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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 050 – THE RAVEN – 006
Again the next day he pursued his way through the forest, and that evening, thinking to rest again, he lay down as before, but he heard such a howling and wailing that he found it impossible to sleep.He waited till it was darker and people had begun to light up their houses, and then seeing a little glimmer ahead of him, he went towards it.He found that the light came from a house which looked smaller than it really was, from the contrast of its height with that of an immense giant who stood in front of it.He thought to himself, ‘If the giant sees me going in, my life will not be worth much.’ However, after a while he summoned up courage and went forward.When the giant saw him, he called out, ‘It is lucky for that you have come, for I have not had anything to eat for a long time.I can have you now for my supper.’ ‘I would rather you let that alone,’ said the man, ‘for I do not willingly give myself up to be eaten; if you are wanting food I have enough to satisfy your hunger.’ ‘If that is so,’ replied the giant, ‘I will leave you in peace; I only thought of eating you because I had nothing else.’So they went indoors together and sat down, and the man brought out the bread, meat, and wine, which although he had eaten and drunk of them, were still unconsumed
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Again the next day / he pursued / his way / through the forest, / and that evening, / thinking to rest again, / he lay down / as before, / but he heard / such a howling and wailing / that he found / it impossible / to sleep.
다음 날에도 / 그는 숲을 / 통해 길을 따라가다가, / 그 저녁에, / 다시 쉬어야겠다고 생각하며 / 그는 / 전에처럼 / 누웠다, / 그러나 / 그는 / 너무나 큰 울음소리와 / 신음소리를 들었고 / 그것 때문에 / 잠을 잘 수가 없었다.
⦁ pursued: 추적하다 – He pursued the thief. (그는 도둑을 추적했다.) ⦁ impossible: 불가능한 – It seemed impossible to complete the task. (그 과제를 완료하는 것은 불가능해 보였다.) -
He waited / till it was darker / and people / had begun / to light up their houses, / and then / seeing / a little glimmer / ahead of him, / he went towards it.
그는 기다렸다 / 어두워질 때까지 / 그리고 사람들이 / 그들의 집에 불을 켜기 시작할 / 때까지, / 그러고 나서 / 그는 / 작은 불빛을 보고 / 앞으로 / 그쪽으로 갔다.
⦁ darker: 더 어두운 – The room became darker as the sun set. (해가 지면서 방은 더 어두워졌다.) ⦁ glimmer: 희미한 빛 – There was a glimmer of hope. (희미한 희망이 있었다.) -
He found / that the light / came from / a house / which looked / smaller than it really was, / from the contrast / of its height / with that / of an immense giant / who stood / in front of it.
그는 발견했다 / 그 빛이 / 한 집에서 나온 것임을 / 그 집은 보기에 / 실제보다 작아 보였다, / 그 대비로 인해 / 그 집의 높이와 / 거대한 거인의 높이 차이로 / 그 거인은 / 그것 앞에 서 있었다.
⦁ contrast: 대비 – The contrast between the two colors was striking. (그 두 색깔의 대비는 눈에 띄었다.) ⦁ immense: 거대한 – The elephant was immense. (코끼리는 거대했다.) -
He thought to himself, / ‘If the giant / sees me / going in, / my life / will not be worth much.’ / However, after a while / he summoned up courage / and went forward.
그는 생각했다, / ‘만약 그 거인이 / 나를 본다면 / 들어가는 걸, / 내 목숨은 / 별로 가치가 없을 것이다.’ / 그러나 잠시 후 / 그는 용기를 내어 / 앞으로 나아갔다.
⦁ summoned: 소환하다 – He summoned the council. (그는 의회를 소환했다.) ⦁ courage: 용기 – He showed great courage in battle. (그는 전투에서 큰 용기를 보였다.) -
When the giant / saw him, / he called out, / ‘It is lucky for you / that you have come, / for I have not had / anything to eat / for a long time.
거인이 / 그를 보자, / 그는 외쳤다, / ‘네가 와서 / 다행이다, / 내가 오랫동안 / 아무것도 먹지 못했기 때문이다.
⦁ lucky: 행운의 – She was lucky to find her lost ring. (그녀는 잃어버린 반지를 찾아서 운이 좋았다.) ⦁ eat: 먹다 – I need to eat something. (난 뭔가를 먹어야 해.) -
I can have you now / for my supper.’ / ‘I would rather you / let that alone,’ / said the man, / ‘for I do not willingly / give myself up / to be eaten; / if you are wanting food / I have enough / to satisfy your hunger.’
지금 너를 / 내 저녁으로 먹을 수 있다.’ / ‘차라리 그냥 두는 게,’ / 그 남자가 말했다, / ‘나는 기꺼이 / 나 자신을 / 먹히도록 내주지 않을 것이다; / 만약 네가 음식을 원한다면 / 나는 충분히 있다 / 너의 배고픔을 채울 만큼.’
⦁ supper: 저녁 식사 – We had a light supper. (우리는 가벼운 저녁 식사를 했다.) ⦁ satisfy: 만족시키다 – This meal will satisfy your hunger. (이 식사는 당신의 배고픔을 만족시킬 것이다.) -
‘If that is so,’ / replied the giant, / ‘I will leave you in peace; / I only thought of eating you / because I had nothing else.’
‘그렇다면,’ / 거인이 답했다, / ‘나는 너를 평화롭게 놔두겠다; / 나는 네가 먹고 싶다고만 생각했다 / 다른 것이 없어서.’
⦁ peace: 평화 – She wanted peace and quiet. (그녀는 평화와 고요를 원했다.) ⦁ replied: 대답했다 – He replied to the question. (그는 질문에 답했다.) -
So they / went indoors / together and sat down, / and the man / brought out / the bread, meat, and wine, / which although / he had eaten and drunk / of them, / were still unconsumed.
그래서 그들은 / 함께 안으로 들어가 앉았고, / 그 남자가 / 빵, 고기, 그리고 와인을 / 꺼내왔다, / 비록 / 그가 먹고 마셨지만 / 여전히 남아 있었다.
⦁ indoors: 실내 – We stayed indoors because it was raining. (비가 와서 우리는 실내에 있었다.) ⦁ unconsumed: 소비되지 않은 – The food remains unconsumed. (음식이 남아 있다.)
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