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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 054 – THE KING OF THE GOLDEN MOUNTAIN – 001
There was once a merchant who had only one child, a son, that was very young, and barely able to run alone.He had two richly laden ships then making a voyage upon the seas, in which he had embarked all his wealth, in the hope of making great gains, when the news came that both were lost.Thus from being a rich man he became all at once so very poor that nothing was left to him but one small plot of land; and there he often went in an evening to take his walk, and ease his mind of a little of his trouble.One day, as he was roaming along in a brown study, thinking with no great comfort on what he had been and what he now was, and was like to be, all on a sudden there stood before him a little, rough-looking, black dwarf.‘Prithee, friend, why so sorrowful?’ said he to the merchant; ‘what is it you take so deeply to heart?’ ‘If you would do me any good I would willingly tell you,’ said the merchant
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
There was once a merchant / who had only one child, / a son, / that was very young, / and barely able to run alone.
옛날에 한 상인이 있었는데, 그는 단 한 명의 자녀, 매우 어리고 혼자서 간신히 뛰어다닐 수 있는 아들만을 가지고 있었다.
He had two richly laden ships / then making a voyage / upon the seas, / in which he had embarked all his wealth, / in the hope of making great gains, / when the news came / that both were lost.
그는 화물을 가득 실은 두 척의 배를 바다로 척파하고 있었는데, 그것들에 그의 모든 재산을 걸었던 이유는 크게 수익을 올리리라 기대했기 때문이다. 그 때 두 배 모두 잃었다는 뉴스가 전해졌다.
Thus from being / a rich man / he became all at once / so very poor / that nothing was left to him / but one small plot of land; /and there he often went / in an evening / to take his walk, / and ease his mind of / a little of his trouble.
그렇게 갑작스럽게 부유한 사람이었던 그는 매우 가난해져서 작은 땅 하나 밖에 남지 않았다. 그는 저녁마다 그곳을 자주 걸으며 자신의 고민을 조금이나마 덜곤 했다.
One day, / as he was roaming along / in a brown study, / thinking with no great comfort / on what he had been / and what he now was, / and was like to be, / all on a sudden / there stood before him / a little, rough-looking, / black dwarf.
어느 날, 그가 깊은 생각에 잠겨 무심코 거닐며 자신이 무엇이었던지, 그리고 지금은 무엇이고 앞으로 어떻게 될 것인지 생각하고 있을 때, 갑자기 거친 모습의 작은 검은 난쟁이가 그의 앞에 서 있었다.
‘Prithee, / friend, / why so sorrowful?’ / said he to the merchant; / ‘what is it you take / so deeply to heart?’
‘제발, 친구여, 왜 그리 슬퍼하십니까?’ 난쟁이가 상인에게 말했다. ‘무엇 때문에 그리도 마음에 두는 겁니까?’
‘If you would do me / any good / I would willingly tell you,’ said the merchant.
‘당신이 나를 도와줄 수 있다면 기꺼이 말해 드리겠습니다,’ 상인이 말했다.
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