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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 049 – THE BLUE LIGHT – 003
He sat for a while very sorrowfully, then suddenly he felt in his pocket and found his tobacco pipe, which was still half full.‘This shall be my last pleasure,’ thought he, pulled it out, lit it at the blue light and began to smoke.When the smoke had circled about the cavern, suddenly a little black dwarf stood before him, and said: ‘Lord, what are your commands?’ ‘What my commands are?’ replied the soldier, quite astonished.‘I must do everything you bid me,’ said the little man.‘Good,’ said the soldier; ‘then in the first place help me out of this well.’ The little man took him by the hand, and led him through an underground passage, but he did not forget to take the blue light with him.On the way the dwarf showed him the treasures which the witch had collected and hidden there, and the soldier took as much gold as he could carry
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
He sat for a while / very sorrowfully, / then suddenly / he felt in his pocket / and found his tobacco pipe, / which was still half full.
그는 잠시 슬프게 앉아 있다가, 갑자기 호주머니를 확인해 보았고 아직 반쯤 채워진 담배 파이프를 찾았다.
‘This shall be / my last pleasure,’ thought / he, / pulled it out, / lit it at the blue light / and began to smoke.
‘이것이 나의 마지막 즐거움이 될 것이다,’ 그는 생각하며 파이프를 꺼내어 푸른 빛에 불을 붙이고 담배를 피우기 시작했다.
When the smoke / had circled about the cavern, / suddenly a little black dwarf / stood before him, / and said: ‘Lord, / what are your commands?’
연기가 동굴 주위를 휘돌아다닐 때, 갑자기 작은 검은 난쟁이가 그의 앞에 서서 말했다: ‘주군, 무엇을 명령하시겠습니까?’
‘What my commands are?’ replied / the soldier, / quite astonished.
‘명령이 뭐냐고요?’ 병사는 매우 놀라며 대답했다.
‘I must do / everything you bid me,’ / said the little man.
‘저는 당신이 시키는 모든 일을 해야 합니다,’ 작은 난쟁이가 말했다.
‘Good,’ said the soldier; / ‘then in the first place / help me out of this well.’
‘좋다,’ 병사가 말했다; ‘그렇다면 첫 번째로 이 우물에서 나를 꺼내줘.’
The little man / took him by the hand, / and led him / through an underground passage, / but he did not forget / to take the blue light /with him.
작은 난쟁이는 그의 손을 잡고 지하 통로로 그를 이끌었지만, 푸른 빛을 챙기는 것을 잊지 않았다.
On the way, / the dwarf showed him / the treasures / which the witch / had collected and hidden there, / and the soldier took / as much gold / as he could carry.
가는 도중에 난쟁이는 마녀가 모아두고 숨겨둔 보물들을 그에게 보여주었고, 병사는 들 수 있는 만큼의 금을 챙겼다.
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