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Grimms Fairy Tales 053 THE TWELVE HUNTSMEN 005

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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 053 – THE TWELVE HUNTSMEN – 005

So when they were alone the king’s daughter said to her eleven girls: ‘Show some constraint, and do not look round at the spinning-wheels.’ And next morning when the king had his twelve huntsmen summoned, they went through the ante-chamber, and never once looked at the spinning-wheels.
Then the king again said to the lion: ‘You have deceived me, they are men, for they have not looked at the spinning-wheels.’ The lion replied: ‘They have restrained themselves.’ The king, however, would no longer believe the lion.

The twelve huntsmen always followed the king to the chase, and his liking for them continually increased.
Now it came to pass that once when they were out hunting, news came that the king’s bride was approaching.
When the true bride heard that, it hurt her so much that her heart was almost broken, and she fell fainting to the ground

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. So when they were alone / the king’s daughter / said to her eleven girls: / ‘Show some constraint, / and do not look round / at the spinning-wheels.’

    그래서 그들이 혼자 있을 때, 왕의 딸은 열한 소녀들에게 말했다: ‘자제하고 물레를 쳐다보지 말아라.’

  2. ⦁ constraint: 자제
    – His parents urged him to show constraint in his spending. (그의 부모님은 그에게 소비를 자제하라고 촉구했다.)

    ⦁ spinning-wheel: 물레
    – In old fairy tales, princesses often pricked their fingers on a spinning-wheel. (옛 동화에서, 공주들은 종종 물레에 손가락을 찔렸다.)

  3. And next morning / when the king had / his twelve huntsmen summoned, / they went through / the ante-chamber, / and never once looked / at the spinning-wheels.

    그리고 다음날 아침, 왕이 그들의 열두 사냥꾼을 불렀을 때, 그들은 전실을 통과했고 물레를 한 번도 쳐다보지 않았다.

  4. ⦁ summon: 소환하다
    – The wizard summoned a powerful creature to assist him in battle. (마법사는 전투에서 도와줄 강력한 생물을 소환했다.)

    ⦁ ante-chamber: 전실
    – They waited in the ante-chamber before being called into the conference room. (그들은 회의실로 호출되기 전에 전실에서 기다렸다.)

  5. Then the king / again said to the lion: / ‘You have deceived me, / they are men, / for they have not looked / at the spinning-wheels.’

    그러자 왕은 다시 사자에게 말했다: ‘네가 나를 속였다, 그들은 남자다, 왜냐하면 그들이 물레를 쳐다보지 않았기 때문이다.’

  6. ⦁ deceive: 속이다
    – She tried to deceive him with a false story. (그녀는 거짓 이야기로 그를 속이려 했다.)

    ⦁ for: 왜냐하면
    – He was tired, for he had worked all night. (그는 밤새 일했기 때문에 피곤했다.)

  7. The lion replied: / ‘They have restrained themselves.’ / The king, however, / would no longer believe the lion.

    사자가 대답했다: ‘그들은 자제했다.’ 그러나 왕은 더 이상 사자를 믿지 않았다.

  8. ⦁ restrain: 자제하다
    – It was hard to restrain myself from eating the dessert. (디저트를 먹지 않으려는 자제가 어려웠다.)

    ⦁ believe: 믿다
    – She didn’t believe his excuses. (그녀는 그의 변명을 믿지 않았다.)

  9. The twelve huntsmen / always followed the king / to the chase, / and his liking for them / continually increased.

    열두 사냥꾼은 항상 왕을 따라 사냥을 나갔고, 왕의 그들에 대한 호감은 계속해서 커졌다.

  10. ⦁ chase: 사냥
    – The hunters set out for the chase at dawn. (사냥꾼들은 새벽에 사냥을 나섰다.)

    ⦁ continually: 계속해서
    – The temperature has been continually rising. (온도가 계속해서 상승하고 있다.)

  11. Now it came to pass / that once when they were out hunting, / news came / that the king’s bride / was approaching.

    어느 날 그들이 사냥을 나갔을 때, 왕의 신부가 다가오고 있다는 소식이 전해졌다.

  12. ⦁ pass: 일어나다
    – It came to pass that they eventually found the lost dog. (결국 그들은 잃어버린 개를 찾았다.)

    ⦁ approach: 다가가다
    – We watched as the ship approached the shore. (우리는 배가 해안에 다가오는 것을 지켜보았다.)

  13. When the true bride / heard that, / it hurt her so much / that her heart / was almost broken, / and she fell fainting / to the ground.

    진짜 신부가 그 말을 들었을 때, 너무나 심한 상처를 받아서 심장이 거의 부서질 뻔했다, 그리고 그녀는 실신하며 땅에 쓰러졌다.

  14. ⦁ faint: 기절하다
    – She fainted from the heat. (그녀는 더위로 인해 기절했다.)

    ⦁ heart: 마음 – His heart was heavy with sadness. (그의 마음은 슬픔으로 무거웠다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)