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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 050 – THE RAVEN – 002
She replied, ‘Go farther into the wood until you come to a house, wherein lives an old woman; she will offer you food and drink, but you must not take of either; if you do, you will fall into a deep sleep, and will not be able to help me.In the garden behind the house is a large tan-heap, and on that you must stand and watch for me.I shall drive there in my carriage at two o’clock in the afternoon for three successive days; the first day it will be drawn by four white, the second by four chestnut, and the last by four black horses; but if you fail to keep awake and I find you sleeping, I shall not be set free.’The man promised to do all that she wished, but the raven said, ‘Alas! I know even now that you will take something from the woman and be unable to save me.’ The man assured her again that he would on no account touch a thing to eat or drink.When he came to the house and went inside, the old woman met him, and said, ‘Poor man! how tired you are! Come in and rest and let me give you something to eat and drink.’‘No,’ answered the man, ‘I will neither eat not drink.’But she would not leave him alone, and urged him saying, ‘If you will not eat anything, at least you might take a draught of wine; one drink counts for nothing,’ and at last he allowed himself to be persuaded, and drank.As it drew towards the appointed hour, he went outside into the garden and mounted the tan-heap to await the raven.Suddenly a feeling of fatigue came over him, and unable to resist it, he lay down for a little while, fully determined, however, to keep awake; but in another minute his eyes closed of their own accord, and he fell into such a deep sleep, that all the noises in the world would not have awakened him
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She replied, / ‘Go farther / into the wood / until you come / to a house, / wherein lives an old woman;
그녀는 대답했다, ‘숲 속 더 깊이 들어가다 보면 / 어느 집에 도착할 것이다, / 그곳에 한 노파가 살고 있다;
she will offer you food / and drink, / but you must not take / of either;
그녀가 너에게 음식과 / 음료를 제공할 것이다, / 하지만 어느 것도 먹어서는 안 된다;
if you do, / you will fall into / a deep sleep, / and will not be able / to help me.
네가 그러면, / 깊은 잠에 빠지게 될 것이며, / 그리고 나를 도울 수 없게 될 것이다.
In the garden / behind the house / is a large tan-heap, / and on that you must stand / and watch / for me.
집 뒤쪽 정원에 / 큰 가죽 더미가 있고, / 당신은 그 위에 서서 / 나를 기다려야 한다.
I shall drive there / in my carriage / at two o’clock / in the afternoon / for three successive days;
나는 오후 두시에 / 나의 마차를 타고 / 그곳에 갈 것이다 / 연속 세 날 동안;
the first day / it will be drawn / by four white, / the second / by four chestnut, / and the last / by four black horses;
첫째 날은 / 네 마리의 흰말이 끌 것이고, / 둘째 날은 / 네 마리의 밤색 말이, / 마지막 날은 / 네 마리의 검은 말이 끌 것이다;
but if you fail / to keep awake / and I find you sleeping, / I shall not be set free.’
하지만 네가 깨어 있으려는 / 것을 실패하고 / 내가 너를 자고 있는 것을 발견하면, / 나는 자유롭게 되지 않을 것이다.’
The man promised / to do all that she wished, / but the raven said, / ‘Alas! / I know even now / that you will take something / from the woman / and be unable to save me.’
남자는 그녀가 바라는 대로 / 모든 것을 해주겠다고 약속했지만, / 까마귀는 말했다, / ‘아아! / 나는 지금도 안다 / 네가 그 여자에게서 / 무언가를 받아먹고 / 나를 구하지 못할 것이라는 것을.’
The man assured her again / that he would / on no account / touch a thing / to eat or drink.
남자는 다시 그녀에게 확신시켰다, / 무슨 일이 있어도 / 먹거나 마시는 것을 / 전혀 손대지 않겠다고.
When he came to the house / and went inside, / the old woman met him, / and said, / ‘Poor man! / how tired you are! / Come in and rest / and let me give you something / to eat and drink.’
그가 그 집에 도착해 / 들어갔을 때, / 노파는 그를 만나 / 말했다, / ‘불쌍한 사람! / 얼마나 피곤한가요! / 들어와서 쉬세요 / 내가 음식과 음료를 / 드릴게요.’
‘No,’ / answered the man, / ‘I will neither eat nor drink.’
‘아니요,’ / 남자는 대답했다, / ‘저는 먹지도 마시지도 않을 겁니다.’
But she would not leave him alone, / and urged him saying, / ‘If you will not eat anything, / at least you might take / a draught of wine; / one drink counts for nothing,’ / and at last he allowed himself / to be persuaded, / and drank.
하지만 그녀는 그를 혼자 두지 않았고, / 강요하며 말했다, / ‘당신이 아무것도 먹지 않으려면, / 적어도 와인 한 잔은 / 마셔도 될 것입니다; / 한 잔 정도는 아무 것도 아닙니다,’ / 결국 그는 자신을 허락하고 말았고, / 설득당해 / 마셨다.
As it drew towards / the appointed hour, / he went outside / into the garden / and mounted the tan-heap / to await the raven.
약속된 시간이 / 다가오자, / 그는 정원으로 / 나가서 / 가죽 더미에 올라 / 까마귀를 기다렸다.
Suddenly / a feeling of fatigue / came over him, / and unable to resist it, / he lay down for / a little while, / fully determined, however, / to keep awake;
갑자기 / 피로감이 / 그를 덮쳤고, / 이를 저항할 수 없어 / 그는 잠시 / 누웠다, / 그러나 완전히 결심하며, / 깨어 있으려고;
but in another minute / his eyes closed / of their own accord, / and he fell / into such a deep sleep, / that all the noises / in the world would not have / awakened him.
하지만 또 다른 순간 / 그의 눈은 / 저절로 감겼고, / 그는 깊은 잠에 / 빠졌다, / 세상 모든 소음 소리가 / 그를 절대 깨우지 못할 / 만큼의.
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