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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 053 – THE TWELVE HUNTSMEN – 003
Thereupon she took her leave of her father, and rode away with them, and rode to the court of her former betrothed, whom she loved so dearly.Then she asked if he required any huntsmen, and if he would take all of them into his service.The king looked at her and did not know her, but as they were such handsome fellows, he said: ‘Yes,’ and that he would willingly take them, and now they were the king’s twelve huntsmen.The king, however, had a lion which was a wondrous animal, for he knew all concealed and secret things.It came to pass that one evening he said to the king: ‘You think you have twelve huntsmen?’ ‘Yes,’ said the king, ‘they are twelve huntsmen.’ The lion continued: ‘You are mistaken, they are twelve girls.’ The king said: ‘That cannot be true! How will you prove that to me?’ ‘Oh, just let some peas be strewn in the ante-chamber,’ answered the lion, ‘and then you will soon see
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Thereupon / she took her leave / of her father, / and rode away / with them, / and rode / to the court / of her former betrothed, / whom / she loved / so dearly.
그러자 그녀는 아버지에게 작별 인사를 하고, 그들과 함께 말을 타고 떠나, 그녀가 그렇게도 사랑했던 이전 약혼자의 궁정으로 갔다.
Then she asked / if he required / any huntsmen, / and if / he would take / all of them / into his service.
그런 다음 그녀는 그가 사냥꾼이 필요한지, 그리고 그들을 모두 하인으로 받아들일 것인지를 물었다.
The king / looked at her / and did not / know her, / but as / they were / such handsome fellows, / he said: / ‘Yes,’ / and that he would / willingly take them, / and now / they were / the king’s twelve huntsmen.
왕은 그녀를 보았지만 몰라보았고, 그러나 그들이 너무도 잘생긴 사내들이기에, 그는 ‘그래’라고 말하며 기꺼이 그들을 받아들였고, 이제 그들은 왕의 열두 사냥꾼이 되었다.
The king, / however, / had a lion / which was / a wondrous animal, / for he knew / all concealed / and secret things.
그러나 왕은 모든 숨겨진 비밀들을 알고 있는 놀라운 라이언을 가지고 있었다.
It came to pass / that one evening / he said / to the king: / ‘You think / you have / twelve huntsmen?’ ‘Yes,’ / said the king, / ‘they are / twelve huntsmen.’
어느 저녁에 그가 왕에게 말하기를, ‘당신은 열두 명의 사냥꾼이 있다고 생각하십니까?’ 왕은 ‘그래, 그들은 열두 명의 사냥꾼이다’라고 말했다.
The lion / continued: / ‘You are mistaken, / they are / twelve girls.’ The king / said: / ‘That cannot / be true! / How will you / prove / that to me?’ ‘Oh, just let / some peas / be strewn / in the ante-chamber,’ / answered the lion, / ‘and then / you will / soon see.
라이언은 계속해서 말하기를, ‘당신은 잘못 알고 있습니다, 그들은 열두 명의 소녀들입니다.’ 왕은 ‘그럴 리가 없다! 그것을 어떻게 나에게 증명할 것인가?’ ‘아, 그냥 안방에 콩을 좀 뿌려보세요,’라고 라이언이 대답했다, ‘그러면 곧 알게 될 것입니다.’
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