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Grimms Fairy Tales 052 THE WATER OF LIFE 008

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 052 – THE WATER OF LIFE – 008

When he found himself safe, he was overjoyed to think that he had got the Water of Life; and as he was going on his way homewards, he passed by the little dwarf, who, when he saw the sword and the loaf, said, ‘You have made a noble prize; with the sword you can at a blow slay whole armies, and the bread will never fail you.’ Then the prince thought to himself, ‘I cannot go home to my father without my brothers’; so he said, ‘My dear friend, cannot you tell me where my two brothers are, who set out in search of the Water of Life before me, and never came back?’ ‘I have shut them up by a charm between two mountains,’ said the dwarf, ‘because they were proud and ill-behaved, and scorned to ask advice.’ The prince begged so hard for his brothers, that the dwarf at last set them free, though unwillingly, saying, ‘Beware of them, for they have bad hearts.’ Their brother, however, was greatly rejoiced to see them, and told them all that had happened to him; how he had found the Water of Life, and had taken a cup full of it; and how he had set a beautiful princess free from a spell that bound her; and how she had engaged to wait a whole year, and then to marry him, and to give him the kingdom.

Then they all three rode on together, and on their way home came to a country that was laid waste by war and a dreadful famine, so that it was feared all must die for want.
But the prince gave the king of the land the bread, and all his kingdom ate of it.
And he lent the king the wonderful sword, and he slew the enemy’s army with it; and thus the kingdom was once more in peace and plenty

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.


  1. When he found himself safe, / he was overjoyed / to think that he had got the Water of Life;

    그가 무사하다는 것을 알았을 때, / 그는 생명의 물을 얻었다고 생각하며 / 기뻐했다;

  2. ⦁ overjoyed: 매우 기쁜
    – She was overjoyed to see her old friend again. (그녀는 오랜 친구를 다시 보게 되어 매우 기뻤다)

    ⦁ think: 생각하다
    – I think we should leave now. (나는 우리가 지금 떠나야 한다고 생각한다)

  3. and as he was going on his way homewards, / he passed by the little dwarf,

    그가 집으로 돌아가면서, / 작은 난쟁이를 지나쳤다,

  4. ⦁ homewards: 집으로
    – They walked homewards after the meeting. (그들은 회의 후에 집으로 걸어갔다)

    ⦁ passed by: 지나치다
    – We passed by the old church on our way. (우리는 가는 길에 오래된 교회를 지나쳤다)

  5. who, / when he saw the sword and the loaf, / said,

    그런데, 그가 칼과 빵을 보았을 때, / 말했다,

  6. ⦁ sword: 칼
    – He wore a sword at his side. (그는 옆구리에 칼을 찼다)

    ⦁ loaf: 빵
    – She baked a fresh loaf of bread. (그녀는 신선한 빵을 구웠다)

  7. ‘You have made a noble prize; / with the sword you can at a blow / slay whole armies, / and the bread will never fail you.’

    ‘넌 훌륭한 보물을 얻었다; / 이 칼로 한 번의 일격에 / 전체 군대를 죽일 수 있고, / 이 빵은 절대 너를 배고프게 하지 않을 것이다.’

  8. ⦁ noble: 훌륭한
    – He belongs to a noble family. (그는 훌륭한 가문에 속해 있다)

    ⦁ slay: 죽이다
    – The hero stood ready to slay the dragon. (영웅은 용을 죽일 준비가 되어 있었다)

  9. Then the prince thought to himself, / ‘I cannot go home to my father / without my brothers’;

    그러자 왕자는 생각했다, / ‘형제들 없이 / 아버지에게 돌아갈 수 없다’;

  10. ⦁ himself: 자기 자신
    – He kept telling himself that he was doing the right thing. (그는 자신에게 올바른 일을 하고 있다고 계속 말했다)

    ⦁ brothers: 형제들
    – The brothers worked together on the project. (형제들은 그 프로젝트를 함께 작업했다)

  11. so he said, / ‘My dear friend, / cannot you tell me where my two brothers are, / who set out in search of the Water of Life before me, / and never came back?’

    그래서 그는 말했다, / ‘내 소중한 친구, / 내 형제들이 어디 있는지 / 말해줄 수 없는가, / 나보다 먼저 생명의 물을 찾으러 떠났다가, / 돌아오지 않았다?’

  12. ⦁ dear: 소중한
    – She is a dear friend of mine. (그녀는 나의 소중한 친구이다)

    ⦁ search: 찾기
    – The search for the missing key took hours. (잃어버린 열쇠를 찾는 데 몇 시간이 걸렸다)

  13. ‘I have shut them up by a charm / between two mountains,’ said the dwarf, / ‘because they were proud and ill-behaved, / and scorned to ask advice.’

