for seven years.

    이렇게 그녀는 넓은 세상을 두루 떠돌아 다녔고, 오른쪽도 왼쪽도 보지 않았으며, 7년 동안 쉬지도 않았어요.

    ⦁ rove: 방랑하다
    – He roved around the country for years. (그는 몇 년 동안 나라를 떠돌았다)

    ⦁ rest: 휴식
    – You need to take a rest. (당신은 휴식이 필요하다)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)