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Grimms Fairy Tales 052 THE WATER OF LIFE 011

❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.

Grimms’ Fairy Tales 052 – THE WATER OF LIFE – 011

You had better say nothing about this to our father, for he does not believe a word you say; and if you tell tales, you shall lose your life into the bargain: but be quiet, and we will let you off.’

The old king was still very angry with his youngest son, and thought that he really meant to have taken away his life; so he called his court together, and asked what should be done, and all agreed that he ought to be put to death.
The prince knew nothing of what was going on, till one day, when the king’s chief huntsmen went a-hunting with him, and they were alone in the wood together, the huntsman looked so sorrowful that the prince said, ‘My friend, what is the matter with you?’ ‘I cannot and dare not tell you,’ said he.
But the prince begged very hard, and said, ‘Only tell me what it is, and do not think I shall be angry, for I will forgive you.’ ‘Alas!’ said the huntsman; ‘the king has ordered me to shoot you.’ The prince started at this, and said, ‘Let me live, and I will change dresses with you; you shall take my royal coat to show to my father, and do you give me your shabby one.’ ‘With all my heart,’ said the huntsman; ‘I am sure I shall be glad to save you, for I could not have shot you.’ Then he took the prince’s coat, and gave him the shabby one, and went away through the wood.

Some time after, three grand embassies came to the old king’s court, with rich gifts of gold and precious stones for his youngest son; now all these were sent from the three kings to whom he had lent his sword and loaf of bread, in order to rid them of their enemy and feed their people

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. You had better / say nothing / about this / to our father, / for he does not believe / a word you say; / and if you tell tales, / you shall lose / your life / into the bargain: / but be quiet, / and we will let you off.

    이 일에 대해 아버지께 아무 말도 하지 않는 것이 좋을 것이다. / 아버지는 네가 하는 말을 전혀 믿지 않으시니까. / 만약 네가 이 말을 전달하면 / 너는 목숨을 잃을 것이다. / 하지만 조용히 있다면 / 우리는 너를 봐줄 것이다.

  2. ⦁ better: 더 나은
    – You had better study now. (너는 지금 공부하는 것이 더 나을 것이다.)

    ⦁ tale: 이야기
    – He told an interesting tale. (그는 흥미로운 이야기를 했다.)

  3. The old king / was still very angry / with his youngest son, / and thought that he really meant / to have taken away his life; / so he called his court together, / and asked what should be done, / and all agreed / that he ought to be put to death.

    늙은 왕은 여전히 / 그의 막내 아들에게 매우 화가 나 있었고, / 그가 정말로 그의 생명을 빼앗으려 했다고 생각했습니다. / 그래서 그는 신하들을 불러 모아 / 무엇을 해야 할지 물었고 / 모두는 그가 사형에 처해야 한다고 동의했습니다.

  4. ⦁ angry: 화난
    – She is angry about the delay. (그녀는 지연에 대해 화가 나 있다.)

    ⦁ court: 궁정
    – The king’s court was large. (왕의 궁정은 컸다.)

  5. The prince / knew nothing of what was going on, / till one day, / when the king’s chief huntsmen / went a-hunting / with him, / and they were alone / in the wood together, / the huntsman looked so sorrowful / that the prince said, / ‘My friend, / what is the matter with you?’

    왕자는 / 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 전혀 몰랐고, / 하루는 왕의 수석 사냥꾼이 / 그와 함께 사냥을 갔습니다. / 그들이 숲 속에서 단둘이 있을 때, / 사냥꾼이 매우 슬퍼 보였기에 / 왕자가 물었습니다. “친구여, 무슨 일이 있느냐?”

  6. ⦁ huntsman: 사냥꾼
    – The huntsman found a deer. (사냥꾼은 사슴을 발견했다.)

    ⦁ sorrowful: 슬퍼하는
    – She looked sorrowful. (그녀는 슬퍼 보였다.)

  7. ‘I cannot and dare not / tell you,’ / said he. /But the prince begged very hard, / and said, / ‘Only tell me what it is, / and do not think I shall be angry, / for I will forgive you.’ / ‘Alas!’ / said the huntsman; / ‘the king has ordered me / to shoot you.’

    “나는 너에게 / 말할 수 없다.” / 사냥꾼이 말했다. / 하지만 왕자는 간청하며 말했다. / “그저 무슨 일인지 말해줘, / 내가 화내지 않을 거라는 것은 걱정하지 마, / 나는 너를 용서할 것이다.” / “아!”/ 사냥꾼이 말했다. / “왕이 나에게 너를 쏘라고 명령하셨다.”

  8. ⦁ beg: 간청하다
    – He begged for help. (그는 도움을 간청했다.)

    ⦁ forgive: 용서하다
    – I will forgive your mistake. (나는 너의 실수를 용서할 것이다.)

  9. The prince started at this, / and said, / ‘Let me live, / and I will change dresses with you; / you shall take my royal coat / to show to my father, / and do you give me / your shabby one.’ / ‘With all my heart,’ / said the huntsman; / ‘I am sure I shall be glad / to save you, / for I could not have shot you.’ / Then he took the prince’s coat, / and gave him the shabby one, / and went away through the wood.

    왕자는 이 말에 깜짝 놀라며 / 말했다. / “내 생명을 살려줘, / 그러면 나는 너와 옷을 바꿀 것이다. / 너는 내 왕족 옷을 가져가서 / 우리 아버지께 보여주고, / 네 낡은 옷을 나에게 줘라.” / “기꺼이,” / 라고 사냥꾼이 말했다. / “나는 확실히 너를 구하게 되어 기쁠 것이다. / 왜냐하면 나는 너를 쏠 수 없었을 것이다.” / 그러고 나서 그는 왕자의 옷을 가져가고, / 낡은 옷을 주며 / 숲을 지나 떠났다.

  10. ⦁ live: 살다
    – I want to live happily. (나는 행복하게 살고 싶다.)

    ⦁ shabby: 낡은
    – The house is shabby. (그 집은 낡아졌다.)

  11. Some time after, / three grand embassies / came to the old king’s court, / with rich gifts of gold / and precious stones / for his youngest son; / now all these were sent / from the three kings / to whom he had lent / his sword and loaf of bread, / in order to rid them of their enemy / and feed their people.

    몇 달 후, / 세 명의 대사들이 / 오래된 왕의 궁전에 왔다. / 막내 아들을 위해 / 금과 보석으로 가득 찬 / 선물을 가지고. / 이 모든 것들은 전해졌고 / 세 왕들로부터 온 것이었다. / 그는 자신의 검과 빵을 빌려주었고, / 그들의 적을 물리치고 / 그들의 백성들을 먹이기 위해서였다.

  12. ⦁ embassy: 대사관
    – The American embassy is nearby. (미국 대사관이 근처에 있다.)

    ⦁ precious: 귀중한
    – Time is precious. (시간은 귀중하다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)