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Grimms’ Fairy Tales 054 – THE KING OF THE GOLDEN MOUNTAIN – 002
‘Who knows but I may?’ said the little man: ‘tell me what ails you, and perhaps you will find I may be of some use.’ Then the merchant told him how all his wealth was gone to the bottom of the sea, and how he had nothing left but that little plot of land.‘Oh, trouble not yourself about that,’ said the dwarf; ‘only undertake to bring me here, twelve years hence, whatever meets you first on your going home, and I will give you as much as you please.’ The merchant thought this was no great thing to ask; that it would most likely be his dog or his cat, or something of that sort, but forgot his little boy Heinel; so he agreed to the bargain, and signed and sealed the bond to do what was asked of him.But as he drew near home, his little boy was so glad to see him that he crept behind him, and laid fast hold of his legs, and looked up in his face and laughed.Then the father started, trembling with fear and horror, and saw what it was that he had bound himself to do; but as no gold was come, he made himself easy by thinking that it was only a joke that the dwarf was playing him, and that, at any rate, when the money came, he should see the bearer, and would not take it in.About a month afterwards he went upstairs into a lumber-room to look for some old iron, that he might sell it and raise a little money; and there, instead of his iron, he saw a large pile of gold lying on the floor
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
‘Who knows / but I may?’ said / the little man: ‘tell me / what ails you, / and perhaps you will find / I may be / of some use.’
‘어쩌면 내가 / 할지도 몰라?’ / 작은 남자가 말했다. ‘무슨 일이 / 있는지 이야기해봐, / 어쩌면 내가 / 도움이 될 수도 있거든.’
Then / the merchant told him / how all his wealth / was gone / to the bottom of the sea, / and how / he had nothing left / but that little plot of land.
그러자 / 상인은 그에게 / 모든 재산이 / 바다 밑으로 / 사라졌으며, / 그 작은 땅 한 조각 말고는 / 아무것도 남지 않았다고 / 이야기해 주었다.
‘Oh, trouble not yourself / about that,’ said the dwarf; ‘only undertake / to bring me here, / twelve years hence, / whatever meets you first / on your going home, / and I will give you / as much as you please.’
‘오, 그거 가지고 / 고민하지 마세요,’ / 난쟁이가 말했다; / ‘단지 네가 집에 갈 때 / 처음 만나는 것을 / 나에게 12년 후 / 여기로 데려오겠다고 / 약속만 하면 돼, / 그러면 원하는 만큼 / 다 줄게.’
The merchant / thought this was / no great thing / to ask; / that it would most likely / be his dog or his cat, / or something of that sort, / but forgot / his little boy Heinel; / so he agreed / to the bargain, / and signed and sealed / the bond / to do / what was asked of him.
상인은 / 이것이 / 대단한 요구가 아니라서; / 집에 갈 때 / 개나 고양이 같은 것을 / 데려오면 될 거라고 / 생각했지만, / 작은 아들 / 하이넬을 잊었다; / 그래서 동의하고 / 거래를 했다, / 그리고 / 요구한 대로 / 서약서에 서명하고 / 도장을 찍었다.
But as he drew near home, / his little boy / was so glad / to see him / that he crept / behind him, / and laid fast hold / of his legs, / and looked up in his face / and laughed.
그러나 그가 집에 가까워졌을 때, / 그의 작은 아들은 / 그를 보게 되어 / 너무 기뻐 / 그 뒤로 몰래 / 다가와 그의 다리를 꽉 / 붙들고 / 그의 얼굴을 올려다보고 / 웃었다.
Then the father / started, / trembling with fear / and horror, / and saw what it was / that he had bound himself / to do; / but as no gold / was come, / he made himself easy / by thinking / that it was only a joke / that the dwarf was playing him, / and that, / at any rate, / when the money came, / he should see the bearer, / and would not take it in.
그러자 아버지는 / 두려움과 공포로 / 몸을 떨며 / 자기가 / 무엇을 했는지 / 알아차렸다; / 그러나 금은 / 오지 않았고, / 난쟁이가 / 장난을 치고 있다고 / 생각해서 / 마음을 놓았다, / 그리고 어쨌든 / 돈이 오면 / 가져온 사람을 본 다음 / 받아들이지 않으려고 했다.
About a month afterwards / he went upstairs / into a lumber-room / to look for some old iron, / that he might sell it / and raise a little money; / and there, / instead of his iron, / he saw a large pile of gold / lying on the floor.
약 한 달 후 / 그는 오래된 철물을 / 찾으러 / 위층의 창고방으로 올라갔다, / 팔아서 / 약간의 돈을 모을 수 있도록; / 그리고 그곳에 / 철물 대신 / 바닥에 큰 금더미가 / 누워 있었다.
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