    ‘나는 그들을 마법으로 / 두 산 사이에 가두었다,’ / 난쟁이가 말했다, / ‘왜냐하면 그들은 교만하고 무례했으며, / 조언을 구하길 멸시했기 때문이다.’

  14. ⦁ charm: 마법
    – The wizard used a charm to turn the prince into a frog. (마법사는 왕자를 개구리로 변화시키기 위해 마법을 사용했다)

    ⦁ scorned: 멸시하다
    – He scorned their offers of help. (그는 그들의 도움 제의를 멸시했다)

  15. The prince begged so hard for his brothers, / that the dwarf at last set them free, / though unwillingly, / saying, ‘Beware of them, / for they have bad hearts.’

    왕자는 형제들을 위해 간절히 간청해서, / 결국 난쟁이는 그들을 풀어주었으나, / 마지못해, / ‘그들을 조심하라, / 그들은 나쁜 마음을 가지고 있다.’고 말했다.

  16. ⦁ begged: 간청하다
    – She begged him not to leave. (그녀는 그에게 떠나지 말라고 간청했다)

    ⦁ beware: 조심하다
    – Beware of the dog. (개를 조심하라)

  17. Their brother, / however, / was greatly rejoiced to see them, / and told them all that had happened to him; / how he had found the Water of Life, / and had taken a cup full of it;

    그러나, / 그들의 형제는 / 그들을 만나 매우 기뻤고, / 그에게 일어난 모든 일을 이야기했다; / 어떻게 그가 생명의 물을 찾았고, / 컵 한 가득 그것을 가져왔는지;

  18. ⦁ rejoiced: 기뻐하다
    – They rejoiced at the news of the baby’s birth. (그들은 아기의 출생 소식에 기뻐했다)

    ⦁ cup: 컵
    – He drank a cup of coffee. (그는 커피 한 잔을 마셨다)

  19. and how he had set / a beautiful princess / free from a spell that bound her;

    그리고 그가 어떻게 / 아름다운 공주를 / 그녀를 묶고 있던 주문에서 해방시켰는지;

  20. ⦁ princess: 공주
    – The princess wore a sparkling crown. (공주는 반짝이는 왕관을 썼다)

    ⦁ bound: 묶다
    – He was bound by his promise. (그는 자신의 약속에 묶여 있었다)

  21. and how she had engaged to wait / a whole year, / and then to marry him, / and to give him the kingdom.

    그리고 그녀가 약속했다는 것을 / 꼬박 1년을 기다린 후, / 그와 결혼하여 / 그에게 왕국을 넘기겠다고 말했다.

  22. ⦁ engaged: 약속하다
    – He engaged to finish the work by Friday. (그는 금요일까지 일을 끝내기로 약속했다)

    ⦁ kingdom: 왕국
    – The kingdom was prosperous and peaceful. (왕국은 번영하고 평화로웠다)

  23. Then they all three rode on together, / and on their way home came to a country / that was laid waste by war and a dreadful famine, / so that it was feared all must die for want.

    그 후 그 셋은 함께 말을 타고 가다가, / 집으로 가는 길에 나라에 도착했다 / 그 나라는 전쟁과 끔찍한 기근으로 황폐해져서 / 모두가 굶주림으로 죽을 것을 걱정했다.

  24. ⦁ rode: 타다
    – They rode horses through the forest. (그들은 숲을 통과하며 말을 탔다)

    ⦁ famine: 기근
    – The country faced a severe famine. (그 나라는 심각한 기근에 직면했다)

  25. But the prince gave the king of the land the bread, / and all his kingdom ate of it.

    하지만 왕자는 그 나라의 왕에게 빵을 주었고, / 그의 왕국 전체가 그것을 먹었다.

  26. ⦁ kingdom: 왕국
    – The kingdom was prosperous and peaceful. (왕국은 번영하고 평화로웠다)

    ⦁ ate: 먹었다
    – They ate a delicious dinner together. (그들은 함께 맛있는 저녁을 먹었다)

  27. And he lent the king the wonderful sword, / and he slew the enemy’s army with it; / and thus the kingdom was once more in peace and plenty.

    그리고 그는 그 왕에게 멋진 칼을 빌려주었고, / 그는 그것으로 적의 군대를 죽였다; / 그러자 왕국은 다시 평화와 풍요 속에 있었다.

  28. ⦁ lent: 빌려주다
    – She lent me her favorite book. (그녀는 나에게 그녀가 가장 좋아하는 책을 빌려주었다)

    ⦁ wonderful: 멋진
    – We had a wonderful time at the park. (우리는 공원에서 멋진 시간을 보냈다)

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