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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 053 – THE TWELVE HUNTSMEN – 002
The son was in such trouble that he did not think what he was doing, and said: ‘Yes, dear father, your will shall be done,’ and thereupon the king shut his eyes, and died.When therefore the son had been proclaimed king, and the time of mourning was over, he was forced to keep the promise which he had given his father, and caused the king’s daughter to be asked in marriage, and she was promised to him.His first betrothed heard of this, and fretted so much about his faithfulness that she nearly died.Then her father said to her: ‘Dearest child, why are you so sad? You shall have whatsoever you will.’ She thought for a moment and said: ‘Dear father, I wish for eleven girls exactly like myself in face, figure, and size.’ The father said: ‘If it be possible, your desire shall be fulfilled,’ and he caused a search to be made in his whole kingdom, until eleven young maidens were found who exactly resembled his daughter in face, figure, and size.When they came to the king’s daughter, she had twelve suits of huntsmen’s clothes made, all alike, and the eleven maidens had to put on the huntsmen’s clothes, and she herself put on the twelfth suit
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The son / was in such trouble / that he did not think / what he was doing, / and said: / ‘Yes, dear father, / your will / shall be done,’ / and thereupon / the king shut his eyes, / and died.
아들은 너무 큰 곤경에 빠져 / 자신이 무엇을 하고 있는지도 / 생각하지 못했고, / 말했다: / ‘네, 아버지, / 아버지의 뜻이 / 이루어지겠습니다,’ / 그러자 / 왕이 눈을 감고 / 죽었다.
When therefore / the son had been proclaimed king, / and the time of mourning was over, / he was forced / to keep the promise / which he had given his father, / and caused the king’s daughter / to be asked in marriage, / and she was promised / to him.
그러므로 / 아들이 왕으로 선포되고, / 애도 기간이 끝나자, / 그는 강제로 / 아버지에게 했던 약속을 / 지킬 수밖에 없었고, / 왕의 딸을 / 결혼 상대자로 지목되게 만들었으며, / 그 여자와 약혼하게 되었다.
His first betrothed / heard of this, / and fretted so much / about his faithfulness / that she nearly died.
첫 번째 약혼녀는 / 이 소식을 듣고, / 그의 충실함에 대해 / 너무 애를 태워 / 거의 죽을 지경이었다.
Then her father said to her: / ‘Dearest child, / why are you so sad? / You shall have / whatsoever you will.’
그러자 그녀의 아버지가 말했다: / ‘사랑하는 딸아, / 왜 그렇게 슬퍼하느냐? / 너는 / 원하는 것을 무엇이든 / 가질 수 있다.’
She thought / for a moment / and said: ‘Dear father, / I wish for eleven girls / exactly like myself / in face, / figure, / and size.’
그녀는 / 잠시 생각하다가 / 말했다: ‘아버지, / 저는 저와 똑같은 여자 아이 열한 명을 / 얼굴, / 몸매, / 사이즈 모두 / 똑같은 아이들로 / 원합니다.’
The father said: / ‘If it be possible, / your desire / shall be fulfilled,’ / and he caused a search / to be made / in his whole kingdom, / until eleven young maidens were found / who exactly resembled his daughter / in face, / figure, / and size.
아버지가 말했다: / ‘가능하다면, / 너의 소원은 / 이루어질 것이다,’ / 그리고 그는 탐색을 명했다 / 자신이 다스리는 전체 왕국에서 / 열한 명의 젊은 처녀들이 발견될 때까지 / 딸과 / 얼굴, / 몸매, / 사이즈가 / 똑같은
When they came / to the king’s daughter, / she had twelve suits of huntsmen’s clothes made, / all alike, / and the eleven maidens / had to put on the huntsmen’s clothes, / and she herself / put on the twelfth suit.
그들이 왔을 때 / 왕의 딸에게, / 그녀는 사냥꾼 옷 열두 벌을 맞췄고, / 모두 똑같이 / 열한 명의 처녀들이 / 사냥꾼 옷을 입어야 했으며, / 그녀 자신도 / 열두 번째 옷을 입었다.
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